Sunday, September 2, 2012

Cake,Beach and Raya.

Salam All:)

Busy,busy week:) No complaint though,it was a good one:) Sorry also pada yang bertanya belum sempat menjawab:) Nanti ya.We have few good pictures from camera and also Iphone,lets see what we ve been doing during the weekend:)
Before that thank you very much to those yang wished papa Tia Mia his birthday:) He appreciates it very much and he promised that next year he will declare another public holiday on his birthday.InsyAllah!

Happy Birthday Papa! We had few selection of cakes for papa due to the girl's request.Ada rainbow lah,red velvet,java cake,rasberry cheese and cappucino;)

Heppp sapa punya birthday ni??

Happy Birthday Dear Papa we love you!

We took papa to the beach to collect his birthday present;) We gave papa a oneday stay at Thistle as his present..the trick is we gave papa something that we can enjoy too..hee hee;)

As usual we stopped at our favourite place; The Coconut Grove:) for lunch.

Thistle the girl's favourite hotel in PD.

Good time at Thistle,

The two wore the T Shirt they drew with Teacher Claire at school for Merdeka day.

Quite cool isn't it?

Wonderful evening with the papa.

The Thistle.

before going to sleep.

Good morning darlings!

Let's go find some breakfast.

Nasi lemak wangi with sambal paru dan sardine.

As usual the girls asked for half boiled eggs,

Pergi mana pun,best macam mana pun bilik hotel yang paling seronok adalah balik bilik sendiri:)

Sejak semalam terima tetamu,MIL and inlaws and today maklang with kak ikin came sebab we janaji nak pergi raya sama rumah abang apit,

Lunch ready for tetamu.

Uwan pun sudah ready nak jalan raya,

Bergurau senda dgn cucu dulu.

Menunggu ikin datang.

Bergossip,bermake up:)

Our kueh raya,

Raya rumah apit and ara,

My cucu,budak harith domok;

Kak ikon and kak yan.

Itu lah kerja:)

Relaxing at home after raya,

Night 2 everybody..i am trully sleepy tulis pun ke kiri ke kanan hee hee.


  1. Askum K.zu,

    Happy monday k.zu,Very nice celebration for the special one in ur life and your family too, happy for that and blessed from Allah swt. hope u and tia mia and the rest enjoy too the moment with loving family especially UWAN. mudah mudahan Allah swt mempermudahkan segala urusan hambanya...Amin.....

    Warm Regards

  2. cantiknya rainbow cake tu...mula ingat its a 1kg cake rupanya comel je..he3x but its nice anyway surrounded by othr lovely cuppies :)

  3. Xkesah tau dpn nk beraye kat kg parit gak. Mcm yakin je cuti nex raye hahaha insyaallah amin

  4. comel n nmpk sdp kek tu..esp mase tgh puasa...rase mcm blk keje nk g bli kek je

  5. suka tengok family zu :D
    uwan pun nampak sihat, Alhamdulillah.
    Bestnya gi PD...dah lama x kesana.

  6. salaam mamatiamia, sometimes when we celebrate family members besday pun suka buy few slices different tupe of cake..since kat dalam rumah nie pun macam2 preference ader :-)..the groove..teringat ABC dia..ummphhh :-)

  7. Salam Zu,
    wahh really miss this moments ready2 dgn family nak pergi beraya ke rumah sedara mara :)

    alamak ada mcm2 jenis kek lah. drool...

  8. azu..x sempatnye kita amek gamba bsama2 ari tu kannn..bilalah bleh jumpa lagi ;)

  9. Tia Mia sgt cute..suka tgok diorang..
