Sunday, February 24, 2013

Meaningful Journey.

Assalamulaikum and Alhamdulillah:)

It's Monday and I hope everybody had a good weekend.Thank You for all the comments, especially one special one from a lady who share a same dream like me (her first time leaving comment-thanks:):)

Alhamdulillah one more time, we made an impromptu journey back to my hometown yesterday, it is  definitely worth spending time on the road travelling back to visit the family of our Kampung Imam. Our kampung iman passed away, I might not be closed to the family but he and his family actually played important roles in our lifes.They were closed to my arwah father, dulu2 when anak2 imam still muda2 they invited my father to their homes in KL,took my arwah father to places, they loved him. My emak likes the wife too, she's a lady with a kind heart, unlike many women in the kampung yang semuanya bossy he he (yup many of them ,bila kenduri all these yang garang2 akan cekak pinggang marah kat budak2,kat orang lelaki dan duduk mengarah orang..he he) never fail to pack goodies for me whenever my emak went to their house. Anak2 imam,semua pandai2,my emak always asked imam to sembahyang hajat and doa for me whenever i was going to sit for my exam.My emak also sent me to learn mathematic with his daughter Kak Tipah, i tak suka dulu,malu dan takut but I obliged with my emak's request. My emak pandai rupanya menilai kebijaksanaan orang,I met Kak Tipah yesterday she now holds a Master in Public Finance and Phd in International Finance from prestigious U in US. So it was a good gathering, they were so happy and touched to see my emak,me and my family- despite the sadness they layan us really2 well,Kak Lang the eldest daughter whispered to me " you jaga your mom kan..very good of you,you ll be blessed..but surely not easy kan" I told her " She's a wonderful emak Kak Lang, very pleasant, no complaint, so easy to be with her, hanya ada dugaan kecik last year bila dia sakit,apart from that it was a breeze,Alhamdulillah" Then Kak Lang said' yup she's a very nice lady, we always love her". So lots of loves been strengthened and enhanced yesterday.Thank You very much for my other half for taking us back home and made Uwan very very happy.

I have some pictures from Saturday to Sunday to be shared here.

These past few weeks i had hectic days- so many things in the office, so Friday was a bliss,balik rumah hari jumaat petang,minum teh dan sepotong cake sangatlah seronok:)

Somebody in the office belanja special Nasi Bukhara from Shah Alam ,makan sedap kat office i surely teringat orang kat rumah,so kirim tapau another 2 boxes for home.Balik panaskan dalam oven and added some garnishing dalam effort membuat selera sedap lagi;)

The super sedap nasi Bukhara with dalca and acar.

Saturday morning the other half had golf with the Alumni club so i took the girls and Uwan to Mr Kentucky and ordered blueberry pancakes for the girls and porridge for Uwan.

Balik rumah kemas- staurday lah masa nak menjemur segala ke benda.

Wild orchid from Cameron dah pernah bebunga.

Musim hujan orchid pun berbunga indah.

After piano class 3 of us without the papa went to The Italian Kitchen for pizza. I ordered Pizza De Manzo,it was good.

It was raining in the evening and everybody lapar plus papa yang baru balik golf,so i cooked kuey teow goreng basah for everybody. 

Sunday night, i sat dowm and tried to al least complete half of my presentation.

Sunday Morning Ustazah came and as usual we ngaji together.

We then made impromptu journey back home after received a call about our kampung imam passed away.

We stopped at Seremban R&R had daging salai for lunch, tapau kacang rebus and continue our journey.

Alhamdulillah sampai rumah yang di tuju, tak jauh dari rumah uwan pun, isteri imam kak Apon on the right.

The two girls sibuk mengambil gambar bunga2 keliling rumah Kak Apon.

They captured many2 flowers pictures.

While we bersembang they had a good time running around.

After that we balik rumah uwan for a while, dah balik tak plan,rumah pun tak ada orang bersihkan,so boleh balik mandikan the girls aje, uwan pun melepas rindu mandi kat bilik air dia.

The two happy girls at kampung sweet kampung:)

On the way back we beli macam2, there's one stall selling super sedap lemang and rendang ayam kampung with daun puding. We stopped at that stall plus another stop at Ulu Bendul to buy itik salai. Very nice itik salai using sabut kelapa, i tak makan itik but my two girls love my rendang itik,last time buat siap semangkuk sorang meratah:)

To make the girls happy papa took us to Rabbit farm in Broga,Semenyih. It was RM5 per entry per person and situated about 15 minutes drive after University of Nottinghill,Semenyih.Opening hours Thurday to Sunday from 10.30 to 6.30 pm.

Many healthy rabbit running around in the farm.Yang kecik dan senior semua happy.

Super cute.

Miss White.

Tia somehow became so close to one Rabbit,she just sat there with "Miss Rosie(she called it), she sat nearly one hour with this rabbit;)

Mia was a bit geli with the rabbit,but she took it as a challenge;)

The two enjoying their time with the bunnies.

There's few other types of animals here including deer.

They have pony rides too.

Fuyooo my emak super sexy pulak... he he.

Balik rumah, penat.lapar sejuk..Phuhhhh nasib baik ada super sedap rendang ayam kampung with daun puding ni. Truly sedap,sampai tulang pun sedap:)

So i pun tambah masak sup labu air,potong timun, hidang lemang and nasik panas berasap,with Mirinda orange ,rasa macam hari raya pulak.It was a very delicious dinner last night- all from Nogori;)

That's it..ta taaaa taaa..bye bye - that's the lifesized dolls- both made it at their art and craft session at school:)



  1. Hi Sis..suka baca cerita u ni. Boleh tak share resipi pure rondah podaih ayam nogori?

    Sebab i masak style Ipoh mali..lain la dengan orang nogori masak..

    Heheheh..hari tu tanya pasal golai lomak..ini hari rondang plak..

    Dulu balik kg lalu somban ni penah gak beli lomang sedap kat situ.tak pasti kedai sama ke tak...uhh rindunya!

  2. eh rondah plak *Rondang podaih nogori..haha

  3. Salam MamaTiaMia.

    I love reading your blog. Suka tengok gambar-gambar that you post especially gambar-gambar the girls & the food you prepared. Was just wondering whether you're on Instagram. Take care. Have a good week. 😊

  4. Kakak, aiih kenapa kalo singgah tempat kakak ni saya selalu sajaaa lapaar... hehhehe melihat gambar gambar masakaaan berserak mengundang seleraaa..

    Cantiknyaaa Uwan pake baju hitam dan kerudung hitaam..

    salam hormat saya untuk Uwan, salam sayaang saya untuk Tia dan Mia...

  5. ya la sis..share resepi rendang pedas negeri..rasa lapar tengok rendang Zu buat tu..

  6. sexy je gambar lifesized dolls tu! :)

  7. Bestnya balik kampung, Uwan was super happy la kan. Ha tu la lemang rendang semua macam raya dah, kami pun dah lama tak melemang ni.
    That lifesize, so creative la the girls, respect.

  8. Rendang with daun puding sgt nostalgia sbb mak saya pun msk stail cmtu..

  9. Sedap sangat la nampak rendang tu. Tgh2 sejuk pulak kat opis nih...:P

  10. salam zu....sebak kejap baca bab u explained pasal uwan kat klang.....beruntung sgt2 u dpt mak yag super sporting, xbyk songeh mcm uwan. how i wish my mom just like urs (tapi xbaik kan kita compare2). btw pepepun selagi sempat & ada masa ni biarla kita sentiasa senangkan our mom. walau xleh bt dia happy (pasal i realize my mom really lonely), at least jgn sakitkan hati dia. my mom susah sgt2 nak duduk lama dgn anak2. even my bro @Mekah pun plg lama dia stay 2mths (yg xlaratnya p 2mths, blk msia pastu bersungut nak p mekah lagi....Ya ALLAH sabarrrr jelah. btw brunei dtg sekali dah tak nak dtg dah. boring katanya. huhu)

  11. waaaa...uwan so blessed..dengan anak2 like u, n family fren/neighbour yang sangat kind heart semua nya..betullah dalam dunia ni kan ..apa kebaikan kita buat In Sha Allah akan di balas kebaikan, dan kalau ada sedikit kepayahan dan kesusahan, itu lah cabaran dalam menempuh hidup dan memberi so sure , she had beautiful life dr her young age sebab hati nya purely ikhlas pada senmua dia buat, thats y at this age, dia begitu blessed.

    salam sayang utk uwan...yang selalu buatkan i miss my parents so much, n kisss utk budak berdua tu , yang selalu emind me pulak pada my chubby berdua kat rumah tu..

  12. salam,kak i really love ur story.
    Alhamdulillah, akak ada great job, great family, and great personalities.

    Doakan saya juga berjaya dlm hidup yg bru nak bermula ni :)

  13. Salam kak Zu, reading this make me rindu Kolo Pilah nasib baik bln depan dapat balik kejap.

    Dulu Kak Zu ada bela rabbit kan? sekarang pergi mana rabbit tu?

  14. salam zu, akk suaka tenguk pica uwan sihat n ceria n of kos tiamia yang happy gan rabbits tu :)

  15. fabulous food, lovely flowers, and that black rabbit looks just like mine! do singgah my blog when you're free okay, i have 3 recent posts on my hubby's recent trip to india, the land of his forefathers! take care zu.

  16. Salam mamatiamia..

    Semoga Zu mendapat ganjaran yang besar dari Allah SWT dapat menjaga bonda tersayang dengan ikhlas dan penuh kasih sayang..

    Take care ye.

  17. kak zue, kat mana beli rendang tu? tempting sangat rupa die.... owh i miss kuala pilah already!

  18. Salam kak,
    Di mana lokasi (lebih kurang) nak beli rendang tu? Saya biasa lalu situ, ingat nak cuba.

  19. The fact that your blog already hit 1 million views and plus, show that it's quite popular:)))
    Keep blogging mamatiamia:))

  20. assalamualaikum,

    cuma nak bagitau rasanya sos tabasco tu tak halal. minta maaf jika salah bagi info
