Saturday, July 7, 2012


Salam and Bonjour!

Alhamdulillah the two mademoiselles,the madame and monsieur have arrived in Paris!:):) It was a long 12 hrs journey..rasa tak sampai2 but the two girls were really complaint from them,they slept for 6 1/2 hrs and after that they made their own activities. The weather was not really good,quite a bad turbulence when we crossed the Andaman sea and India,it was shaky all the way until we were in Russia air usual kalau plane dah shaky risau ajer lah atas tu. But Alhamdulillah we landed safely, immigration at Paris was really wonderful,they smiled all the way to Tia Mia and we had super smooth process.Tia and Mia couldn't hold their excitement and keep on singing the old Frank Sinatra song " I love Paris in the summer, I love Paris in the winter....." but so sweet of them when they remember to say "Alhamdulillah,Thank You Allah!"

I m actually very we arrived at 6.30 am we have to wait until 3.00 pm to check in the hotel,so we picked the disney tickets from the hotel reception, leave or luggage there we berjalan kat park tu until 3.00 pm! Aduhhhh penat nya bagi orang bukan budak2..but i promised my niece to upload some pictures for her and Uwan jom tengok few gambar yang i pilih;):)

Blooms everywhere in Disney Paris:) I always love the hanging basket.

Us & the blooms.

Pink blooms.

Big pinky missies.

The pink us.

Drizzling and and had to buy them new pink  hoodies plus pink lollies:):)

Beautiful sight.

Pink and pink.

Minnie and us..the pink girls!

Until them..Salam! Uwan and everybody else  we love you!! 


  1. cantiknya paris!!! teringin nak ke sana :)

  2. Alhamdulillah dah selamat sampai...parissss...cantik..nyaman..indah adoi nak kata apa lg? Just enjoy yourself...take care :-D

  3. Bestnyer da sampai..very2 the nice pictures taken..really hope that one day saya berpeluang ke sana..sana..

  4. Wow tak sabar nak tengok gambar2tempat lain.cantiknya Paris.baguihnya budak 2 orang - good girls. Anyway Alhamdullilah sebab dah selamat sampai ke Paris n take care okay

  5. Alhamdulillah dah sampai.
    Anak2 sure happy dpt jumpa mickey dan minnie wlaupun penat.
    Sangat2 tak sabar unk menunggu next n3 :-)

  6. alahai cantiknya bunga2 tu. bestnya

  7. wahhhhhh bestnyer! m happy to see, to read n to know that u guys having gud time n safe jerny there!

  8. Alhamdulillah, mama dah ajar dengan baik, jadi natural bagi tia dan mia untuk tidak lupa mensyukuri and thank Allah.

    wow so beautiful!
    sure uwan happy to see the pictures!
    and we tumpang happy too :)

  9. nyer...
    jangan lupe snap nice view n share wit us....
    hv a safe journey...

  10. alhamdulillah, enjoy yr trip mtm n take care n keep posting ya

  11. bestnyerrrr..i loikeee byk² ;)
