Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My Little Ramadhan story.


Today i feel like sharing a meaningful story of my ramadhan. I feel so bless and can't thank Allah Swt enough as i have all my loved ones under the same roof for this Ramadhan.My mother is here with me,breaking fast and eating Sahur together,whatever i eat she will eat,whatever i drink she will drink,she shares the joy of my cooking in my kitchen,she shares the laughters and antics of my daughters before we break fast,that is the most wonderful gift given by Allah Swt.

Few years back when Tia Mia was not born yet my mother lived alone in our hometown.She refused to come and live with us as she felt that if she leaves the house she will leave all the memories of my late father, as if my father can feel the sadness and emptiness of the house if she was not there. Every day i will call and check what will she be cooking for her break fast and every dawn without fail i will call to wake her up for sahur.And everyday when i looked at the array of foods on my table during my break fast i will cry thinking about her.I imagined her seating alone at the kitchen table eating her food during Azan,it was so sad but i couldn't make her leave the house.I felt it was so mean and not fair for me to have many food on my table while knowing she can only cook one or two dishes, how could i swallow the food joyfully, how could i be happy with everything else that i have but she didn't have.

One day, as usual during Ramadhan i called her at in the morning to check what will she be cooking that day.My mother told me that she had ran out of gas but asked me not be worried as she will ask our neighbour to buy for her.Upon hearing that i can't sit still in the office,i kept thinking of what if my neighbour not available,how will she cook? what will she eat? I felt so sad, i looked at my watch and it showed 11.30a.m i called her again and stilled the neighbour was not back from outing yet. I have other brothers around and i know they will be more sensible and patient,if i called and let them know. They will tell me the same thing as my mother told me that our neighbour will buy for her. I finally decided to drive my small Satria back to my hometown in Kuala Pilah to buy her the gas! I called my husband and told him a 'little white lie" that i had to go Seremban for a court case and will be back before break fast. I drove so fast that i can reach Seremban in less than an hour, i stopped by the road side and bought my mother gulai ikan sembilang,pajeri nenas,rendang hati and two kueh which i can't remember now. I drove back to Kuala Pilah which took me another 1 hour due to the Bukit Putus winding road,once i reached home, i called her and she was so surprised to see me! And true enough our neighbour was no where to be seen and at that time it was already near 2.00pm, i brought down the empty gas cylinder,please bear in mind my house is very high on a hill,so i had to be carefull with the heavy cylinder. My mother was so touched and she couldn't stop saying 'you shouldn't have done this,no need to come back, our neighbour be poor thing,you ll be so tired after this that you have to go back KL again". I took the cylinder to a malay lady shop in KP, our usual supplier and he was sick and can't send the gas to our house. I had to carry the gas into my satria and drove back to my house, if the task to bring down the empty cylinder was tough,just imagine the task to bring the fulled cylinder up the hill to my house! I can't figure out where did i have the energy to drive from KL and without eating or taking rest,fetched the gas,brought it up the hill to my mother's house and went back to KL within that few hours.

I fixed the gas for my mother,put the dishes i bought in the pots for her to heat up when the time comes.She had tears in her eyes and i had tears behind her back:( How i wished at that time i could bring her back to KL but her happiness was in our home sweet home at that time and she was stilled strong and do things on her own.I drove back to KL at 4.00pm, i went back to office,finished my work until 5.00pm,i bought food for me and my husband ,i felt okay eating that evening after knowing that my mother has food i bought for her.

I don't know whether others share the same feeling like me, some people said i am too emotional,fulled with dramas, always extraordinary.. but i think it is okay to be emotional,when you have extra emotion you can share with others. 

Finally Allah Swt fulfilled my prayers, Allah Swt gave me 'bonus' not only my mother came and live with us but He gave me double happiness, Allah Swt gave me and my mothers the two little rascals to keep us going,to make us feel healthy and youthful,to make us feel that every ordinary day is a special day.

Every Ramadhan; i never forget the 'gas story' and it helps me to remember and thank Allah Swt endlessly.
I hope all of you out there appreciate of what you have now, have more emotion, don't brush aside the sensitive feeling in you, as it will make other people happy.And don't be tired to make people happy, you ll get so much in return.

Selamat berbuka everybody:) Have a blessed Ramadhan, make it meaningful,it is not about you alone,it is about others too:)


  1. Salam .Berkongsi kisah ini memberi inspirasi kepada saya utk lebih menghargai ibu saya. Tq.patutlah pn selalu murah rezeki. Semoga kebaikan ini turun kepada tiamia.wasalam

  2. Salam mamatiamia,

    Simple, yet a very touching & motivational story to me.

    Keep sharing ur experiences sis!!

  3. Salam Zu,
    terima kasih berkongsi cerita Zu ni.. mmg menginsafkan.. Alhamdulillah bila umi tengok pun hidup Zu pun sangat sempurna. Sangat besar pahala berbakti kepada ibu. Sampaikan salam pada Uwan. Uwan sangat bertuah dpt anak mcm Zu <3

  4. terharunya baca story di atas..
    bertuahnya uwan dapat anak sebaik zu.
    Sejuk perut ibu mengandung.
    zu pun bertuah ada ibu sebaik uwan...Alhamdulillah.

  5. Alhamdulillah n tears keep rolling down my cheeks, u both r very lucky to have unconditional loves for each other uwan n u, mtm, insyaAllah tia mia will loves u as much as u loves uwan or more..insyaAllah... :))

  6. Mudah-mudahan Allah melimpahkan rahmat dan kasih-sayang NYA kepada anak-anak yang soleh dan solehah.

    Salam untuk Uwan.

  7. Aslmkm Azu..
    I tot I had sent u messages during this Ramadhan..but not in yr msg box..*hairan, pulak*
    I hope it's not late for me to wish u 'Selamat berpuasa and selamat kembali ke tanah air.

    Azu, i am touched! And am proud of
    you for being such a considerate daughter!

  8. Salam Kak Zu,
    Your story has broke me to tears.
    May Allah bless Uwan and all mothers in the world....

  9. Sama mcm yg taknak tglkan rmh kat kmpg tu but thank to Allah..shes not alone there....two of my brother lived with her the other one lived nearby...tapi as oldest daughter...i mmg tersgt2 risau...:(
    Berdoa je lah setiap masa...
    Moga uwan diberikan.kesihatan yg baik InsyaAllah ameeeen

  10. Salam Zu...Cinta antara anak perempuan dan ibu memang sukar utk diungkapkan...sukar ditandingi...Rai lah ibu sementara dia masih bersama..Sedih baca kisah ni..Ni,pinjam lagu Aisyah jap..
    'Duhai apakah gerangan budi balasan
    Bagi insan melahirkan,membesarkan...
    Bercucuran airmata bila mengenangkan
    Betapakah besar budi ibunda berikan...
    Siang malam menderita hingga entah bila
    Sungguh besar pengorbanan ibunda berikan...
    Tiada bahagia jika tiada doa puja restu
    Syurga itu di telapak kaki ibu...'

    Rindu mak di kampung...

  11. as’salamualaikum dear sis, thank you for sharing this wonderful story with us *teary eyes* i’ve alot to learn from you as i myself looking after a mother about uwan age. now i know why Allah SWT reward you with so much blessing, masya Allah. truly you deserve the highest place in Jannah, insya Allah. your sister in deen from s.g.

  12. i cried reading this.

    you're definitely one in a million, kak zu. such a GREAT daughter. KL-KP is not that near, esp with the old Bukit Putus road condition.

    thank you for this.

  13. Tersentuh....
    saya pun sayang ibu saya. :)

  14. may ALLAH bless you and your whole family with barakah and iman.... Ameen.

  15. Salam,

    terharu n bergenang air mata lepas baca pengalaman ramadhan kak zu. moga k zu n family sentiasa di rahmati Allah

  16. amazing story, you are indeed a wonderful person! in order to write such heart-felt posts you have to be an emotional, dramatic, extraordinary person, you are special because of that, don't let others get you down, these are positive qualities that can move hearts!

  17. Salam Zu, hanya anak yg solehah je yg sanggup buat apa yg you buat and you are indeed the anak solehah to your mother masyaAllah :) you and your mum are so blessed to have each other...


  18. OMG Ya Allah...kak zue, meh sini nak bagi BIG Kiss and HUG u ketat ketat boleh? You are such a darling daughter...sejuk perut uwan ;-)

    Moga Allah rahmati hidup u and uwan, juga kita semua mampu jadi anak solehah...amin.

  19. Salam k.zu.. sangat menyentuh rasa.. tentu uwan sangat berbangga punya anak seperti k.zu.. Alhamdulillah... saya yg membaca tmpg berbangga krn mengenali insan sebaik k.zu yg boleh dijadikan contoh utk memperbaiki diri dan menjaga hubungan yg lebih baik dgn emak..

    Teringat jg waktu nak ajak emak tggl bersama kami 9 tahun lalu.. sbb rmh kami sendiri tak sebesar mana, dan rumah yg emak tggl hanyalah rumah sewa, terpaksa mengorbankan perasaan sedih bila brg2 lama emak dengan arwah ayah terpaksa di berikan kepada org lain mcm katil, almari, set kerusi etc yg menjadi kesayangan kami.. tapi Alhamdulillah, perasaan itu sudah berganti dgn perasaan yg lebih baik bila dapat bersama dgn emak hari2 di rumah kami..

  20. touching..pengorbanan ibu lebih drpd apa yg kita berikan..jadi it's ok menjadi seorg yg extraordinary utk ibu kita..hopefully TiaMia akan buat yg sama utk mama nanti.. InsyaAllah... dan semoga kita terus menjadi anak yg solehah.. Amin..

  21. such an amazing story..i cried..bersyukur kita masih ada ibu..syukran2..

  22. sejuk perut uwan mengandung kak zue...

    u such a very nice person kak zue...meh sini peluk ketat2..

  23. your story really touched my heart.. i cried reading this. u are such an amazing daughter! i hope i can do d same towards my mother.. insyaallah

  24. Alhamdulillah..kakzue dapat peluang merasai pengalaman yang dapat dihargai sepanjang hayat.. :)

  25. You ni pagi-pagi dah wat I nangis depan PC, sob!sob!, kena kesat air mata ni, nanti boss i nampak... by d way...ape yg kita buat utk ibu masih x cukup lagi, itu hanya sekelumit saja.. tapi! You memang anak soleha...

  26. wah, so touched by this story...
    kadang2 i wish to live near to mum's too but mak i cakap, muda2 ni... kerjala jauh2 i kerjalah jauh2... hehee...

  27. Salam Madam,

    Cest moi, Rosma (ceh-ceh, mentang-mentang madam baru balik dr Paris, teeheehee). Any stories about parents will touch the hearts of ppl who have elderly ones just like you. My mom passed away 3 years ago, and yet it felt like only yesterday. My last Ramadhan with her was I think one I shall never forget, as I was carrying my daughter. Mak insisted that I came back every day to TTDI to breakfast as she was worried that in my condition I did not get the nutrition I should. So everyday that Ramadhan in 2008 we drove back to TTDI, and then after prayers made it home to Kajang (with food already packed for us for sahur). Because of that experience every Ramadhan I would cry because my mom is not longer here to provide such caring and motherly love that only a mother can. I salute the way you look after your mom, and wished I could do the same. But wishing for something that would never be is only the whispers of syaitan my husband said. But what can I say, I miss my mom. Now I pour out all my attention to my dad. My brother and I devote our time to providing what an elderly father needs - attention and love. I thank Allah for letting me discover your blog - as with all the others, I too find your stories something that is close to my heart. May Allah Bless Uwan, You and Your Family!


  28. kak Zu..

    i pun menangis jugak.Bila baca komen,ramai rupanya tersentuh hati sampai menangis.

    Thanks to u,i read all ur stories and it inspire me to be a better solehah daughter to my parents,terutama ibu.makin tua makin sensitif.

    -CIK SU

    Thanks for such a wonderful writing

  29. :') ter-menitik air maata baca post akak kali ni..

  30. Mamatiamia,

    I'm moved and speechless! Thanks for sharing this amazing true story and thanks for confirming that it's ok to be emotional coz I am one overwhelmingly emotional person *hahaaa* and yes, I have done something like what you did *heheee* coz I really couldn't take the pressure of worrying about my loved ones!

    May Allah swt bless you always with more love and everything extraordinary!


  31. Mummy Akmal's @ BruneiAugust 8, 2012 at 6:46 PM

    I' m touched by your story zue.. Meleleh airmata I baca �� semoga Allah memberkati dan merahmati keluarga zue.. Thank you for sharing your story.. sekurang2 nya ia dapat mengingatkan others tentang tanggungjawab kita kepada others...

  32. salam kak zue

    tersentuh baca cerita kak zue nie..uwan sy pun mcm tu dlu..susah hati sgt mak sy ble pkir uwan makan simple2,die kat KL mkn sedap2..ajak dtg KL,xnak..last year puasa,wan jatuh,kaki terseliuh n patah..start dr tu,trus duduk umah mak smpi skrg..mcm2 mknan mak sediakan utk die..n bg die rs sume bnde yg die xdpt rase dlu..huhu

    since bace blog kak zue nie,rs mcm makin rapat..rupe2nye kite ade kaitan..baca satu entry kak zue,trnmpak pic pashik@pakcik yahya..jap..mcm kenal..mmg pashik tinggal dekat ngn umah saya..and mak ade bgtau yg kiteorg bersaudara ngn pashik..

    tnye kat mak sy,die xclear on susur galur nye coz bkn generasi dorang..maybe uwan sepupu or dua pupu ngn ibu arwah atok saya,baharin bin dollah..adik beradik lain nama maherah...mak mmg knal kak zue kecik2 dlu..ngn kakak kak zue..sronoknye..kak zue sedare jauh sy rupenye..
    next time,akan rajin2 baca blog akak..akak special sgt n tia mia sgt comel..SUKA:-)

    trus berblogging, selamat berpuase n selamat hari raya:-)

    Salam, Nora..

  33. Salam,

    Salam perkenalan, cerita zu menyusuk hingga ke kalbu.. kasih ibu membawa ke shurga.. Kak Liza Aini

  34. assalamualaikum kak zu....

    sedih and menitik2 air mata saya baca blog akak arini. rasa macam nak peluk akak dengan uwan kuat2... tengok muka uwan, teringat kat arwah nenek....


  35. kak zu..Allah saje yg dpt membalas jasa baik k zu atas tulisan2 yg baik menjadi ikutan kami pembaca sekalian..sayang kak zu...

  36. Salam Kak Zu,

    Semoga Allah merahmati kak Zu & keluarga..


  37. salam kak zu, story akak nie buat saya tersedar. call saja tak cukup. saya kena selalu balik jenguk emak abah di kg. thanks sebab selalu share story yang motivate saya menjadi anak yang lebih baik kepada org tua.


  38. Alhamdulillah Azu, kasih sayang u pada uwan shows how much u syukur dengan nikmatNYA.
    dari dulu i terpegun dengan cerita u, written from the heart that i can vividly visualise all the scenes and emotions. yes tia mia are the greatest gift, rewarding u and uwan, now all living together happily watching the joy of life with the two lovely girls, bringing blessings of good health and youthfulness to the home sweet home.

    itulah mana mungkin kita jadi lokek untuk memberi kebahgiaan sedangkan YANG MAHA MEMBERI, MAHA PEMURAH reward berganda2 lebih.

    i syukur, i dipertemukan dengan u and i get lotsa lessons in living love :)

  39. Salam kenal,
    Seronok membaca entri-entri MamaTiaMia ... tapi yang ni sungguh emosi sikit...thanks for sharing all the stories ^_^

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