Friday, October 12, 2012

Happy Weekend Everybody!

Happy weekend semua!

Wahh i am so looking forward to weekend! Quite a long week for me;)

Hope to spend good time with them..we bake some more ya girls:)

I baked "Flower marble" last two days:) He he tak ikut aturan..tapi tak sangka turned out good jugak,the cake was moist and wangi due to orange zest and juice.This weekend nak cuba poppy seed cake pulak:) 

Hope all of you will enjoy your weekend y..such a blessing to have a place we called home:) It is truly a blessed place;) So enjoy your time ya..Hmm nak balik beli honey chicken wings for uwan lah:);) That is the first start to a wonderful weekend!

Opsss tadi jumpa The Singing Pilot kat young and tall just like my cucu saudara:);) Thanks singgah Ramadhan:)


  1. Alahai terbau keharuman kek Flower marble tu.. :) memang cantik..rasanya tentu sedap..

    Happy weekend untuk akak juga.. Take care..

  2. jumpa Mr pilot????
    Kecik je orgnya kan...akak rasa sure sebaya dgn anak sulung akak :)

    sedapnya kek tu

  3. Happy weekend mama Tia Mia..
    minggu ni kakpinat kena berkurung dalam rumah saja nak bagi sokongan utk anak sulung yg belum habis PMR..ada 3 paper lagi minggu depan..lepas tu ,MERDEKA! *mak dia yg over

  4. akak thanx so much for the sambal bwg yg seriously sgt sedap tuuuu. bleh bersambung smp ke breakfast haha. seronok dpt chitchat lama.

    kpd kak kasih redha, i'm not dat small and im not dat young hahah

  5. cantik kek tu.
    wah peminat datang melawat.
    he must have dedicated a beautiful song :)

  6. i saw u & the girls at TMC just now ! nak tegur tapi segan sgt hihihihi tia mia kene inject yehh tapi rileks je gelak2 kluar dr bilik doc :)

  7. This week kitorang kat rumah jer...dah.start weekend moment dengan baking lasagna last nite for dinner...was thinking baking muffin petang ni...sejak i dont have helper dah almost a year..maka almost a year jugaklah tak membaking for the twin pun dah besar n dah boleh enjoy my muffin..wahh untungnyer mr ramadhan dapat ur sambal....
    Wish u have wonderful weekend with all...

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  10. aWHOAA! I MISS BAKING! and the cake looks tempting. lapar and rasa macam nak masuk kitchen now -.- hewheeew!
