Monday, March 4, 2013

Rendang Itik,Bunga Telang,Labu,Strawbery etc etc


Despite the heat these past few days we had good week and weekend, hope everybody else had a wonderful time too.Now it is really difficult for me to update my blog due to my unfunctioning Mac:( I had two things on mind that i need to buy- i.e Laptop and Oven,both are equally important:) Must find time to get these two this weekend.

Update this week is through the lense of my Iphone- pictures quality is not that good but it is better than none:) And I am fulling request for rendang Negeri 9 recipe too- this time is rendang bebek@itik:)

Alhamdulillah i managed to puasa Monday to Friday last week- so macam2 lah selera bila puasa ni:) I cooked ikan sembilang salai masak lemak cilipadi for Uwan last week.

These two girls have a full sechedule too...but i think mine is more hectic than theirs;) They kena belajar ajer,i yang kena mengajarnya- they doing okay i think,sesuai lah untuk umur,malas2 tu mengikut i kecik2 rasanya;);)

One of the last week morning , i baked croissant using the frozen pastry- now it has become the girls and papa's favourite:)

Dah beberapa hari beli itik salai from Negeri Sembilan, i decided to cook for them last Friday- nampak ada tangan meninjau kuali tu ada orang tak sabar- they said smell so nice.

I biarkan kedua-dua belah really garing sampai hitam2 sikit, biar wangi dan sedap.

Masak jer ada orang dah tak sabar walaupun belum malam dah nak dinner- so 3 of them Uwan and the 2 girls makan kat belakang dapur dengan rendang itik panas2. 

The rendang was really nice actually- tak ada bau itik and daging pun lembut tak payah lah rebus lama.I am sharing the rendang N9 recipe here- it is my version sebab i tak pakai cilipadi satu bijik pun due to the girls nak makan, but it turned out nice too. Itik salai yang dah di potong, basuh dan toskan. Hiris 4 batang serai, 2 labu bawang besar, 8 bijik bawang putih, 2 inchi halia,2 inchi kunyit dan 2 inchi lengkuas.Masukkan semua bahan hiris dalam blender dan blend hingga sedikit hancur. Masukkan semua bahan kisar dalam kuali bersama itik dan bubuh sedikit air, tambah serai yang di tumbuk kasar sebanyak 3 batang dan 6 bijik lada hitam yang di tumbuk.Rebus hingga keluar minyak dan itik lembut sedikit, bila air dah tinggal sedikit masukkan santan dari 1 1/2 kelapa or 2 kotak KARA santan. Tmabah garam, asam keping dan biar lah hingga kering dan semua santan telah jadi minyak.Lada hitam boleh digantaikan dengan 10 atau 20 bijik cilipadi kalau nak pedas.Selamat mencuba!

Enough of itik, i cooked fried keoy teow with udang the next day for breakfast. This is another new favourite of Tia Mia. I like to use the thin kuey teow instead of the broad ones, i used two eggs, paste udang untuk prawn noodles from Tean brand and kicap masin, it was really yummy. I ve been trying to get the street stall taste/recipe, after trying many recipes- my ciptaan sendiri yang paling kena with my tekak.

Saturday after kenyang this was the activity.

After they got tired, they rested under "janda kaya";)

After piano class on saturday we went to my PIL house in Sungai Buloh- this is the first time i tengok buah gajus atas batang.

My FIL rajin tanam ulam2 keliling rumah- this time i picked some bunga telang for nasi kerabu- but my fil always bagi everything yang atas pokok to me:);) 

Oh ya..sharing my storage place's picture  at the back of my kitchen. Mr Alvin finally finished it,so the back is now fully grilled, i dont have to worry about locking the kitchen door all the time.I like the storage place, can store many many things inside- brooms,steps and all the knicks knacks from the kitchen.

See.. who's resting there while waiting for me to cook;) I brought the bench from the front porch to the back, will try to get little bench with table for this area:) To those who have asked me to share the laundry area's picture let me kemas2 and complete it first okay:)- nothing much actually as the space is not that much.

Bunga Telang in hands lets cook nasi kerabu now! 

I made sambal santan masak for the nasi kerabu, i asked for recipe from my Mil last time and adjusted it according to my liking.But i tak buat kelapa goreng kering tu and sambal lada tumbuk sebab tak larat dah malam:)

And Ikang Celuk tepung to go with the nasi...i goreng garing2 until crunchy:)

Tadaa my Nasi kerabu bunga telang, the girls were so excited to eat the "blue rice"- hmmm patut lah my FIL bagi bunga tu banyak2,rupanya 6 atau 8 kuntum bunga dapat sedikit ajer juicenya:) My husband said sangat sedap dan bertambah makan- so it should pass the Kelantan standard:);)

Sunday, gantung periuk belanga and we went to Awana Genting for lunch and relax2. We opted for buffet, the girls ate free while senior citizen like uwan has 50% discount:) The kuah resam from the Indian spread was nice- tak pasal2 lah makan nasi banyak pulak:)

Then we went to " Mini Cameron" to pick the strawberry- unfortunately tak byk berries pun dah kena petik.

So we jalan2 and beli strawberry yang dah packed ajer.

Uwan pulak had her eyes on this labu- so we bought this labu;)

Balik i cooked white raddish in beef broth, gulai labu,goreng ayam kampung and sambal ikan bilis asam limau..waaahhh sedap betul makan:)

The girls as usual enjoy her strawberry and cream:)) Alhamdulillah.

Bye and take care.



  1. sdp smenye, yg kueh tiaw tu, mn resepi?

  2. salam from england! i'm fasting today, so all your delicious food nampak extra yummy at 9o'clock in the morning! :) I used to love nasi kerabu masa kat uni and working kejap kat kl dulu, this was 2 decades ago lah! yours look really awesome! have a good week ahead!

  3. I always love seing you dress yur twins baju sama. Mmg diorang suka or how? I cant get my boys to wear same baju coz they say "dah lah muka sama, rambut sama, baju tak nak sama" :p... they are 6 this yr, so i ikotkan je their request, but at times i made them wear the same baju (kena pujuk lbh sket). Btw, really love reading yur blog as it inspires me to rajin masuk dapur.

  4. Salam Zu,
    sedapnyaa nasi kerabu.. sampai meleleh air liur dah.. rendang itik pun nampak sedap sgt walau tak pernah mkn itik hehe.. cantik juga ruang dapur Zu nampak kemas sekali seronok tgk Uwan bersantai di situ. :)

  5. Salam kak zu.. i just want to say that i always want to be like you.. how u treat your mom.. u inspired me.. i hope i can be like u and treat my parents well.. aminn :)

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  7. oh akak....
    bila tgk wet kitchen akak tiba2 saya rasa mahu bikin wet kitchen juaaa...
    oh duitttttt

  8. buah gajus tu masak lemak putih dgn sotong pun sedap.cincang halus2 macam cincang kerabu mangga.rasa masam2 lemak.

  9. Salam Mamtiamia...

    Bestnyer dpt tgk all dat u cooks...u noe wat..heheh im cmg over to kL dis sat (9/03) and will b staying at Berjaya Times sekejap ajer...sun at 1630hrs i da berangkat balek ke spore...g sane nk settle kan some matters...if u n family jln2 kat bt bintang...i nampak u olls...i pgl jgn
    terkejot k...hehehe

    Luv fm
    Umi Triple S.Y.A.

  10. Salam MamaTiaMia,

    Mabruk pose direct.
    Cik Yong liat bebenor nak khatam.
    Padahal winter ari tu maghrib awal tak mau puasa.

    Dear Uwan,
    nampak sihat sentiasa..
    seronok & rindu tgk uwan

    Cik Yong

  11. may i know out what is the brand of the frozen pastry that u used to bake the croissants?

  12. tqvm resepi rendang itik mtm, wajib coba :)

  13. Its always worth a trip down here, rendang! I never think of myself cook rendang, selalu kan leceh la hai resepinya, but yours version, look so easy like kacang. Thank u thank u.

  14. Salam kak Zu, utk kwey teow tu how much tean's paste to add ye? Sedap sgt rupanyer.....
