Friday, February 8, 2013

Tangan dah tak ada bulu!!


Pernah dengar tak ungkapan ni?- "Sampai dah tak berbulu tapak tangan dek masak"! he he Uwan suka cakap macam tu masa dulu2, maknanya dah terlalu lama dan terror masak lah sampai gugur bulu tapak tangan dek masak:);) Tapi tapak tangan ada bulu kerr,Gorilla pun tapak tangan tak berbulu kan..itu hanyalah perumpamaan nak sedapkan/strengthen the statement:)

Did you ever experience- the whole cooking went wrong? Like a pot of curry or soup ;suddenly the soup or gravy too masam,too cair, too tak sedap and beyond repair? While you have people waiting for it! That's what happened to me this evening dah berbulu tapak tangan dek masak pun masih terjadi jugak tragedi itu:):)

I was thinking of what to cook for dinner since in the office, soup,gulai,roast,fried..nothing fancy me today:( I was thinking about my beehoon curry non stop-  too tired to stop at the grocery shop to buy ingredients- when i reached home, i just took out whatever i had in the fridge, there were chicken,long beans, lettuce and lime which is good enough for my beehoon curry. So i pun tumbuk serai,halia,bawang putih,merah,dah tumis sampai wangi i masukkan curry for meat,masukkan ayam dan tumis lagi,masuk kicap sikit,chicken cube, i rasa..wahhh sedap..then i rasa nak tambah perisa lagi biar ada masam2 sikit,so i pun tuang tomato sauce, some how terbanyak lah pulak, i rasa nak sudu keluarkan but i tak buat,i just masukkan santan..bila kacau,masak,rasa tomato sauce menguasai curry and dissapoint me. I tambah belacan sikit,masuk asam keping,gula merah sikit,semua tak jadi.The taste  yang i nak was not there- beehoon curry should have the taste of curry,the sweetnest of coconut milk and the richnest of serai,garlic etc. So sangat kecewa, by that time my husband pun dah balik..siap masuk dapur and tanya "what's cooking?" sambil duduk kat bench belakang dapur. So i thought what to do? how to repair the whole pot of curry? too tired and late to make other dishes:( So i pun buang semua kuah kari dan tinggalkan isi ajer, i tumbuk balik bawang,serai,dan tumis new curry powder in a separate pot,dah tu i masukkan balik dalam isi ayam,tambah santan baru,garam and biar mendidih.I rasa macam okay dah,the taste dah ada. Bila my husband makan he said " wahhh so nice, can bukak kedai, i think better than that Fishhead noodles that we ate last time"..He he kombang den:):) Surely worth masak sampai tangan tak der bulu..kih kih:):) So i am sharing the tips here, kalau kuah you jadi salah,jangan terus hidang yang tak sedap tu atau buang the whole thing,you masih boleh betul kan:) Paling senang if you dont have beehoon waiting like me,you can just goreng the isi ayam,tumbuk bawang2,garlic and masukkan,sangat sedap jugak sebab ayam tu dah berempah bagai:) Itu lah tip yang nak di kongsi ;bagaimana nak menyelamatkan masakan yang salah:);)

Alhamdulillah bukan setakat boleh di makan the beehoon curry ada orang cakap sangat sedap and now dia dah beradu kekenyangan over the 3 or 4 servings:);)

I fried ikan pekasam for Uwan as Uwan will still want to eat rice.Ikan pekasam goes well with her gulai  ayam masak serai and ulam petai;)

Also sharing my new good purchase. I bought this Tefal aluminium pan for induction/ceramik cook.The pan is really good, it is thick and heavy,you just need little oil for frying.I used olive oil here..he he..goreng ikan pekasam with olive lah tak jive kan:);) ayway the ikan tak lekat and you boleh sudip dan balik2 guna sudu or any metal tak lah payah susah hati nak guna wooden or plastic spatula like the normal non stick pan. To those interested, i bought this pan from Parkson and it was priced at RM80 or 90 something,i can't remember exactly.

Semalam i buat roast beef with potato guna magic pan from korea ni.Ini lah yang paling senang,kalau balik petang and penat,selain soup,roast beef or chicken in this pan is the best solution.

Just mix your beef and potato with any homemade mix or in my case I used Zesty Garlic mix from Mc Cormick and load it into the pan.


Drizzle some olive oil and add whole garlics and any herbs you like such as rosemary,basil etc. to enhance the taste.

Close the pan and put it on slow fire.

Another tips for smooth cooking-keep all your spices near your working place, easy to reach and use.

Keep frequently use ones near you,while the one you occasionally use can be kept in the cabinet if you dont have enough space near the stove/working place.

Less than 1/2 hr (15-20 mins) the beef and potato were cooked to perfection.

The beef was juicy while the potato and garlic were soft and sweet.

Okay lah your homework first after this we can hoorayyyy hoorayyy as we have 4 days to forget about school and office..Yehaaaaaaaa:)

Happy Holiday everybody! Keep Calm and cook and eat and sleep and be happy! Love your house,love your kitchen,love your garden:) (Pstttt..statement from a person who cannot go anywhere...muahhaaa..haaa but she keeps thinking........hmmmmm););)



  1. ermmm...good tips azu...i normally will shout for my hubby help kalau masak jadi tak sedap...he will always know what to do hahaha..jom sama sama enjoy our long holiday at always nice to be home dwngan orng2 tersayang....

  2. Waaa...hebat kakzue...siap buat kuah lain..saya aritu try buat pes tomyam sendiri...malangnya x jadi...saya buang kuah yg tak jadi tu pastu ambik kunci kete pergi beli pes tomyam yg dlm botol tu....akhirnya jadik jugaklahh tomyam....mmg letih giler la aritu....

  3. hahaha funny statement, i thought masak banyak sangat sampai terbakar bulu kat tangan.
    That tefal pan sounds perfect for me then, selalu kena marah ngan ngan hubby bila pakai normal tefal dia sbb takut calar hohoho.
    and tips to fix the dish is great, thanks for that.. I setiap kali masak kot never goes right :p

  4. happy holidays to you..wah, cuti panjang kat malaysia! love the beef and potatoes and ikan pekasam...i have experienced cooking tak jadi many times, sometimes berjaya modify and sedap, other times i just feel like chucking it in the bin...tapi i don't like wasting food so makan selagi boleh! take care!

  5. First time dgr perumpamaan zue ni "sampai dah tk berbulu tangan dek masak"..he..he..terbaiik. Okey tata dulu, arini i nk blk kampung hubby di Terengganu. Boleh buat nasi dagang ngan mak mertua. Doakan semua nyer selamat..

  6. salam kak zu....selalu juga jadi mcm tu...selalu juga frust...tapi mcm kak zu...cari other alternatif...kadang2 saya buang kuah tapi msk lain...sbb bhn2 dah abis...Alhamdulillah so far menjadi...adalah 2 or 3 kes yang failed...hehehe

  7. salam kak,just nak bg idea, kalo kurang rasa kari, cuba akak mix kari paste dgn bwg mesin, tumis asing dalam periuk lain sampai masak and keluar minyak, pastu boleh lah masukkan balik dalam kuah tu...

  8. Tak pernah dengar perumpamaan ni.. Bagus juga tips Kak Zu ni. Kalau buang semua, rugi la.. Selamat bercuti sis!

  9. terliur tgk ikan pekasam tu, letak bwg besar byk n potong cabai kering, goreng skali dgn ikan pekasam tu lagikla sedapppp
