Saturday, May 19, 2012

New Gun To Shoot!

Salam and Hulloooo:) Thanks for dropping your comments,those with queries i will answer at the end of this entry ya..hee..hee..I am just too excited to show my photos taken by my new Olympus.Yeap I got a new gun to shoot! After so long without a camera i had to be satisfied with my iPhone.

I like Olympus:) My camera before Sony and Canon was Olympus,after it had kaput i changed to Sony..which was just so so only.After Sony jadi arwah i bought Canon..well not the expensive or DSLR type..just the auto,convenience one for mother with two hyper active kids like me.Canon is not that awesome too but it had recorded thousands of our wonderful moments including our yearly i got to thank Canon too:)Unfortunately after the accident in Perth where Mia dropped it on the rock and after i spent RM600 fixing it it was never the same and the last 4 months it jammed totally.I survived with taking picture with iPhone only,last month i bought the new release Olympus,it has many features,that's what i like about Olympus. After staying in my closet for a month i have decided to give a try today..yeahhh among the features that i like are  "cuisine,pet mode,night portrait and many let see the result..well it is not that great like the DSLR camera but i am happy with it especially the price tak cecah ribu";);)

This is cuisine mode.. since i love taking food pictures,i am in love with this mode;)

Best kan..very clear and fresh.

Our morning steamboat looks dashing with Olympus!

Well this is the yareba yareba girl..that hat supposed to be for Kak Ikin shop..but we keep forgetting to give to her:):)

This is portrait mode;)

Then i try it in my kitchen as i was 'smoking@salai' my chicken today..guna pembesar sebab panas..result blur sikit.

Rendang ayam kampung in the making.

Siap ; my rendang ayam kampung with terung belanda..sangat yummeh:)

Today we went out to buy garden set and we went to buy some new blooms too.

It is easy to take picture of flower with Olympus;)

I love this picture.

The girls and Heni busy in the garden.

Then our barang sampai..apart from the garden set we bought this too;)

Very comfy and relaxing:) tomorrow we shall makeover the outdoor ya.

A place to relax and unwind.

Night portrait mode.

The girls had their dinner at 6.00 so at 8.00 they asked for sandwich.Tia asked for butter sandwich while Mia prefers nutella sandwich.And they happily had their sandwich at the new garden set.I tak buang yang lama,i just tambah sebab tu yang baru pun look hampir sama;)

Sukanya ambik gambar bunga waktu malam pakai Olympus.

I think i want to get a Parasol@umbrella for our outdoor garden to enhance the feeling:)

The end of pictures by Olympus.This is picture taken by iPhone..somehow iPhone is still useful especially when  taking candid moment like this.Mia looks so comfortable in this picture.Boleh jadi model untuk product ni lah!

Iphone is also useful bila nak snap gambar2 syok sendiri:):)

Kalau dalam toilet tak kan nak keluarkan camera pagi2 tu pergi conference masuk toilet..haaaa snap gambar sendiri pakai Iphone:):) Siapa tahu toilet mana ni..dia memang pakar shopping malls:):)

Iphone jugak berguna bila nak snap gambar food..sebab boleh pura2 nak tengok Iphone kat restaurant tapi snap gambar.This Tony Romas rib is to die for so kena snap gambar.

And..... Iphone jugak sangat berguna nak snap moment macam ni.muahhaaaaa..nasib lah you pa..your girls love you so much;)

Happy weekend everybody..Tia Mia dah tergolek penat dah..main,main tak habis-habis..dan yang last malam ni melayan they suruh buat ais krim we have aiskrim malaysia in the fridge for tomorrow!

Okay now time to say hullo to everybody and answering some questions; shamsida- salam kak sham-thanks, sherene - the shawl is from 'veil art " they are called 'bokitta':), Nbi- thanks for your doa, Anis Rafie- ha..haaa..yeap it won't go away ya,thanks so much,you have two handsome boys there, may you be blessed with happiness too, umiyumi- ishhh,ishhh iya ke,thank you,thank you:), kasihredha-thanks ya, shamsuhada- sham nama website tu 'veil art' they are reliable,sebab they hantar barang kat boutique jugak, nanti dah dapat hats aku tunjuk, Annhuzi - my dear Ann,you stilled remember;) not easy to handover our kids Ann,after usaha,we doa and pray..that the most we could do..insyallah, fiezachommel-he he samalah kita, fariha- ohhh thank you sis;), susumanis- sama2 lah kita berdoa moga kita tak menjadi orang yang lupa:), Mamalikha- i sent them to aurora dance class at dataran sunway opposite  khalifah but they re not attending now,the new jadual too early and we don't want to push them too much on saturday so we just concentrate on piano lesson and salam perkenalan too and finally Kak pin at- ishhh ishhhh malu den ni ha;);)



  1. rendang nogori tu yg x tahan tu...sodappp. Salai ayam dgn apa?

    Zu pakai olympus model apa? akak pun pakai olympus juga. Tapi byk guna canon.
    Kalau gi resto...kalau ambik gambar food guna kamera, org sebelah meja duk jeling2 je kan...mesti diaorg ingat buang tebiat...lain le kalau blogger gak...sure faham hihi.
    Cantik le garden set tu...suka :)

  2. Salam Zu,
    my first camera was olympus too :) wah gambar mmg cantik2 dan clear sgt. mcm real di depan mata..really nice

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  5. Fieza pun guna Olympus.compact ,comel dan mudah love it,and furthermore it's pink in colour...really suits me

  6. Betullah..cantik gambar camera baru tu..rasa nak sambar juga Olympus satu hari nanti..;P

    Real betul gambar steamboat tu rasa macam nak slurrpppp!...;))

  7. Assalamualaikum K.Zu...

    Saya suka sgt baca blog akak.. otak yg serabut pun jadi tenang.. Sekarang ni saya pun dah fall in love dgn french n english style..

    Just ignore the haters.. This is ur blog..suka hati akakla nak up entry apa pun kan..klu tak suka baca..pegila blog org lain..

    I luv u'all n uwan sgt comel.. ;D

    - Mira

  8. nak tengok kemera mana zue boleh disply for me x....dlm tandas pon ok jugak bergambar...

  9. bestnya buai tu...esp time petang2 rileks depan rumah disapa angin sepoi-sepoi bahasa..hehehe..kak zu, dlm toilet la bole amik gambar syok sendiri sebab takde org tgk...hehehe

  10. azu...thanx for sharing the website... gambar dgn kamera baru nampak mcm real.. cute the papa dgn cekak TiaMia...

  11. Tuan camera dah memang cantik guna camera baguih punya brand lagila nampak cantik kan.sebenarnya akak dah byk Kali 'terserempak' dgn Zu tapi malu nak tegur sbb kita ni hanya house manager orang legal manager.moga Allah sentiasa memelihara kita Ameen.anyway I suka baca blog Mamatiamia

  12. wah kak zu, leh jadi spokeperson olympus ni, patut olympus kasi commission dkt akak :) anyway mmg cantik gambar
    paling tak tahan pic papa pasrah pakai cekak hehehe


  13. oo kak zu gune mee wantan kering camtu ye.. yang saye guna a bit different..kak zue beli katne yang camtu?

    wahh sodap betul rendang nogori kalu masak rendang mesti gune ayam kampung atau ayam tua kan..first time tgk rendang with terung pipit tu...

    kak zue, kasi la respi rendang kak zue..

  14. I tergoda...gambo baru cantik-cantik....brp RM?...agenda baru nk mengopak poket lah nampaknya....

  15. really! the food looks so real, macam depan mata and the flowers semua hidup! :D
    the buai! makes the garden even more relaxing.
    we feeling the happiness :)

  16. Zu...i rasa mcm toilet dekat Ikano Power center I right? hehehhe

  17. tetiba nk jugak steamboat mcm kak zu buat.... kakkk, saya duduk dekat rumah akak jerr... nanti saya terrr-terjah rumah akak, saya mintak maaf tau... hahaha....

  18. Aslmkm Zue..
    I really salute you, dah lah a working Mum, balik kerja memasak pulak,garden pun sungguh rapi..itu adalah satu kepuasan sebagai seorang wanita sejati.....alhmdllh, ya Zue.

  19. Salam kakak...kt mana beli yg mcm buaian tu?berkenan betul sbb susah nk cari color putih.slalu jumpa black/brown je.kalo sudi share.tq

  20. as salam, mana u beli buai color putih tu? I love it too n wanna to buy one. Normally found black or brown or u re paint hehehe. tks if can sharing info

  21. Aslmkm Zue.. I really salute you, dah lah a working Mum, balik kerja memasak pulak,garden pun sungguh rapi..itu adalah satu kepuasan sebagai seorang wanita sejati.....alhmdllh, ya Zue.
