Thursday, March 21, 2013

Running to Violet&Jasmine, Hope to be Loved By Mist&Dew.


Did you ever feel like running away? Leaving KL for a remote kampung:) I would love to stay in a kampung especially if it is on a hill filled with roses,violet and jasmine,waking up to mist & dew. I dont mind leaving the city, dont mind not to wear jacket or sling my handbag and put on my shiny shoes in the morning  ( furthermore i dont have that many handbags or shoes..branded ones pun ada lah seketul dua, kasut paling happening pun Clarks:):) I dream of wearing slipper in a garden, planting and weeding, i dream of sitting in a kitchen without having to worry about anything, time will walk slow, morning is long enough for picking flowers,mixing teas,baking muffins, and fixing sumptuous lunch, afternoon would be longer, evening will be like eternity and when night comes heaven will start;)

Impossible may it seems- One or Two Days is enough to braise the heart with love and fill the chest with song:)

Taking my heart to a place similar to my dream.

Day will be longer in this garden.

Evening will be eternity.

Filling our few days here with love and song.

Sitting and dreaming is all i want to do.

Your hugs and kisses will be my best companion.

Wishing a small house on a hill with dew and mist, flower and bushes,birds&bees:)

Signed - First Night@Ye Older Smoke House.


  1. wah breakfast with scones...having it with butter and strawberry....memang heavenn Azu....

  2. Kak Zu
    I will miss my life in Adelaide nanti, not so stressful, tak ada traffic jam, no hassle tapi nak buat macamana, kan kena berpijak di bumi yang nyata so kenalah menempuhi traffic jam yang berjam-jam tu and rush sana sini...huhuhuuh

  3. sedapnya scone..
    selamat berehat kak zu. ;)

  4. how is the room at ye olde? is it musty? i'm planning for a trip up there with friends, trying to recce hotels.

  5. hehe mia eh yang ambilkan gambar mama berpose graceful flamingo, on 1 leg ;)
    of course! my dream kan! yang nak fix sumptuous lunch tu yang berat haha tak maher2, minatnya kureng haha. yes time will walk slow for us to enjoy. i must start running. dah dekat ni tapi belum ready nak on your mark get set go. nak catch up with u and ms strawberry pun belum sempat...sabar, sabar :)

    :) annhuzi (:


  6. OMG Azu! we definitely have the same dream..

  7. Hi ...
    Bestnya kat cameron highlands.

  8. Woot woott , bestnya akak holiday :) btw, enjoy <3

  9. dah bape kali try nak stay sini...tapi mcm was2.Nanti review sedetail2 nya ye kak....

    OHH love CH bery mushie2...

  10. salam zu! I thot you were in england, on a true spring or early summer's day! so lovely! i've only been to cameron once masa kecik...the brits really left their mark there, didnt they? we are still stuck in winter here, supposed to be spring tapi winter lingers yang buat people get ill and all, my family included. anyway, enjoy your wonderful break, everyone deserves a good break from the hustle and bustle of life!

  11. alhamdulillah.... kak susu manis

  12. Secantik2 cameron pun, mana number model tu? Haha

  13. very nice!! love being in the country!!
    nak ajak mamaTiaMia cuti in my country home takut y'all beku pulak... but if ever you're in this part of the world, you are most welcome :)
