Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Excuse me,when did you turn the boutique into Ikan Bakar?

Salam All:) First of All thank very very much to all commentors.Thank You so much for sharing your experiences, it is not an easy thing to do and for sure there's no element of showing off etc but i see it as something pure and sincere that comes from a good heart;):) .Sharing knowledge and spreading good vibes are sedekah too,Alhamdulillah, I would like to respond to every views therefore i shall make a special entry when i have time okay. Thank You also for all the good doas and words and i am glad if my simple blog is an eye opener to show how Malays in Malaysia worked hard and improved themselves, I am sure there's many many malays outhere may it be in UK,OZ,middle easternn countries or anywhere else berkerja keras and they managed to reach the top places. I hope all Muslims in this world will work hard,stay unite and will not forget their Creator, as if you never forget who you are,to whom you should ask and to whom you should be thankful..InshAllah your battle in finding happiness is half won already.

Today i just share some pictures i took using my Iphone at my Company;s makan2 yesterday:) MPB always do thing at a grand scale and this open house for staffs is a good one.The staffs had loads of fun yesterday,they were loads of good food too:) Every year the concept were always "stall for each department",sometimes the themes will be based on period,like 1950s,1970s, movies etc and this year it was based on the 13 states in Malaysia. The Company organised competition for  best stall,best dress,best performance and the prize was worth more than RM15K.

So jom tengok,ada yang bermatian-matian menghias stall,my department which was combined with few other departments did't win this year but we had fun:)

The deco infront of the stage.

Periuk besar,tungku semua keluar.

TV9's stall.nice isn't it...ada chandeliar lagi:)

Ha ha baby dalam buai pun ada.

PWS has Melaka state as their theme..so it was nyonya and baba all the way.They served nice asam pedas daging tetel too:)

We had Perak as a state.. and some decided to go all the way of bringing the Classic Perak into life..good effort,walaupun tak menag,ada kopi Antung,antique F&N orange yang di pinjam dari Frasers&Neave etc.

Rumah Perak..kena duduk bersila lah:):)

We served wajik,one of Perak traditional food.

and banyak buah-buahan as perak popular for these fruits.

Especially Limau Bali Ipoh Mali and it was served in bunga kangkung plate.

Sarawak house won the competition..they ahd mee kolok,laksa sarawak,umai, tarian sarawak etc..tengok ajerlah tiang rumah sarawak ni..macam mana nak beat dgn our Kopi Antung? he he

Ini pulak laksa kedah..byk betul laksa semalam but my favourite was kueh tiow kerang goreng panas2 kat situ makan dengan cili jeruk..wahhh sedap betul.

Laksa johor pun ada.

Kambing pun ada dalam 4 ekor jugak semalam.

semua bangsa pun pakai baju traditional semalam.

Hantu pun ado..ni kak limah dari watak salah satu movie tu..tapi pelakonnya dari our department ajer.

"Fauziah latif" anak kelahiran Perak pun muncul:)

As for me tak der baju raya baru..last minutes effort to get new baju at the boutique yang dah lama tak pergi went to drain when the boutique was turned into "HM Ikan Bakar!" haa haaa 

So i got myself a bit of expensive tudung from Najjah:) mahal lah for me sebab the price can buy a decent,nice pair of baju kurung:)

Pakai lah jubah lama dari Najjah sambil melayan Farah Fauzana yang suka mengusik ni..kita orang suka cakap N9 samo2..so dia suruh i cakap perak sikit..he he..

Khalid the judge datang rasa makanan:)

Balik ke rumah petang sebab non stop makan makanan raya i pun masak singgang ikan tenggiri..wahhh sedapnya menghirup kuah yang masam2:);)

sekarang routine setiap malam,penat pun mesti lah sit down with the girls suruh dia baca the 50 pages Peter and Jane.They quite good boleh habis the 50 pages but distracted easily,so kena duduk pantau dengan sabar..dah 50 pages bukan utk sorang,utk dua  pulak tu.Bila dah baca buku tu bawak kindy the next day supaya they can follow up with teacher pulak.

Today i wore my new Kaftan..actually ada caftan ni beli tapi rasa tak lah sesuai nak pakai semalam pulak.

Bila dah pakai kaftan asyik rasa nak cuti ajer pulakkkk...

And terima bungkusan yang di poskan ini di office.Thanks so much Ezlin yang poskan serbuk kari Trengganu to me..InsyAllah saya kan masak soon.

Until then bye bye.


  1. meriah.. kak air botel oren tu mcm x pernah jumpa je

  2. Kalau rempah dari gganu tu sodap boleh bisnes rempahle kita.macamana bagus tak idea tu.rempah kari cap o pun sedap.zu pernah cuba tak?

  3. Kalau rempah dari gganu tu sodap boleh bisnes rempahle kita.macamana bagus tak idea tu.rempah kari cap o pun sedap.zu pernah cuba tak?

  4. Salam kak zue. Nampak kak zue dalam tv3.hikhik. kak zue lalu belakang irin & fiza masa depa on air ;)

  5. Salam Zu....adoiiii...tgk rempah bunga ros terus teringat nasi dagang....rinduuuuuu...
    Tak leh nak ckp byk dah...sedih ni...
    Hugs and kisses for the girls..TQ Zu..
    From:KNur -Trg

  6. As salam zu,

    Moga zu seklrga didlm naugan Allah. I'm your silent reader.. enjoy to read ur blog especially with ur cute n pretty girls.

    Salam Ukhwah

  7. ada the baker. I pun nampak gak kak zu.Nape lah dorang tak interview kak zu haritu eh skali :P

  8. Was feeling homesick just nw. Made me feel even worse now huhuhu

  9. waahhh...syoknye tgk mknan bermcm jenis..ketupat palas ade x??hihih..

  10. Salam Mamatimia.meriah jamuan raya...cantik gerai2 dihias..
    rempah gulai rose boleh masak laksa Ganu...

  11. Salam. The open house looks amazing and really creative.

    Idraki pun sama gak... have to read so many pages at one go. But the best thing is, lepas tu pick up cepat. Teacher Claire is the best :) . Idraki will surely miss her truly next year.

  12. Kak Nur...kalau ada org nk dtg paris bgtau kita boleh pass kan rempah nih

  13. Rumah perak x de deroyan ke mtm..hihi


  14. patutnye kak zue kene pakai kebaya perak...heheheh

    sedinhye dgr cite uwan..and uwan sgt bertuah dapat anak sebaik dan seikhlas budi macamkakzue...Allah blessed uwan with kak zue yg baik...

  15. Fieza pun rempah cap rose,but campur sikit dengan rempah masak cap rose.1:2 ratio.


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