Sunday, April 7, 2013

My Little House.


Alhamdulillah, this week boleh lah tengok2 dan kemas2 sekeliling rumah sikit. I want to create little greenery nook at the back since i spent half of my time there-cooking and talking to Tim & Lauren:) I put some potted plants there,i have planted kacang botol outside the wall hoping that it will creep up the wall to inside- tapi tak lah menjadi sangat:(

Have to be careful in choosing the plant too- yang tahan dan tak perlu air banyak sangat. As at now this is one of my favourite place, i sit a lot on the bench to cut my the veges, watch the girl paint and bagi makan Tim&Lauren:)

Bunga dari cameron yang i keringkan di belakang- colour dia cantik sangat:) 

I dried the paper flower and hang it at my hot plate back splash as decoration.

Saturday Alhamdulillah dapat mengaji balik,dah 2 minggu tak mengaji- this week Mia has improved a lot and she's now on Iqraq 2, hopefully she can catch up with Tia.While Mama already on Iqraq 5 and had been reminded by Ustazah not to forget the "panjang" "pendek" he he:):)

After ngaji,masak for Uwan we went out to buy groceries, carikan camera utk anak Heni, nak replace Android Tia yang dah meletup ( made in china macam tu lah:);)

And we had a good time dipping nachos into salsa and cheese at Chili's:)

Sangat penat mencari camera, itu ini itu ini termasuk lah se troli groceries sampai tak boleh tolak.Was really tired- at night dapat meluruskan kaki minum the green tea dan cheese sticks from CH sangat lah seronok. Heni wanted to buy camera in a range of RM200 for his son yang nak masuk sekolah penerbangan.Mana nak cari camera yg elok sikit with that price, i finally bought Samsung camera price nearly RM400 for his son as sedekah.

I also bought myself this very light bacpack for my Laptop from Samsonite.Sebelum ni i guna bag free from TM- my niece asyik gelakkan,so now i have a cool bag okay Ikin:)

This is a new gadget for Tia ganti Android dia yang dah meletop- nama dia Ipro priced at RM299:) harap tak meletop lagi.

This morning breakfast kat luar lama dah tak duduk2 di luar sejak semua sakit, busy this morning i angkat periuk terus he he- we had fried mee with cili jeruk, clam chowder soup and toast.

Sambil breakfast sambil memerhati keliling, bench yang nak kena touch up,pokok bunga mati yang nak kena ganti, etc etc.

First project nak memindahkan jambu air dari pasu ke dalam tanah,sebab nursery cakap kalau dalam pasu nanti tak berbuah.So tukang gali lubang si papa lah,tukang nak mengacaunya ada 2;)

Papa korek the girls tukang buangkan tanah.

Uwan pulak duduk2 ajer berehat:)

Petang pulak we went out to nusery to by creepers for my wall and some flowers- uwan nak ikut, balik dari nursery we singgah makan cendol bawah pokok tak jauh dari rumah.

That's the pokok jambu air planted by papa and the girls while at the back were the creepers- hopefully it will creep up the wall fast.

We painted most of the garden chairs, table, bench etc today and we quite satisfied with the result.

After all the hard work rasa seronok with the result:)

Dinner so penat i just tambah goreng taugeh kasar with tofu dengan kicap.

Dan panaskan gulai ayam masak lemak cilipadi berserai yang di masak masa lunch..Alhamdulillah kenyang.

Finally nak tunjuk cara Tim & Lauren tidur- tu dia tidur cute kan.

Kalau tak pun dia tidur macam ni he he..kaki tangan siap letak kat luar cage,kalau kita geletek kaki dia buka mata..and pandai nak manja:):)

Okay lah..that's all..hopefully Monday will be as happy as weekend:) In Sha Allah. Nite Nite and Assalamulaikum:)



  1. Salam Zu,
    Cantiknya suasana kat rumah Zu. Setiap ruang digunakan dengan sebaik2nya.. lepas tu tengok makanan sedap2.. adoii dah lama tak mkn cendol. Geram pulak tengok Tim dgn Lauren tu sgt comel :D

  2. Betul tu.. Setiap sudut kat umah akak mmg superb. Love to read ur postss. Kisses to ur pretty little ladies mmuah.

  3. seronok kan bila space kita di dapur pun boleh letak bunga2 like wet kitchen tak kalau nak tengk hijau and bunga2 kena g depan umah, tapi my house sekangkang kera jer Azu, from kitchen pun boleh nampak dah depan rumah hehehe..

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  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. cantiknya pagar dan bench tu kaler putih. :)


  7. semalam dok same kerusi dengan uwan mase makan cendol bawah pokok... heheh :))

  8. Salam k.zu...

    cantiknya rumah.. suka tengok laman yang bersih dan teratur tu..

  9. Hi kak Zue!! Sy mmg adore suasana luar rumah cam umah kak zu. Cantik tersusun. Siap leh mkn kat luar umah lg tuh!

    Bestnyaaaa kak

  10. salam zue...very neat & cosy je laman tu. btw ros nak bg idea sikit blh ke (hope u jgn mare & gedebusss i sbb i pun byk kelemahan jugak)...why not masa the twins mengaji u pakaikan tudung yg comel2 for them...train them masa mengaji kena tutup aurat....sincere from my heart dear sis ;)

  11. Salaam azue, the story sangat menyenangkan and the pic sangat menenangkan. Have a wonderful weekend ahead with your family, friends and work. Take care

  12. salam mamatiamia.. glad to see your girls dah sihat.. alhamdulillah :) my outdoor chairs smua dah rosak.. :( jenis beranyam2 tu mmg tak tahan.. glad if u can give some idea kt mana nak cari outdoor chair.. kalau normal furniture shops slalu tkbyk pilihan.. yurs look nice jugak.. :)

  13. Saya suka halaman rumah Zu..ada pokok, ada bench, semua ada untuk rileks...

  14. Salam Kak Zu,

    Owh saya sungguh suka bila akak share pics laman rumah akak. Aman tenang n 'family minded'....suuuuka sangat.....selalu berangan nak ada deco rumah mcm kak zu...

  15. Salam rindu Kak Zu.. Cantiknya laman akak.. tenang dan damai je.. Pandai akak menghias rumah..

    Harap gajet Ipro tu tak meletup lagi.. Takut pula dengar. Kenapa boleh meletup kak?.... ;)

  16. Anak heni masuk skola penerbangan? STPI? Wings flyin school?

  17. Alhamdulillah... semoga keluarga ini senantiasa dirahmati dan diberkati oleh Allah swt..amin

  18. salam kenal sis..
    jalan2 singgah sini & follow.
    cari2 citer2 pasai CH,terjmpa blog sis..anyway suka sgt tgk rumah sis,cantik,teratur & sgt kemas..

  19. salam perkenalan :) seronok baca kisah zu sekeluarga..mmg x pernah miss..ari nih terniat nak tanya khabar..moga zu berbahagia di sisi uwan dan keluarga selama-lamanya..sukeee sgt tgk rumah zu,kemas & bersih jeee...smpaikan salam buat uwan,tia & mia...

  20. salam akak....
    saya pun baru sihat ...turun CH kena demam laki bini.Dek tergoda bunga2 akak...saya pun gagah beli dried flower.Poyo2 aso tu kata bunga ros pun nanti stay je colour dia....yang hado...hahahahha.Last2 bunga yg purple tu jugak maintain kaler.Yg roses sume pakat jadi kaler coklat..hihihi.Ada jugak beli roses and dahlia utk tanam.Mintak2 hidup lah.saya pun baru lps tanam pokok buah...saya tanam pokok delima.Cuaca ok sikit nih dapat lah berkebun.Blom sempat update blog nak cite pasal CH sbb busy dgn kek..

