Saturday, April 21, 2012

Normal Weekend:)

Salam All:) We have a very normal weekend *wink*wink* , nothing abnormal except for the fact yang i dah tak makan chili for 1 week already..wahhhh what a Guiness World Book of Record for a negeri woman like me:):):)

We supposed to go Kidzania today but the papa said he has to finish his Board Paper, so everybody stay at home and the mama cook,cook and cook:) After a sumptuous gulai lemak ketam,special crispy Siakap the papa sat in front of TV and dreams...hmmmm wahhh geram ni...ada nak kena piat telingaaaa niiii:):)

The mama pulak very penat now as Sunday when she cooks she will clean after that too.Sebab the maid tak nak keluar or ambik cuti so the mama buatlah semua kerja rumah supaya maid at least tak payah penat sangat:) So now after pasar trip, created a new working table for papa/girls,helped the girls with their painting,cooked,hidang,clean the kitchen and table until shining ,berbunyi dan menciutkan..the mama now terbaring mengadap her laptop next to the two her girls yang berselimut dengan sebotol susu sorang,tersengih-sengih menengok Dora :):)

Ini lah gambar dan cerita dari mamatiamia yang dah kuyu2 mata tapi masih sempat fikir petang nak buat kueh apa untuk tea? and she masih terfikir nak pergi sekeh kepala the papa sebab tricked her cakap nak buat paper and no outing tapi bersarang depan TV.Cisssss:):) Ehhhh...dia dapat baca fikiran i dia dah naik and duduk tepuk2 anak dia...konon..tu nak tumpang tidur lah tuuuuu:):)

Our normal weekend started with Ballet routine on Saturday.

The girls were super happy because they got new dress from Cotton On..well actually this is not the real ballet dress,it is more to party dress and they are so lovely and sweet:)

While waiting for the girls habis keyboard class pulak,mama pergi lah massage kat Thai Odyssey:):) Papa you pi baca buku sorang2 kat Times this time;):)

Waaaaa...syoknya orang basuh kaki, lah Thai Odyssey:):)

After Maghrib we went to Kak Ikin and Badin's Mexican Grill Grand Opening.BIG CONGRATS Kak Ikin and Badin!!!

It is a nice and cool place..ada life band nyanyi2:)

The Restaurant's interior is cosy and spacious.

They have lepak2 place at the back with closed panel..nak buat2 kerja with WIFI semua boleh lah duduk sini.

These two sangat happy berlari sana-sini:);) Pakai baju ballet dari pagi tak tukar2 tu:)

Alhamdulillah Uwan pun dapat join opening restaurant cucu:):) Allahuakbar:)

The mama pulak masa nak pergi pi lah ambik sandal lama tak pakai dalam store..sampai jer kat kedai..terus she berjalan-jalan malam tu berkaki ayam,nasib baik skirt panjang..kalau tak orang heran lah jugak ingat tema "Mexican" kaaa tak berkasut:):)

Sunday morning bawak Uwan breakfast kat luar before pasar trip.

Balik buat lah kerja mengalih barang2 sana sini sikit.Since this area dah kosong sebab Uwan dah naik tidur atas buatlah tempat computer balik like before guna the existing table.

Then masuk dapur masak gulai lemak ketam dengan tomato..sedappp:)

Special crispy Siakap with thick own recipe..the girls sangat suka..crispy kat luar soft kat dalam.Kalau berminat mencuba senang ajer.Siakap belah di belakang dan goreng hingga garing dalam minyak yang banyak.Angkat tepi kuali dan tos kan lama2 hingga semua minyak keluar,pindahkan dalam pinggan.Potong nipis bawang merah,putih,halia dan goreng hingga garing,masukkan 3-4 sudu kicap masin pekat,biar mendidih dan tambah sesudu air,air tak boleh lebih.Potong daun sup dan bawang,tabur atas ikan dan curahkan kuah kicap dengan sudu biar rata. Actually cara dia macam buat steam tofu with soy sauce lah.

Sangat sedap lah selera budak kenits makan today..siap bubuh kuah ketam lagi.Mana Uwan? heee..heee Uwan dia makan awal,11.30 dia dah makan,masa tu baru siap gulai ketam dan tumis labu air..dia datang dapur i terus hidangkan..dia kalau ketam memang suka sangat.

Budak dua orang ni kalau makan pakai tangan,benda yang jatuh keliling punya lah banyak..tapi biarlah asal pandai makan sendiri...boleh habis satu pinggan tu;):) Seronok lah tengok anak2 makan..tu ada anak dua tu,kalau ada ramai agaknya tak keluar dapur lah masak:):)

Finally..thank you so much Kak Nor for contacting me:):) Bercakap macam dah kenal di telefon:) InsyAllah ada rezki kita berjumpa di La defense,Paris in July ya Kak Nor.

Finally,finally tak lah jadi nak tidur nampaknya ni..budak bertuah 2 orang tu dah masuk bilik air mandi..siap tak bagi i masuk..tu nak main sabun lah tu:) Uwan pulak dah habis mandi,sembahyang..dia makan awal tadi mesti dia lapar balik..kena lah tengok2 apa pulak yang boleh di buat kueh untuk tea kat dapur papa pulak dah mandi,dah sembahyang masih tak duduk2 buat paper dia..hishhhhh:):)

Anyway those simple looked like bothering and also boring things make my life colorful..i am so thankful to Allah Swt for that;) Now let me go down first and check on my morning glory flower; satu pot tanam kat pagar dah memanjat satu lagi gantung kat atap tepi verandah dah mula memanjat jugak..hajat hati biarlah dia memanjat atap tu nanti kalau bunga berkembang sangat cantik ..tapi si heni sibuklah pulak cakap..nanti semut hitam datang etc etc bagai...biarlah kan saya tuan rumah..dengar cakap saya:):)he..hee

Okaylah to all my sisters out there,hope all of you are blessed with wonderful weekend too..rasanya saya nak buat cucur bills lah kejap lagi ni:):) Salam.


  1. wah! macam best jer lepak kat resto Ikin tu..

  2. Salam k azu,Tia Mia @ Arora ke??r u going to the concert next week @ civic pj? :).. Take care & hugs to the kids!!
    -Hayati .

  3. Salam MamaTiaMia,

    This is Khairina, yang mintak contact no physiotherapist dulu. Just to let you know, we KIVed contacting him as MIL nak try with chiropractor first and alhamdulillah, after a few sessions, MIL dah boleh berjalan:-) Sorry for the late update coz baru balik from 2 weeks travelling. Thanks so much again, bless you!

  4. cutenya these two ballerina :) macam mama dia!!

    haha selalu macam tu kasut lama suka buat hal tau-_- tht's another reason why woman lovesssssss to collect more and more shoes. haha maybe,

  5. Salam Zu,this is Kak Nur.Hahaha...ya tak ya ek,KNur ari tu terus main redah je,mcm dah kenal lama...sorry dear...
    Congrats to your niece for the opening of her Mexican grill,must try someday..
    The girls looked so lovely in their new dress:-) and I love their new haircuts.
    Ok,nanti insyaAllah kita jumpa ya.Take care and salam to Uwan.

  6. salam kenal.i dah follow blog kiut ni.follow i balik ye..tq..;D

  7. salam azu...wah nak pegi holiday lagi ye...seronoknye..Tiamia ke Paris pulak...dah ok belakang & perut awak?...hopefully dah pulih ya..tak rock la org nogori tak mkn cili.hehehe...

  8. nyum2.. tahniah utk ikin yg ada restoran sendiri..

  9. yes bothering but colourful for someone who is always in syukur :)
    ikin must be truly happy especially to have uwan present for her grand opening. i must really try to make a visit to her restaurant. best la azu, nak buat cucur bilis, specially for uwan's tea

  10. Zu, july tu dah dekat...pasti menghitung hari nak pergi berjalan kan...happy holdays ya (though you kena attend meeting) but hopefully ia akan menjadi percutian yg indah2...
