Sunday, April 14, 2013

Warm Home,Warm Hearts:)

Why sitting at home is so nice? How about you Tia and Mia? Do you enjoy staying at home and just go out not more than 1 or 2 kilometres to buy groceries and do simple things:) Weekend is short; as i am typing now it's already 5.20 in the evening and I start thinking of what to cook for dinner -while i feel like Friday has just ended yesterday and Saturday never come:)

Friday I came back and sat in the garden for quite sometimes- trying to embrace the best day of the week- Friday is the beginning of weekend- hearts start to get warm:)

I just transferred two potted of bunga raya infront of the girls's cubby house so that they can some shade.

The girls and their cubby house.

When you been cooking the whole week once a while you crave for this simple unhealthy food.

Saturday we went out for breakfast at Homst.

Then we took Uwan for eye test to see whether her glasses is still okay.Its seems uwan needs 50% increase of power.

Petang i made cucur udang geragau-sedap pulak sesekali makan:)

Malam we went to the nearby pasarmalam and bought satay- dasyhat pasar malam punya rate- macam terperanjat bila ambik2 sayur dan kena RM44- selalunya kalau pergi pasar tani and beli sayur banyak lagi dari tu the most kena pun RM25- 28.

Dinner pun panaskan lauk lunch ajer- gulai asam keladi.

Masak lemak pucuk paku.

And ikan bakar cicah air asam- sedap pulak selera makan:)

Malam di sudahi dengan yang manis- manis sahaja.

Morning i cooked pulut kuning for my brother- Today is Pashik's birthday- Happy Birthday Pashik!

Yeayyyy potong pulut nyaaa Pashik!

Banyak pulak makanan sebab Pashik bawak nasi dagang datang:)

Today we made simple and cheap project- Doll House from kotak terbuang:)

Sibuk nak beli Doll House yang mahal kat Toy R us- i made this one and they love it- costed me RM2 only;)

yeayyy we have a doll house.

The girls keluarkan duit tabung RM50 untuk beli rumah baru Tim&Lauren.

This is my second last cooking today- i wish to tell more story and tegur everybody individually but i ve got to go and cook dinner now! Ta Ta!

Salam buat semua di Malaysia, Sinagpore, Oz,NZ,UK,France dan siapa sahaja yang menegur dan berkirim salam:)



  1. Salam Madam,

    I agree with you when you say, Friday just ended, and Saturday never came. For me as well, everything seems to be a rush too. I guess that's why its important for us to make our home as "homey" as possible eh?

    You have a good week ahead!


  2. Hi MamaTiaMia,

    Slurpp + Yummiee = Yong terus lapar

    ps: hensem sungguh bunga atas tu, kat sini skrg tanam bunga cepat mati dah nak start summer ;-(

  3. Aslmkum Mamatiamia
    Syakirahpun dok sibuk nak doll house...nak beli mahalkan. tp good idea mamatiamia buat sendiri dg kotak....nampak cute.
    nengok gulai asam keladi itu sedapnya..dah lama tak mkn. kena pula dg ikan bakar & sambal...lagilah sedap.

  4. Sukanya tgk umah akak

  5. salaam azu, laparnya tengok all foods especially keladi masak asam tu..masa ampang takde air for 4 days hari2 makan kat me sekali sekala makan kat luar ok, tapi kalau sampai 4 hari makan kat luar jer..tak lalu rasanya..alhamdulliah hari nie dah ada air balik..yeap memang pasar malam sayur mahal sangat..memang itulah compared kalau kat pasar tani or pasar basah..laju jer la dia sambil timbang, sambil kira..entah betul ke tidak tup tup rm40..kita yang mendengar pun terkujat kejap..hehehe

  6. Salam K.Zu,

    My heart is warm whenever I read your warm words..

    Warm regards,

  7. Assalamualaikum kak zu & family...
    mmg terasa cepat betul masa berlalu...rasa baru seronok nak blk kerja hari jumaat...sekarang baru settle gosok baru tuk kerja i wish its friday everyday....hehehehe :)
    kirim salam pada uwan&tia mia....

  8. Salam Zu,

    Apa khabar? lama tak meninggal jejak dekat sini. Dekat mana Pasar malam you pergi yer? I tercari2 juga Pasar Malam hari Sabtu dekat our area.
    Kalau hari Jumaat petang you boleh singgah di tapak Pasar Tani setiap hari Ahad tu ada pasar malam.Ikan2 murah dekat situ tapi for sayur tak banyak pilihan.

    Hari Ahad petang I suka pergi Pasar Malam Taman Tun. Foods yg dijual sedap2.

    Once you free let me know Pasar Malam hari Sabtu tu yer.

  9. salam
    tgk uwan mkn @homst betul2 membuat i rasa winduuuu sesangat dgn damansara.
    btw rm2 cost is so effective. cantik sangat

  10. alahaiii zu, semua menu2 tu akak suka sgttt. tapi yg penting akak berkenan sgt curtain zu. cantikkk

  11. projek doll house tu sangat menarik Zu...ada Eiffel Tower lagi tu....hehehe..

  12. Salam Mama TiaMia,

    Saya suke sgt doll house tu. Osem ;)

  13. salam mama yg creative. Love the doll house
