Friday, November 23, 2012



My Picasa Web Album is full,my free storage from Google is also full and i can't seem to upgrade or buy minimum storage?

I tak pandai Photo Bucket ni semua:( It seems that i have to open another "We Tell Stories 2":(:(

Sad,sad:(:( Anybody can help? 


  1. salam kak, cuba tengok blog kak Ummi Perth, rasanya mcm sama je problemnyer

  2. Salam MamaTiaMia,
    I heran sbb tetiba a lot of Bloggers get this notification in the past few days. Takkan lah all this bloggers exceeded their quota at the same time kan. Is it a virus ke? Or memang something wrong with the Blogger site?
    I have been updating all my entries using Windows Live Writer for the past few years and I tak dapat this notification. And I guna Picasa to store my photos.
    Maybe you can try downloading Windows Live Writer (it's free) and use it to post your entry. It's a good program.

  3. Salam Kak Zu
    Dulu Gina pun dapat masalah yang sama juga, so tanya ramai bloggers yang tahu they all kata samada tukar kepada lain domain, beli storage atau buat blog baru. bila pikir nak buat blog baru tu tak sanggup rasanya so nak tak nak terpaksalah beli extra storage. But info from Kak Ummi Perth tu mmg sangatlah berguna, kenapalah tak tahu dari dulu.
    P/s: Kak, boleh bagi email address tak? I nak pass something to you and the girls la. Thanks

  4. last few days, i read many blogs with same problem and i saw many have solved it with a tutorial from a blog.

  5. Salam Kak Zue,
    Semalam pun saya kena jugak. Saya ikut tutorial Qaseh Honey :

    Sign up new google account and let that new account be the author or second admin. Alhamdulillah ok dah.


  6. Salam Zu,
    umi baru je kena. dah ikut tutorial kat blog Qaseh Honey tu, now problem dah solve. cuma kena login pakai email account baru lah :p

  7. Akak Kena last year lagi...boleh diatasi In Shaa Allah..
    Kena create new email .

  8. Salam.. Kak Zu, Nur pun kena hari Khamis lepas. Akak create new email dan follow tutorial Qaseh Honey tu.. InsyaAllah semua masalah tu selesai.. Ramai blogger yg hadapi masalah yang sama minggu ni..

  9. Salam... if you have loads of photos why not try flickr. unlimited photo storage for USD25 per year je and also really easy to use :)

  10. Kenape kena guna picasa? Bkn just upload gamba mcm tu je ke?

  11. Hi n Salam kak visit qasey honey blog ya. Been reading yr blog for quite sometime but remained as silent reader. But terpanggil to leave a comment upon reading yr entry pasal picasa penuh ni. Bukan apa....I just love to read yr blog. Nnt kan tak dapat baca pulak. Have a nice day ahead.

  12. assalamualaikum..... nasib kita serupa.... tapi boleh buat akaun lain guna blog yg sama.... mujur boleh kan..... huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu....
