Wednesday, December 5, 2012



Bersiaran dari HP Tanduk..ehhh..he he berguna HP you..Mac banyak cekadak;(;( Thanks Salmi,Kak Kasih Redha,Nur Nba yang giving directions on the spam comments,appreciate it very much:);)Entah kenapa lah Salmi,sejak tukar sikit2 ni ada benda2 ganjil pulak. Hi to Suraya (thanks) The Singing Pilot ( apoooo??? ko nak kawen dah?? dengan pelot? dgn loyarr? dengan pemuzik? atau dengan Siti Nurhaliza atau dengan Puteri Indonesia?? habaq mai cepattttt..kan Kak Kasih Redha:)) patut lah mama mai Indonesia cakap nak buat datang masak lempeng lah itu ini..rupanya nak pi beli lace,butang tuxedo, ladam kuda bagai..he he),Sue Echan (:);), Kak Nur Trengganu-betul2 saya lupo he he, Cacah (something wrong with that email yang akak bagi hari tu lah..tak der pun hantar ajer lah kat,Anis Rafie (the dresses were from ZARA) and mamsyaza thanks:)

So hari ni jawab soalan2:)

1. Tia Mia dresses.

 I bought the dresses from ZARA,same goes to the jacket and top to toes all from ZARA,senang citer masuk kedai beli jer semua yang perlu:) Kak Nur ni masa kat Vanessa Bruno kan;);) hmm miss lah kak Lily:)

This is the Tweed Jacket-ala Chanel;) I bought them these jackets senang nak pi semi formal punya dinner and lunch masa kat Geneva and Paris:) Tapi kalau tak pergi formal dinner pun tak apa, they love to gaya2 once a while and nice to look at the picture end of the day;)

The two pakai jacket ni masa first time jumpa Kak Nur and Lily,we went to Angelina for the famous hot chocolate. Kak Nur teringat pulak dahhhh.....

Kalau dah bukak jacket ni lah rupa the dress in full:):) Hmm teringat Laduree too;):) Nak beli dresses for girls in Paris memang banyak..but pocket pun terbakar bukan sikit..sampai seluar2 dalam terbakar:) But sebagai kenangan i bought the girls nice skirt from a good shop called Monalisa tu yang shopping bag polka dots the girls pegang- Kak Nur yang bawak kita orang kat sini..thanks Kak Nur walaupun dalam euro tak lah nampak banyak tapi cuba convert 90 euros to RM tak ke semua terbakar..tu kalau satu kalau dua,dah tu tak kan beli skirt ajer, jawabnya beli sekali simpan 10 tahun ye:) he he

Actually i bought 2 dresses from ZARA the black and this white one.This white one is nicer actually, very Parisian with ruffles at the knee..but i lupa nak ambik gambar in full:);) The girls wore this white dress on the way back from Geneva to Paris on TGV Lyria.I suka girl's dresses from ZARA, the price okay2 ajer, not so bad the simple cotton dress will cost you less than RM50 but the better ones will cost more.

2. Brownies Recipe.

I used Betty Crocker Brownies Recipe- here is the recipe;

2/3 cup butter or margerine
5 oz unsweetened/dark baking chocolate,cut into pieces.
1 3/4 cups sugar.
2 teaspoon vanilla
3 eggs
1 cup all purpose flour
1 cup chopped walnuts or chopped dark chocolate (mine i used chopped Hershey dark chocolate)


Heat oven to 350 F in advance. Grease bottom and wall of square flat pan well. In saucepan melt the butter and chocolate over low heat fire and stur constantly.After that let it cool.
In a medium bowl,beat sugar,vanilla extract and eggs with electric mixer on light speed for 5 minutes.Beat in chocolate mixture on low speed.Beat in flour until blended,stir in chopped cocolate/walnuts and spread in the pan. Bake 40 - 45 mins until brownies side begin to pull away from the pan.Let it cool on the wire rack before cutting..

Let it cold before cutting?? tak sompek my girls tak sabar2 nak makan, was so good chewy and gooey..they makan entah berapa ketul entah malam tu:) Happy trying and baking everybody:)

3. Rosemary Chicken Recipe.

Actually i have posted the recipe in the previous few entries..but never mind,i like people to cook,so i am sharing it again.

Very simple steps- put 8 garlics in a blender,add half lemon juice, 3 spoon of olive oil,salt to taste, a pinch of black pepper and lots of Rosemary leaves (fresh or dried-either one or both) 

Blend until soft and creamy like the above picture.Kalau ada garlic tak hancur tak apa,nanti just stuff in the chicken.

Make sure you buy a very fresh chicken,Sakura whole chicken with feet is recommended.Wash well, especially the inner part,dry with towel,put chicken in a bowl and rub well including under the skin,use your finger to separate the skin from flesh and rub alot of mixture there. After that keep chicken in a plastic bag and put in a fridge at least 1 hour before roasting,in my case i kept 3 - 4 hrs in the fridge.

Ada yang tanya whether i roast my chicken in the same oven i baked my cake? No i just use Happy Pan..then ada yang tanya boleh muat ke one whole chicken inside the flat and thin pan?? Yup it fits just fine,the Happy Pan lock is very tight,you click it and it will never terbukak.Why i use Happy pan because it's faster,my girls tau jer i buat roast chicken they can't wait,kalau normal oven kena tunggu  at least one hour or more this one 1/2 dah masak..further more the chicken will be more juicy,potato pun jadi lembut sangat.Bila check dah masak tu boleh bukak pan kejap dan biar atas api biar gravy dia jadi pekat,kalau rajin drain the gravy dalam small pan,add lil bit of corn flour,stir dah jadi nice gravy;)

Happy Pan Rosemary Chicken..dia tak crsipy all over bila pakai pan ni..buat the flesh is really nice,tender and juicy,semua orang dalam rumah suka.

Potato pun jadi soft and sangat sedap:)

4.Kecewa buat Cake?

Ada yang beritahu buat cake tak jadi...dont worry try again and again..mseti jadi nanti..i dulu pun macam tu.

Actually kalau kita masuk class baking pun tak rugi,.sangat banyak benda belajar..give a will have a great time at the baking class..lepas tu In sha Allah mesti jadi punya..dia ada secret,tips and methods.

Hari tu i pi Pantry Magic kat bangsar cari idaman hati..sangat kecewa..tak derrr....

Nordic Ware Classic Bundt Pan- ye haaaa i dah order from US through online website,next week Tuesday sampai..happy happy ..cantik kan:)

Ni pun cantik kan..he he..but i beli satu lagi Wilton Belle Pan..sangat cantik woooo... he hee

Hi semua yang meninggalkan comment di entry sebelum ini..THANKS  and to Niza Noordin and Shahid Al Fatihah buat arwah ibu.Amin.



  1. thanks for sharing the brownies recipe..nanti nak cuba version u pulak..hehe..

  2. Belom pernah sampai lg ke pantry magic. Mesti best, kan? Also sgt cantik the Nordic Ware Classic Bundt Pan tuuu...

  3. yayyy thanks for the recipes.. 1st nak try buat rosemary chicken dulu..
    Thanx for the doa.

    -niza noordin-

  4. Awwwwww... Now I wish I have a baby girl too.. Comel sang at Tia Mia..Rasa nak hug age diorg.. =)

  5. Suka tengok gambar TiaMia bergaya dengan dresses n jackets...Pantry Magic tu nampak best la..kalau saya mesti tak tau nak beli apa...sebab semua cantik...rasa nk beli semua huhu

  6. Kak Zu,

    kalau rosemary chicken tu bakar dlm oven mcm mana pula.. mine is the panasonic microwave oven yg ada byk2 funtion tu.. ari tu i try guna combine method for 30 mins (bake & grill), ayam jadi dry sgt (bukan whole chicken, 6 ketul ayam)... sedih ok.. do i set it to bake saja? at what tenp & timing? thanks ya..


  7. Kak Zu,happy pan tu yang ada gambar ikan kat atas dia tu ke.

  8. salam kak zu....lawanya ank dara 2 org tu....sgt suke dgn dress n jacket tu.... :) btw....ari tu tgk tv3 9.00pg ari sbtu...tak igt nma rancangan tu...tpi msk2 la...dia buat shooting kt magic pantry tu...geram je tgk tmpt tu...mcm best jer...igt nk ajk hubby pi singgah nti...byk benda2 menarik tak kak zu kt sna?...msa shooting tu nmpak la mixer KA(idaman hati) kt belakang counter tu....comel jer..hehe...kak zu dh dpt KA mixer tu?...nti msti lg ligat kak zu baking dgn 2 org puteri kak zu tuh...hihihi...kirim salam kt uwan...n d girls...smoga kak zu n family sntiasa sihat n ceria...-fifa-

  9. Nanti nak try resepi2 Kat atas...In shaa Allah.

    Geram tgok baju budak2 ppuan...maklum le x de anak ppuan...anak lelaki xde Byk pilihan...asyik2 kemeja Dan tshirt je le.

  10. Yeayyyyy..Kak azu dah share resepi brownies n rosmary chicken!! Oyeh..oyeh!! Thanks a lot kak azu..

  11. salam, biasanya saya ni silent reader arini tetiba nak tinggalkan komen sebab terliur sangat nampak ayam tu..sedapnyer yummy..simple jerk..sesuai utk bujangsss macam saya ni..hug n kiss utk tia mia yg cute tu...mmuuaaahhh! XOXO..

    P/S : saya on diet sbb tu klu rasa nak makan cake saya akan jenguk blog akak, x dapat makan yg real punya, dapat makan dalam alam maya pun xpe..blurrppp al_hamdulillah :-) hehehheeee

  12. Salam Kak Zu
    Dapat tak email from me? I ada hantar tapi still no reply. Got something nak bagi pd akak ni.

  13. tak dapat lah Gina,email akak tu ada problem..sorry hantar kat ya.

  14. tia mia nampak cantik in their dresses ... my gugurl pulak tak mau ber dresses ... hmmmm ... :( ... the brownies looks yummy ! ... thanks for sharing the recipe ... must try one day ...

  15. Your welcome.. Apalah sangat pertolongan tu jika dibandingkan dengan apa yg Kak Zu dah kongsi dalam blog ni.. Cantik dresses Tia dan Mia tu.. So sweet!.. Tq sis sebab share semua resepi.. Nanti ada masa nak cuba buat.. Hug and kisses to Tia & Mia..

    pstt.. Mould akak tu memang cantik! Harganya berapa tu?

  16. Cantiknya dress tu twin berdua ni payah betul nak pakaikan skirt atau dress..tapi ibu dia paksa juga hahaha...
    Brownies tu nampak sangat menarik, sebab gooey2 dan chewy2 tu laaa jadi sedap, tapi my baking mood betul2 dibawa angin...bila nak sampai balik ntah laa..

  17. Thanks Zue for the recipe! BTW I love the Black and the White Zara dresses. I think your daughters should dress more like this, macam sun dresses. So cute! When my daughter was little, I used to sew her clothes, did smocking for her polka dot and stripe dresses. When she has outgrown the dresses, I passed them to friends. I missed those sewing days!

  18. Salam Zu,
    nordic ware tu mmg sgt mengancamlah. dah try beli a few bundt pan tp masih teringat2 nordicware hehehe.. someday kena beli jugaklah baru boleh tidur lena :)

  19. Salam.. suke sgt tengok Pantry Magic tu! What a beautiful store :)

    I love ZARA as well. I suke sgt the style for boys.

    Those ala jacket Chanel and the entire outfit for TiaMia looks fabulous. I admit I lurve fashion especially kids hihi..

  20. Salam Zu...tgk gambar2 ni buat kami rindu kat Zu and family...especially si kecik berdua tu.Entah bila boleh jumpa lagi...

  21. oh i nak kena cuba masuk kedai ZARA lah ;) nice outfits tapi my girl tak nak pulak wear dresses. she nak if long dress. her kakak suruh pakai biar dapat rasa masa kecik. we nak buy her the princess kembang dress boleh pusing2 terbang haha. she tried in the fitting room, pusing2, suka tapi at last tak nak sebab she said sleeves too short.

  22. Salaam Azu, me suka zara kids punya collection memang cantik2..and the price quite reasonable jugak..both tia and mia looks so adorable:)...I tak boleh masuk kedai pantry magic tu nanti mesti ada jer nak mengangkut..tak dapat yang mahal yang murah pun jadi lah asalkan beli..hiks..and the bundt pan tu memang cantikkk sangattt..adoii alergic tau tengok pan2 nie..sangat menggoda especially yg swirl tu :-)

  23. Brownies tu sedapnya...
    Bila lah nak terbuka pintu hati nak membaking ni...

  24. Salam Jumaat Zu,

    Dah lama I nak tanya apa rahsia you stay slim melim even masak sedap2 dekat rumah tu? I ni kalau masak sedap2 sikit mau ulang 2-3kali kat dapur tu.Tambah pula i ni ada sifat kasih sayang nak buang left over makanan so terpaksa habiskan...heheheheheh
    I tahu you stay slim melim sebab kita tinggal satu perumahan selalu la terserempak cuma tak sempat nak hi-hi or bye-bye....hehehehhe.
    I serious ni Zu....please share your tips dekat I yer.Dulu2 you tak kurus mcm ni pun...:-)

    Take Care dear.

  25. Salam Pn.Zue,

    i ada tjumpa 1 blog jual mould cake n cuppy yg comel2.. bila tgk tu terus teringat kat u.. =)

  26. alahaiii hati masih terpikat dgn dress tia n mia

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