Sunday, October 21, 2012

Morning Market&Kuey Teow Goreng Basah.

Salam:) Weekend is always precious:) I feel like holding it tight so it won't slip and dissapear:)I told the papa if we want to run errand lets do it on Saturday,Sunday i don't want to move more than 3 miles from our house! I just want to embrace "Home Sweet Home" feeling. I remember when i was single weekend balik kampung was super duper sweet:) Why? It was not beacuse we went on happening rides,great shopping at the mall or outing to famous places but because we really appreciate the time at home- the simple shopping at the morning market,cooking and relaxing on the floor with pillow after that...that's all!

My precious Saturday! Enter you house with great feeling as it is your sanctuary;)

I thought i have finished all supply in the fridge:) Tengok2 ada sotong it was Nasi lemak kukus with sambal sotong on Saturday.

Everybody in the house loves sambal sotong bersantan:) My sambal sotong is always mild so that we can eat more.

Sunday, i told my hb can we go have breakfast at the road side? Once in a while i crave Street food,my hb said lets go to the pasar tani,we can buy stocks and eat breakfast there.

Kuey Teow goreng basah is alway nice here..especially when you eat it with fresh cili jeruk:)

Uwan at pasar tani with Tia.

Hari ni nak beli ikan.

And they have nice daging tetel too.

Cantik dan geram;)

kacang botol pun cantik2.

Pasar tani is also a place to buy good quality dried anchovies.

As usual bila balik berebut nak basuh ikan dengan Heni,.cannot let her wash the beautiful blocks..she will 'rape' the fish..ha haaa:):) until pucat lesi and lemah longlai:):)

Ada ikan merah masak gulai ikan merah lemak cilipadi with petai,peria katak (rebus dulu) dan tomato.

Sedap golek gelantang i cakap you..tak tipu:);)

I cooked meatballs with carrot and potato soup for the girls.

My house guna telur sangat banyak sampai tak muat dalam fridge..semua orang pun suka telur termasuk uwan;) and bila buat cake selalu memang banyak guna telur.Minggu ni banyak dapat mangga from PIL house.

While i cooked Uwan accompanied the girls playing.Seronok dok dalam cubby house ye uwan ..semua ada,ada cookies,drink,cushion dan macam2:)

Cik Kak ni pulak tak sabar2 nak tanam bunga..tadi nampak kat pasar tani pokok bunga dia sibuk nak beli.

We went to Sg Buluh instead and bought few roses and perennials.

Dah masak hidang kat luar...sangat sedap makan;)Hishh cepat lah orang celebrity fitness datang baiki treadmills..tak sabar.Tadi terjumpa sorang blog reader di pasar tani:):)

Okay lah ..nak turun ke kitchen..nak rebus ubi for uwan and nak buat red velvet rasanya;) Pada yang tanya apa butter i guna..i used Buttercup only and castor terlupa nak beli icing sugar for cream cheese topping kenalah blend sugar nampak nya;)

To UmmiYumi harap2 dah sampai di Perth dan dah memeluk2 Kymba dan Mael:) The feeling is mutual Umi, so super duper nice meeting you:) And don't forget everybody in your house is lucky to have you too and of course Tokmi is blessed to have a daughter like you:):) Blow our kisses to Perth Sky:);)

Happy weekend everybody.



  1. Salam Mamatiamia.

    I've been following this lovely blog of yours for quite some time now. Believe it or not, your blog was recommended to me by my MIL and I've been hooked since then. I just went through a difficult phase in my life and reading your sweet blog with beautiful pics of your family especially your lovely twins always cheers me up. I just admire how you always managed to remain cheerful and positive. Keep on sharing your sweet stories with us. Salam perkenalan from a fellow Malaysian residing in Singapore.

  2. Happy weekend kak azu..umirayyan

  3. ASkum K.zu,

    How are you and all at home? hope all of you feel good with Allah swt Bless...Amin...
    All pixs look great especially uwan resting in cubby house she look like a cute doll, and love to see it......

    anyway take care and hv a blessed weekend with bloved ones


  4. kalau bace mesti nk komen la mtm, i pun masak lomak cili api wt tomatoes n pucuk paku but pica x yummy like yours tp sedap jugeee bcos still polo ur recipe, uwan so cute lam umah kecil tiamia :-)

  5. Salam. Paste apa yang Kak Zu letak atas ikan tu? Kunyit hidup ek? All pics nampak sangat 'hidup'. Have a great Sunday, esok dah Monday. Hehehe.

    Maryam Jameelah
    Univ Mu'tah

  6. Salam MamaTiaMia,
    First of all, thanks for the lovely entry about the butterflies ;-). I'm glad all of you love the small token.
    I do believe it when you said that your gulai ikan merah lemak cili padi sedap golek gelantang sebab tengok pic aje pun dah boleh buat myself salivating, hehehe.
    Seronok tengok pic Uwan makan sate kat pasar tani :-).

  7. Salam mama tia mia :)
    your sambal sotong tergolek golek dalam pinggan tu very sexy lah!
    Kuetoew goreng basah tu pun sedap.. hope u can share your red velvet ya ;)

  8. Salam.. Happy weekend Kak Zu.. Fresh betul ikan2 di pasar tani tu.. Sedap benar tengok menu ikan merah masak cili padi tu. Jika tak keberatan, boleh tak Kak Zu share resepi? Nur memang tak berapa pandai masak lemak..Maklum la orang Johor.. Asam pedas pandai la..
    Kuew teow tu nampak sangat sedap.. :) Pandai Tia Mia bercucuk tanam.. Rajin macam mama dia jugak.. :) Sampaikan salam kat Uwan..

  9. alahaiii sedapnye masak lemak tu....terliur sudahhhh

  10. salam zu
    sodapppp bonar gulai ikan merah tu...perggghhhh...berkali2 telan air liur :)

    Seronok tengok uwan kat cubby house tu :)

  11. Salam Zu,
    Alhamdulillah kami semua dah selamat sampai pagi tadi. Sampai2 dah kena greet dgn lalat. haha.. spring byk lalat pulak dah. langit cerah dan kurang awan tp sekali sekala angin dtg mmg sejuk dan nyaman sekali. sampai aje rumah sejuk hati tgk bunga2 dah berkembang..
    oh ya kymba dah balik sbb dihantar oleh pengasuhnya. Mael esok baru nak jemput sambil sampaikan ole2 utk Kak Mynn :D
    Take care too dan keep in touch.. with lots of love from all of us in Perth to Zu and family. :))

  12. Salam. Hari ni pertama kali singgah di blog you,sangat menarik. InsyaAllah akan sering berkunjung...

  13. bestnya ada pasar tani!
    best tengok uwan enjoy cubby house with tia mia :)

  14. salam mamatiamia,

    every sunday mmg i sker sgt pegi pasar tani KD tu...suka mee rebus dia yg superb.d..dah 2x npk u...first time with hub only..second time semlm with uwan,tiamia and hub tgh tgu kueteow..hikksss..segan nk time kalau jumpe lagi, i nk tegur dan nk snap gambar ngn uwan...agak2 uwan nk bergambar ngn i tak??

    nnt trylah meerebus kedai ujung sekali...sedap!!


  15. salam kak...
    andai bisa ku dapat seketui rv itu kerana ku dah tak mmpu nak makan yg ku masak sendiri..terasa nak makan air tangan org lain pulak.akak nak resepi class tu anytime ku boleh bagi..

    kat mana KD punya pasar tani ek kak? Ku biasa pegi Shah Alam...boleh juga nanti ku try di KD pula..


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