Monday, January 28, 2013

Wonderful dusk&dawn@Family gathering Jan' 2013.

Dear Girls;

 We had a wonderful small family gathering this weekend. It was a last minutes arrangement and we couldn't get a nice place to stay. Mama finally managed to get one kampung bungalow at Batu 9 Telok Kemang PD, it can accommodate up to 20 people and the pictures from the websites were quite promising. When we reached there, the place was very minimal, it was quite bare, very basic and to summarize it in few words ;Uwan's house in the kampung is more warmer ha ha ha:):)

You two were like puzzled at first as we always stay in a proper hotel or vacation rental:) Sebab dalam fikiran kalau bercuti dan duduk hotel semua mesti best2 bila no to die for hotel bed or swimming pool,both of you ingat kita pergi rumah orang and refused to stay at first he he.But mama told you,it is not the place that matters, we went there to be together with Uwan, Heni,Pashik,Maklang,Kak Ikin and the families, so we must make the best out of it. True enough the bare house,the minimal place quickly warmed up to our present.laughter and love and in no time we found that we like the place:);) Macam rasa balik kampung,good exposure for the girls,it was quite an adventure and we had a wonderful time.


Mia was excited.

Fooling around with mama's phone.

Saturday was jammed and we seronok2 dalam kereta.

Tia melayan perasaan sambil memeluk her soft blanket.

We reached Lanisha in PD at 2pm and memang rasa macam balik kampung celah2 pokok,paya dan other private bungalows.

Pada yang berminat kat luar quite nice,area dia besar jugak,sesuai lah untuk 4 families sebab ada 4 bilik,it's a single storey old bungalow,tapi dia dah update dengan cate, flat skrin TV and semua facilities ada cuma feel dia tak adalah resort2 or hotel cuma macam rest house KP:) Harga dia RM500 semalam tapi kalau ambik 2 malam dapat lah RM450,jadi kalau share memang lah very economical.

These two like the outdoor area as they tak dapat 'feel' lagi duduk kat dalam:)

BBQ Pit with the wire semua ada,kita boleh bawak wire sendiri kalau nak hygienic or alaskan aluminium foil or samaklah the wire ,banyak tanah berderai keliling tu.

Ada shower kat luar kalau balik dari pantai.

While the inside adalah semua benda walaupun tak ada star tapi yang penting bersih.

He he bilik tidur jangan expect macam hotel okay,macam Seri Malaysia pun tak ada.Cadar semua cadar siam tapi we all bawak comforter,cadar,and bantal sendiri:);)

Bedside table,aircond,plugs semua ada dalam bilik.

Nasib baik bilik air bersih kalau tidak mama mesti menangis punya. As long as bersih mama boleh tahan.

He he and Uwan was excited to sleep in this dormitory room..'banyaknya katil tingkat' kata Uwan,Uwan pun mama bawakkan blanket sendiri.

The kitchen has all the facilities but we brought our pots,pans,plates,cups etc.

Our stocks that can last for a month!

No complaints in the kitchen.

Petang we went out and beli mee goreng mamak.

Uwan happy makan roti canai kat luar.

Uwan dan Pashik bersantai,masa ni maklang,Kak Ikin and the rest tak sampai lagi.

Petang we checked out the beach which is like less than 10 mins walk from the house.

Bila matahari dah turu sikit we walked to the beach.

It kinda of fun to walk through bushes and houses to the pathway to the beach.

It was so hot in PD and the you two had to play with the sand first before allowed to go into water.

Uwan and the ladies berlindung dari panas.

Kemain Heni membaca URTV.

You Pashik and papa had lots and lots of fun:)

Yang tak mandi.

Mama's favourite shot.

Gorgeous- abang Amir and Kak Yan.

You and papa.

Beautiful sunset.

We had dinner kat luar.

First night penat so Paklang bought tomyam,daging masak merah and telur bungkus.

But bak kata orang tuah ayam nampak di kaki ..tuah kita dapat rezki dari neighbour yang buat BBQ they datang hantarkan kita food..yippeeee sukaaa..sedap2 pulak tu.Alhamdulillah.

2nd day we berjalan kaki ke beach lagi sambil tengok nature.

Pokok ni masa kecik mama suka main,,kadang2 dalam dia ada ulat.

Peaceful morning dip.

Collecting shells.

Abang boboy gali perigi.

Senior2 berborak.

Serious shell and coral collectors.

Fun time.

Mama pulak just rest and berangan.


Ice cream dog.

Malam kedua baru lah kita buat BBQ kak ikin bawak 8 ekor ikan talapia segar from abang din's kampung kat Pahang.

It was fun to do BBQ.

You two seronok dengan abang boboi.

Uwan makan talapia bakar.

Full moon in PD,kat luar pagar ada pulak si Johnny (the dog) menunggu,nasib baik dia tak howling kalau tak mesti serammmmm he he.But Alhamdulillah 2 malam tidur disana you too lena walaupun mula2 tu complaint pasal katil etc lepas tu tergolek sampai pagi.

Itu lah cerita kita:) In Sha Allah nanti kita buat lagi dengan yang lain2 yang miss this get together.

Night2 darlings..jom tidur mama ngantuk:)



  1. 2 nights full of memories. sangat fun la, Tia Mia enjoy habis kan. That fav shot of yours, it is wonderful indeed, in fact semua gambar pun cantik.

  2. bbq tepi laut..;)

  3. Salam mamatiamia..

    Bestnya dapat gather the whole family holiday sama-sama...tak kisahlah tak duduk 5 star hotel or resort yang penting semua happy...kan.

    Love all the pictures..

    Ikan tilapia bakar tu...perghh meleleh dibuatnya :)

  4. Salam Zu,
    Bestnye tgk gambar2.. paling best bila buat BBQ dan melepak atas tikar tepi pantai tu. kesian Uwan tgk kena panas, kalau kat sini ada byk diorang jual beach umbrella murah2 mcm brg keperluan biasa terutama musim summer. sayang sekali kat tmpt kita tak semudah tu mencari brg2 camgini kan, kalau tak dapatlah Uwan berteduh di bawah beach umbrella atau sun shelter

  5. kak zu...nampak cantik pulak beach in PD through your photos....hehehe...seronoknya family gathering... :)

  6. such lovely pictures, brings back memories of my great grandma who lived in a village house by the beach in PD when I was little...thanks for sharing!

  7. ok juga ya banglo tu..kalau pergi ramai2 mesti meriah..laman pun luas..anak2 boleh main2 kat situ...apa website dia Zu? Mana tau kami nak pi juga hehe...Uwan mesti seronok dapat ramai2 dengan anak2 dia

  8. Betul kata u Azu, kat mana pun kita,kalau surround dengan ahli families, mesti enjoy habis, borak, sembang makan , tak sedar apapun, tambah pulak when kids can enjoy pulak diaorang punya moments dengan pasir n air laut tu...memang best, dah lama betul Ida tak berkumpul with siblings like this, las year kot last..maybe cuti sek this year, i should plan sumting utk semua gather2 lagi..

  9. Seronoknya berkelah tepi pantai. . Tambah pulak ada BBQ..sedapnya...

  10. cantiknya pic kat laut tu...akak guna camera ape...cantik sangat

  11. best best best. Seronok kalau buat gathering ngan family...

  12. Arghhhh x sabar nak komen.. Saye pernah ke salah 1 banglo ni dulu... 5-6 years ago... Skrg still bersih kan, rase mcm nak pergi balik coz beach die at the other side dr beach biase n bersihhhh......

  13. we saw the jam. i did imagine u were among those in the jam. we were on the other side to kl :)
    so fun gather with many families. best part is the beach is so close. can see the joy in the everyone faces, especially uwan and tia mia. so easy to go for a short family getaway, cameron, PD, genting...oh we jealous :D

  14. Aslmkum Mamatiamia
    seronoknya dpt berkumpul keluarga begini....tambahan pula di tepi pantai...dpt bersantai. part makan tu yg bestkan bila berkumpul bersama.

  15. ya allah auntie..
    seronoknya tgk ur life!
    i hope one day.. i could be like u :)
    can i ask u something?
    auntie keje apa ye?
    sy suka bc blog org2 y dh brkawin, story psl ank2 la.. vacation lah.. trs trpk.. dyorg suma ni keja apa ye? suma mkn sdp2.. pegi holida2.. best nya! sgt beruntung! :)

  16. i luuuuuuv beach! Sea, sand and sun drive me hippie!

  17. salam kak zu

    boleh tak akak bg website utk book rumah tu?terpengaruh tgk pictures aktiviti tepi pantai nih

  18. beruntungnya awak.Smoga hidup awak diberkati Allah selamanya.amin

  19. as salam...
    bleh tak bg info camne nak contact owner banglo ni.. macam best jer... plan nak wat time cuti nanti..


  20. as salam,

    kak zuu.. boleh share info mcm mana nk contact ownernya..
