Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Recovered Photos- Disney,Paris July 2012.

Hi All:)

Hoorayyy i finally managed to recover lost pictures from Paris trip in July 2012 (lwere lost due to my crashed Macbook).Last week bila on Mac keluar notification "your start up disk is full" heran pulak kenapa gambar mostly dah delete,tengok kat photo rupanya semua gambar yang hilang dulu dah ada balik.So happy but the bad news my Outlook pulak hang,it says that "error has occured and Microsoft outlook has to shut down".Mac memang banyak cekadak,geram lah,now no access to emails while at home,tak per lah,biar berehat sikit.

Anyway i am very happy and sharing the 'old happiness' here,it might be 6,7 months ago but the sweet memories still linger in my head especially looking at these pictures which were 'missing' once upon a time:):)

To those mintak resepi and few other things,please be sabar nanti bagi dalam entry yang lain ya:) Thanks pada yang singgah dan meninggalkan komen,bila ada masa kita borak2 sibuk lah banyak,the pictures below dah upload lama since last week cuma tak publish.

For Tia and Mia- our sweet memories:) First time following mama for International Conference.

This is the first long journey for both of you- about 12 hours- KL-Paris on MAS Flight.Masih minum susu botol last year-this year no more kan;)

We wore comfortable clothes for the long journey,no concern about style whatever comfort comes first,kematu nak duduk ni:)

Tia were all prepared, she had her dolls,crayons,books etc with her.

All in all.Alhamdulillah the two were wonderful on the flight,no ragam,they ate,played and slept.

Bila sampai walaupun flight sangat lama,bumpy rides etc but you two were so happy..yipeeeee we are in Paris.

Mama booked Paris shuttle online frok Malaysia- so when we reached the airport a man with our names already there waiting for us.

Hey,hey Disney here we come- it is quite far from the airport to Disney in Marne La Valley- i think the cost for Paris shuttle were RM200 something,or less or more..cant remember the exact amount.

Happily singing in the shuttle.

It was stilled very early in the morning as we reached airport at 6.30 am in the morning.

Happiness!- sampai2 New York Hotel in Disneyland terus terjumpa Mickey Mouse berlegar-legar..apa lagi macam terkedu-kedu happy.

Yeayyy lets hold hands;)

tak boleh check in lagi sebab early- so we berlegar-legar dah dulu kat hotel sebelum simpan bag and menuju Disneyland.

After we left our bags at the concierge we pun memulakan our wonderful journey to Disneyland- walking distance only from the hotel to Disneyland.

Ada ice skating ring kat hotel ni but unfortunately it was under repair.

The girls looking at something promising.

Another hotel within the Disney compound.

So we pun jalan and jalan.

Baru sampai kat luar2 ni pun the girls dah very excited:)

Dengan baju yang sejak dari malaysia tak masuk hotel lagi we terus menjelajah.

It was spring and we can find blooms everywhere.

We walked and arrived at Disney Hotel- this is the only 5 star hotel in the compound,so near to Disneyland but the price is mencekik darah,it was about RM2000 something plus per night.Our New York Hotel is 4 star- we will show the interior in the next entry.

The girls nampak the hotel pun dah excited sebab looks like Disneyland;)

We jalan and jalan

and jalan

and had fun

fun and fun;)

He he nanti kita continue lagi..provided Mac tak buat hal lagi- we have some more nice pictures;)

Happy Thursday everybody- dont forget tomorrow is Friday:);)


  1. alahai...seronoknya tengok gambar Tia & Mia di Disneyland...tak sabar nak tengok n baca kisah selanjutnya ^_^

  2. wah, finally u manage to dapat balik all the pics, rugi nyer kalau hilang kan , tak bley nak tunjuk kat tiamia bila depa besar nanti...kalau da lagi, share la dalam ni banyak2 Azu,nanti terbangkit semangat nak pergi jugak, kena kumpul duit banyak2 ni hehehe.

  3. Salam Zu,
    Bestnyee.. tak sabar nk tgk gambar2 kat paris lagi :)

  4. its better on Spring sbb nmpak sgt colorful! sy went during winter, cold but loving the parade. trus rs kebdk2an kembali cam Tia Miia. rinduuu. Moga ada rezki bwk my baby bila dia da bsr sket nanti. ;)

  5. cantik-caantik gambar.. Tia & Mia sangat cute.

    masa dalam eroplen saya siap 'bocor' mencalit sebuah peta di seat MAS tu. Adoiyai tensen kalau berjalan masa 'P'.

  6. Horeyyyyyy!! Cek Mek kak zu dah tak mcm2. Sonok tgk gambar2 ceria the girls

  7. Salam mamatiamia

    Akak sekeluarga pergi Disneyland ~ Paris pada summer 2008. Memori hanya tinggal kenangan sebab semua photo tidak dapat retrieve dari external hard disk...memang sedih, apa boleh buat kan..

    Syukurlah Zu dapat recover balik semua photo...memori indah dapat dilakar kembali melalui photo tu..

    Take care ya..

  8. Wie... lucky u recovered all these pictures kan, of course frust kalau all these sweet pictures gone.
    Hubby and me just talked about Paris Disney yesterday, hahaha and now we looking at it.
