Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Food Story:) As always:):)

Salam Liyana,arinieva,saharina,lemongrass,mamalisa,shamsuhada,fiezachommel,kasihredha,aida78,fatimah,qisra,farhana,hanis azla,Ash Zahrah,Art lover cinnamonworldofcolours, idashazan, maryam sirdha,umiyumi,yatie, Elena,mummymiqhael,noorfariha,annhuzi (thanks so much for the beautiful comments),filla-kasihs,greetingfromengland,suffiakmal,ismarizan,aisyah rafael.
Thank you for sharing my thoughts and views of life,all of you indeed are beautiful people with beautiful hearts because "you can feel the happiness":) 
One question to answer: apa baja i guna untuk garden? now i just guna baja biasa from nursery,seems okay too:)

Okay let's cerita what we did today:) No trip,no wayang or window shopping at posh malls;) We did all the domestic things or in other words "tak der cuti nyer dari berkerja":).i cooked days and nights and today we went to Carrefour to buy groceries,the total bill was RM 500.40 yet when i reached home Heni said' puan tak beli pencuci pinggan,ikan bilis" ..hmmm Heni we still have the Axion dalam tub, use that first we can survive without Sunlight, Goodmaid for few days:)

I was fasting yesterday and after break fast at 10.00 pm i feel like eating my bread with soft cheese:):)Since i feel guilty eating before bedtime i asked the other half to join me..he really lah discipline tak nak makan after dah gosok gigi:) i forced him and he locked his mouth tight..heee..heeee:) we really like budak2 sometimes;)

Morning view:) wahhhh relax habis nampak uwan..dah kenyang ke?

Memang Uwan relax habis this morning..she ate a lot,let see what she had for breakfast this morning.

Today i tried my new electric steamer to steam the dim sum.The Verdict? Well i still prefer the traditional stove steamer, ni cepat bebenar kejap jer dah berasap:) but convenient lah kalau nak makan dim sum outdoor macam ni..cepat and it keeps the food warm.

Uwan loves the prawn dumpling in the white rice skin..she ate about 6 of it! while the girls like the dim sum wrapped in seaweed. i bought these halal frozen dim sum from office..ada yang supply dim sum halal ni:)

These two love steamboat the most..they always like to sip the hot soup but being adventures they always try new food on the table.

After lunch,relax etc at 4.00 pm i came down to masak this special dish.I bought the daun at Pekan Ahad when balik kampung.Yeap i cooked this traditional dish "masak daun kayu tempoyak" which is  very popular during puasa month in Negeri Sembilan.Nak masak dia leceh kalau you kena kumpul daun sendiri, banyak jenis daun, yang kat depan ni daun mangun..nama2 daun ni i belajar kat uwan dulu.

Daun2 ni kena racik halus2..nasib baik lah belajar kat uwan dulu..now dia dah banyak lupa.As i was sitting memotong daun ni Uwan was sitting at my back having her milo and two runny eggs with kicap;) 

This is daun kaduk..rupa macam daun sirih..Kalau kita pergi restaurant thai and mintak appetizer dia yang bungkus2 dengan daun tu nilah dia.Kalau buat pais ikan pun sedap taruk ni.

It took me about half an hour to cut all the leaves..among the leaves used are pucuk ubi,daun kaduk,daun mangun,daun kunyit,daun labu and serai..kalau my emak dulu2 lagi banyak berbelas jenis daun like pucuk betik,pucuk nangka,pucuk lada,pucuk jering,pucuk manis,cekur dan bermacam-macam jenis lagi.Cara masak dia senang ajer,macam masak lemak cilipadi yang lain,tumbuk cili dan kunyit,masukkan daun dalam periuk,bubuh santan pekat,segenggam ikan bills,garam dan bahan utamanya adalah tempoyak.Masuk tempoyak dalam 2 atau 3 sudu dan paling sedap kalau ada petai:) Masak sampai pekat kalau makan nasi panas2 buat yang suka memang sedap dan membuka selera,baunya wangi sebab banyak jenis daun.

While cooking for dinner i prepared Tea and we had toast with macam2:) i just cut the french loaf put on the tray drizzled with extra virgin olive oil,sliced some hotdogs for the kenits too and off they go into the oven.

The papa requested pesto in olive oil and vinegar.

After 10 mins came out the golden,crunchy toast.

The girls love to eat cheese especially the hard ones.

While they had their tea i cooked dinner at the back.Uwan already surrender in her room after taking Milo and two eggs:)

And my kitchen is like an outside cafe because the girl will order different food and drink..like in this case Mia ordered Ribena with ice and Tia asked for Milo ice.I have to cook fast and can serve fast on the table too. Due to that i have kesabaran as thin as the onion skin bila menunggu makanan di restaurant:) At home i tend to do A-Z in the kitchen because i simply can't tolerate slow act,i even washed my whole one week fish,chicken,seafood stock myself because Heni will take ages to wash and my ikan all become penyet she picit2. I am very particular about the condition of my ikan too..hee..hee extreme..especially if i buy a fresh new ikan tenggiri, kat kedai cantik jer kena potong..bila suruh heni basuh dia buat macam basuh lampin,nasib baik dia tak bilas dengan clorox..ikan jadi peach dan pucat...rasa nak nangis..and i ajar dia dia macam ikan or ayam kena pack setiap satu untuk cukup masak sekali,asing2kan..tak boleh semua sekali..nanti nak masak kena rendam the whole thing kalau lupa keluarkan awal and lama2 nanti daging pun jadi pucat..tapi she lupa selalu and kalau pack she letak semua breast meat together and drumstick together leceh nak masak...so baik i buat sendiri.

Yeahhh dah masak gulai daun kayu tempoyak i dalam periuk yang beli khas kat pasar Kuala Pilah;)

Lemak berkrim dan wangi..sedia untuk di makan.

Sedap lah selera uwan malam ni:) That was my singgang from lunch..since tak boleh makan pedas semua orang pun kena tak makan pedas:)

Dah kenyang..time for Disney Junior:)

Accompanying papa doing his work..walaupun bising papa loves it:)

That was our Labour Day:):)hope all of you had a great one too:)


  1. Happy Labour Day,Kak Zu.
    Tempoyak daun looks tempting.....

  2. sambal tempoyak masak terbaekk! lamanyer tak makan.. harus weekend nih request suruh emak masak.. hehe

  3. i can imagine ur big smile, azu, seeing uwan berselera makan, relax on the garden bench, watching tia mia contentedly. i m sure she is still in high spirits, energised by her trip back to her precious resort :)
    that's happiness, walau penat tungkus lumus di dapur, but we can tell, mama love it. just like papa, loving the lively company of tia mia while doing work.
    a blessful family!
    Heni pun happy, walaupun she basuh ikan macam basuh lampin :D
    puan tak marah, and buat semua sendiri.

  4. Nasiib baik I x Puasa hari ni kalau tidak meleleh ayaq lioq lah tengok masak tempoyak daun kayu tu bcoz itulah masakan negori yang paling I suka tapi x tahu nak buat sendiri kah kah kah

  5. Pertama kali dengar nama daun mangun ni kak azu. Macam daun pudina sikit rupanya. Kuat ke baunya ? Saya tak tahu...

  6. sgt tergoda tgk gulai daun kayu tempoyak tu..

  7. i fall in love with this blog pun pasal dia punya food story la. first time dulu nak cari resepi jeruk maman and then terjumpa la dlm blog ni. really amazing. tqvm for sharing.

  8. Wah.. Meriah betul!
    Uwan lepak abis... menikmati suasana kat luar rumah :)

    I nak dimsum juga. hehee...

    *Papa dah gosok gigi... tak boleh makan. hehee... Kiut je.

  9. i am like your hubby, bila dah gosok gigi waktu dah tak boleh makan lagi, unlike my husband pulak yg lepas basuh gigi buleh lagi makan coklat la, ice cream la sebelum tidur hehehhee...dia selalu paksa i makan sekali dgn dia and sometimes tu i tergoda jugak hahhaahhaa...

    uwan mmg nampak sihat sgt, alhamdulillah :)))


  10. salam kzu,

    uiks..sedap tu...sy panggil tempoyak rampai..pedas-pedas manis kan..

  11. tempoyak daun kayu reminded me so much of my mak in kuala pilah. i miss her more now!
    *cari telepon jap,nak bocakap samo omak, melopeh an ghindu tekau*

  12. Aslmkm Zu..
    I rasa nak pengsan tengok gulai tempoyak tu..fav I. Kalau berjiran, tak malu nak mintak sikit..

  13. K Zu..ada berape adik beradik yer?..k Zu anak bongsu ? sll baca, ada pashik, ada pakteh, ada maklang...
