Thursday, November 15, 2012

My Kitchen.


Heni is going back  on Wednesday next week, as i said earlier i have 'small project' in mind:) Hmm i looked  at my kitchen and  it seems there's many many things to do:( We have plastic containers,unused items everywhere..hmm where shall i transfer those things??? Easy way would be 'black thrashbag' solution:):) See how it goes next week:)

Yesterday the maid went out to shop again and the Madam stayed at home and cooked:):) So i am sharing my  2 simple recipes from My Kitchen today.

I have new recipe book stand which i bought online:) 

I like it, it is big and sturdy:) I think it is made from ceramic.

I bought cute blue egg rack too,it can hold 18 eggs.I put it at the wet kitchen so it will be easier to use while my baking eggs are stored in the fridge.

I love the striking blue colour.

Okay jom see the first recipe.Me and the girls dediced to bake some cookies yesterday evening when the weather was cold and dark.After browsing few recipes online,I pilih "Sugar Drop Cookies" from

The result  was really  nice and yummy,while it's still hot it can easily beat cookies from Famous Amous.

The recipe are as follows- 1 cup (use the measuring cup) castor sugar, i cup selfraising flour, i cup butter,a pinch, 1 egg  and  2 teaspoon vanilla extract or essence. Beat the butter with electric mixer for 30 seconds, add in sugar and beat until combine,add egg,vanilla and salt and beat,scrap the flour around the wall and beat well.Add in the flour and beat for a while until combine. Keep the batter in a fridge for 30mins- 1 h.Pre heat the oven to 280- 300 degrees, put the baking sheet on a tray, take out batter from the fridge and make a small ball, original recipe instructs you to drop the batter into white or colourfull sugar but i dropped it in the colourful toppings instead. Line the balls on the booking sheet,make sure it really far apart from each other as the batter  will really become flat.Bake until it turns golden brown,cool down on wire rack and keep in tight jar. I baked for two trays only and keep the balance in the fridge, will bake again once the jar is empty as we love hot cookies from oven:) You can modify the recipe by adding cocoa powder to the batter or add choc chips and nuts too:):)

It is extra nice if you add hard types topping in the cookies.sebab bila kunyah bunyi krik kruk and the kids will love it:) This recipe is really buttery and smells so good!This popular Christmas cookie recipe is suitable for tea and nice to eat while it is still hot.

Nice kalau nak bagi hadiah macam Famous Amous too.I stored it in a beautiful Cookie jar yang my niece bagi.My niece Intan is selling English knick knacks,anybody interested can visit her online shop at Inspired Dayana Cottage:):)

Baru masak semua suka..satu tray habis sekejap:)

For dinner i cooked Rosemary Roast Chicken.This is actually a repeat recipe.Cuma this time i made my own marinate,dah guna MC Cormick hari tu i dah boleh agak apa yang dia bubuh dalam marinate powder tu.I used 8 cloves of garlic, put in a blender, use half of lemon and squeeze the juice into the blender,add 2 tablespoons of olive oil, a pinch of blackpepper powder,lots of rosemary flakes and 2 spoonfulls of salt,blend all ingredients until fine and creamy.

Macam ni rupa dia..kalau ada garlic tak hancur tak per..boleh bubuh inside the chicken.

Then rub well all over the chicken,spend at least 10 mins to rub the chicken.Rub the ingredient under the chicken skin,use your finger to separate the skin and flesh,put a lot inside the chicken.Finally put in a fridge bag and keep in the fridge for at least 1 hour.

I used the Happy pan to bake because happy pan can cook the chicken very fast, within 1/2 h or 40 mins the chicken and potato will be cooked to perfection.The chicken will be tender and juicy too,if you use the oven the skin will be crispier but you have to cover the chicken to ensure it stays juicy. I served it will basil leaves from my garden but the basil kat my garden daun kerinting2 sikit lah:);)

Memang sedap masa panas,the potato is sweet and creamy too:)

I didn't have enough time to prepare the gray so i used brown gravy from the packet.To those yang tanya makan dengan apa chicken can just eat like that or eat with any of your favourite sauce. 

Salam Anon(s), Mummy Aqmar (inshAllah),Zulfadly (so sweet of you beli kat emak the cakestand,sangat bermakna tau:);)), Hazz ( Yup itu lah recipe dia hazz,kalau nak yg betul2 punya boleh google joyofbaking traditional buttercake),Kniedaz,Salmi (memang best EB yang alihbahasa kan..nak tidur pun letak bawah bantal:),Mamasya,Ramadhan (Alhamdulillah:);),Sarah,Nur-nba,Salwa(NZ),Umiyummi,Cacah,Niza Noordin ( ye cendawan kukur ada kat pasar sek 6 tu dah bersih senang nak masak), Anis,mayonniz(thanks lavender rose),Anon, (he he nuffnang tu nanti bukan suruh kita buat macam2 ke?),Elena (iyo akak pun rindu pokan ahad),fadel (salam perkenalan di sambut), Kakak SG (yang dihormati,salam ukhwa),Ida,safia Stunning (inshAllah tapi link tu tak boleh bukak lah),Ismarizan( memang mom's cooking is the best:),Shila ( ha ha betul lah tu..memang mahal sikit kan),Chie,Mamasyaza,Zuhriyanie (kalau kat pasar seksyen 6,dah bersih cendawan kukur tu tapi mahal ler sikit)Kak Kasihredha ( wahhh banyak konangan kek tasek yo), Rose (terima kasih Rose,moga sentiasa dalm lindunganNya).Filla-Kasihs (yang jelita bila mengandung:) selamat guna blender baru),Mutiara Biru, (ye ke,mana tau terjumpa lagi),Me&amp,cotton,Welcome (thanks!),twinsmom,rostina76,Maklagenda,Jaja,Nyza,kakpinat (buat apa kat CH tu),Mumsie ( thanks for sharing,i am trying my luck with my friend to buy KA less than RM700 in Us..he he see whether dapat or not nanti ya),Merah baldu (i will),Rina mazlan,(thanks),Nor azlina,aeino,Mrs FHM,masyit,ibunurin,yanizz,Shamsuhada (my friend budak seromban),eey, annhuzi (are you in mesia already ann?), Dan pada semua yang tiada link atau nama..terimakasih singgah.



  1. akak pun dah berkenan dengan bekas telur tu. kena cari jugak la camni..hehehehe

  2. Comelnya egg rack tu and the cookies looks so yummylicious .Bolehlah cuba pas ni.Thanks for sharing, Kak Zu

  3. dah dua kali tengok ayam ni hasil happy pan...giliran saya buat entah bila..nampak yummy sungguh!

  4. azu..dah mcm2 resipi u aku kumpul tapi ontah bilo nak menerai.. nampak sume resipi tu sodap2 yo..
    tapi tak pe..nanti aku buat buku resipi mcm u buat tu.. tak ade hakcipta kan? nanti tak pasal2 kena saman dgn lawyer..hihii... anyway thanx sbb sudi berkongsi resipi.. hepi weekend & selamat berfikir pjg utk make over dapur tu...

  5. ayam tu nampak sedap sgt..hehe btw cantik new outlook for this blog..happy blogging sis ^_^

  6. wow !! no wonder loading td cam semacam je .. upenye mama neh tukar umah baru hehe ..
    ~silent reader

  7. Salam zu
    Dah tukar wall paper baru ye...cantik2
    Suka rak telur tu..cookies tu pun cantik,
    Sure harum satu rumah waktu bakar dlm oven tu kan.

  8. hahahhaa...sama la kita punya book stand tu.Baru je amik gambar nk post kat blog..kikiki.Tapi bosa amek ontah mano nak lotak pulak hahahahahdoi....tak ado bising nak ondak dah ado memokak mokak.....huiyoooo caya tak pantun se kak kikikikiki.Cepat2 makeover ye...tak sabar nk tenok.Nnt boleh amik mood kemas dapur saya pulak..

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  10. design barulah. hehe. 'baking eggs are stored in the fridge'- memang bagus kene simpan dalam fridge ke kak? saya selalu letak dalam suhu bilik.

  11. Salam Zu,cantik egg rack tu.Love the color.Tapi tak takut ke Heni's 'black cat' langgar nanti..habis terbalik and pecah telur tu nanti...hihihi..
    So KA tu Zu beli color apa?knur pulak yg tak sabar nak tgk.Dah dapat nanti jgn lupa post gambar ya:-)
    TQ Zu,salam to Uwan and the girls

  12. salam,

    how did you squeeze the whole chicken in the happy pan??? can ke???


  13. salam maal hijrah to you zu, hope u and family are well! the cookies look yummy, would definitely disappear before it gets into the jar when it comes to my 4 kids! and the chicken...yummy! a nice change to my standard one with salt, pepper, paprika and lemon. i make it quite often, along with onion gravy, mash potatoes and boiled veg. my family do not eat rice everyday, so i rarely cook malay dishes. have a lovely weekend!

  14. Slm.. K.zu wah berwajah baru blog anda yer...bertambah lapar lah kami bila bukak blog ni..hehe..

    Btw, i nak tanya pasal cerita kinder tiamia yang dulu... yg u cakap kinder malay islamic kalau tak silap i, and u menyesal hantar tiamia kat ttdi kan?

    which kinder ek? sebab skrg im planning nak tukar kinder nadime dekat TTDI n dekat opis i, so ada a few yang i dah pergi tengok n call..

    then i teringat cerita u... i takut ter enroll dekat kinder yg scary tu... pls let me know the kindy's name...
    u boleh email i dekat ..

    tq k.zu!!! kim slm uwan... - penat uwan nak jawab salam..tetiap hari ada org kim salam..ahaks.:))

  15. Kalau sy nk dtg bertandang, nk request rosemary chicken tu boleyyy? Haha

  16. Salam.. Wow..cantik layout baru Kak Zu ni.. Lagi bertambah naik nafsu makan bila singgah blog ni. hehe..

    Berkenan la dengan recipe book stand tu dgn egg rack. If you don't mind share link blog or URL kedai online tu kat blog ye..

    Cookies memang jadi kegemaran...Tambah2 pulak sekarang ni tiba waktu petang, cuaca mendung dan hujan.. perut pon memanjang lapar je.. Tq for the recipe.. Ada kerajinan nanti Nur try buat.

    K sis.. selamat berhujung minggu..Salam sayang juga buat Tia dan Mia.. ♥♥

  17. Salam Zu,
    wah dah tukar 'langsir' baru ya.. cantiklah.. suka sgt kaler ni :) rosemary chicken tu nampak sgt mengancam. kalau duduk dekat2 boleh zu dtg petik daun rosemary fresh2 kat pokok di rumah umi :))

  18. Salam azu, cantik nye pangkin baru.lagi la ghaso nak singgah selalu ...ptg ni tumpang makan biskut pulak di atas pangkin sambil ngintai2 rak telur baru,dan memcium wangi nya bau ayam rosmary .,
    Thanks azu

  19. Salam. Astaghfirullah, I don't know how I forgot to leave the link before. Lalai sangat tengok gulai akak agaknya. :D

    Kalau sempat, jenguk-jenguklah lah ya kak. :)

  20. boleh tak tunjukkan dengan jelas rupa daun puding yg campur dengan rendang tu...nak cuba2 cari di pasar..mengidam sangat-sangat ni..

  21. Wah kak zu!!! Dah semakin cantik blog kak zu nih. Ingtkan salah masuk blog td. Ngeee..

    Ayam tu mmg sungguh2 menyelerakan lah kak. Insyallah 1 day nnt kena cuba jgk.

  22. salam. hehehe. i'm one of your sient reader. actually i just wanna say, i love your older font better. ke same? rasa mcm berubah je.

    i'm a hardcore blog-walking person and i love your blog soooo much (hampir setiap hari bukak utk baca entry baru). tp harini bukak, tgk font da berubah. and honestly agk ssh utk dibaca. sorry kak. ini pandangan saya je :)

    take care and have a nice day with your family! ^^

  23. Ye lah kak. Sue pun setuju dgn komen kwn kita kat atas tu. Wlupun blog dah cantik tp font kalini mcm susah sket nak baca..puas kecik besau kecik besaukan mata nak membaca n3 akak.

    Termasuk jgk kaler n font di sidebar.. susah su nak selongkar n3 lama2 kak zu. Maaf ya kak Zu.


  24. Salam mamatiamia,
    I thought I termasuk salah rumah tadi, straight away checked the address but betul rumsh you, cuma dha tukar cat aje, hehehe.
    Sure heni pun excited sgt2 nak balik nak buat wedding and sure you pun tak sabar dah nak start your kitchen project kan :-).
    Looking forward to seeing the results yang surenya cantik!

  25. Salam mamatiamia...

    Wah! Cantik cat baru rumah u...ingat tadi tersalah masuk rumah orang lain. Tahun rumah pon nak baru jugak kan..

    So cute egg rack u tu...teringin juga nak cari tapi bila dok pikir tang mane nak letak dalam dapur i yang sekangkang kera ini...hemmm kena lupakan saja..

    Harap tak lerlambat nak wish u sekeluarga selamat menyambut Maal Hijrah 1434.

    Take care ya..

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  27. sedap nampak cookie tu Azu, kena test la buat nanti...mesti my twin akan enjoy like yours jugak...uwan makan tak western food tu Azu..
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  28. salam. yeay! dah tukar font. hehehe it looks much better now. do posts lot of entries ea :)

    take care and have a nice day with your family! ^^

  29. Salam Zu..
    Mujur tak salah rumah but I love your pangkin new look. Hijrah..TQVM sudi singgah rumah maya kita.

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