Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Time Together

To Tia Mia: 

Here some of our pictures for the past few days- nothing special if we look at it now but surely very meaningful few years down the road.

One Beehoon morning.

And Uwan had early breakfast while everybody still asleep:) I always treasure this view- hope you feel the same.

Rainy day is perfect for singgang- one of mama's favourite.

Weekend: we said " why dont we go for a movie- lama tak pergi?" But what movie is suitable for you both? No more animation movie playing in the cinema - we then found"Eleanor's Secret" from French Film Festival playing at GSC MV- so we watched French movie and it turned out to be good.

Weekend mama thought about kampung a lot- miss kampung very much- we prayed together and tried our best to have the kampung spirit in our home sweet home here.

This is one of the best moment too- walaupun you two always cheeky but i look forward to this time.

Don't you think childhood is the best time? You dont have to think about other things, you just enjoy your life and time with honesty:)

Remember Uwan recited her favourite syair- "Pelita Hati"- ... one of the line in the syair said '...hey anakku beringat serta berfikir, jangan lah kau lupa akan sembahyang" Uwan has many beautiful syair yang penuh pengajaran.

That night we had our steamboat in our kitchen.

It was raining and cold- steamboat was a good choice.

Everybody was waiting for the steamboat to cook.

Finally time to slurp- you both like soup very much and you asked mama for two eggs each that night:)

Sunday we went to our club after settling all the duties- we had a great time swimming- lama betul tak datang sini kan.

Uwan had a good rest too.

Look how you Tia was posing inside the changing room;) 

Monday mama and papa didn't work- and it was so nice to walk in KL while  everybody else work:) We went to enrich office in KL Sentral to check papa's points:)

We had lunch at KL Sentral but when we came back at 4.00 you both said you re hungry- mama cooked hotplate crunchy noodles for tea.

Tonight mama cooked gulai rebung with ikan lamanya tak makan:)

and mama made suun and fucuk soup for you both.

We had  a good dinner- hopefully tomorrow will be good for everybody.

That's all girls- go to sleep now.I love you too very much:)



  1. love all the food! good to hear you've had a good break, we did too!

  2. Lamanya mama tak post entry. Tertunggu-tunggu... Saya dah lama baca entry akak tapi silent reader je. Saya baru je kahwin sangat bermotivasi bila baca tentang akak dan family. Keep on sharing insyallah terselit pahala kebaikan bila akak dlm tak sedar mengajar kearah kebaikan:) tiap mlm mst bukak blog ni sblm tidur.. Hehe

  3. sedapnya suun fucuk tuuu... simple tapi mmg yummy!

    -niza noordin-

  4. suun fucuk....simple tapi mmg yummy

  5. Hi Mama Tia Mia, wow! I sure love your cooking. Ini la best...that singgang fish and ribung, masuk mulut boleh lupa nama mak, ha ha.
    How are you? I can see your 2 dolls grown up....and you and hubby looking good.
    Your profil pic, I thought bintang filem....*wink*.

    Oh ya, may I have your kind consent copy your ikan singgang? I love that dish, not eaten, da lupa bila.
    I will display it when next I blog about beautiful women with black belt in cooking, instead of my usual Barbie dolls, ha ha.
    Will credit you. Boleh, kan?
    Ok, outang you teh tarek lambong tinggi.
    Have a nice day, simpan satu lagu dalam hai.

  6. Salam Sis,
    Nak tanya sikit, untuk sup/kuah steamboat tu apa sis letak? Nampak menarik makan begitu di rumah... ^_^

  7. Ermmm...balik kg recently dapat makan ikan singgang my mum it soo heaven...mesti tia mia tersenyum baca all this entry bila besar nanti kan azu...

  8. Ermmm...balik kg recently dapat makan ikan singgang my mum it soo heaven...mesti tia mia tersenyum baca all this entry bila besar nanti kan azu...

  9. Suun & fucuk soup always the fav! heheee..
    Sedap je tengok bihun goreng tu.

    Wah.. dah chk enrich points... nak ke mana? *wink*

  10. bangun pagi nampak gambar masakan akak yang sedap2 terus rasa lapar...

  11. Salam kak,
    Saya kagum cara akak enjoy life walaupun as working mama, dgn 2 org anak yg sdg membesar plus menjaga ibu dirumah, masih ada masa masak dan spend quality times dgn keluarga.
    semuanya akak pandang dari sudut positif. i hope i can see everyday life just the way you see it.

    Thanx kak :)

    ibu Najlaazuhaira.

  12. erk..masuk sini jer... perut terus buat reformasi..lapar!!!!! :P

  13. Salam zu
    Singgang tu Kalau makan dgn sambal belacan mmg best.

  14. why , everyone keep posting about foods ... so yummylicious lah >.<

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Assalamualaikum Pn Zuraidah..

    Sebelum tu slm perkenalan dr saya. saya juga asal org k.pilah (parit terachi). Dah lama saya mengikuti blog pn sbg silent reader je. Sy seronok baca blg pn(mgkin kita sebaya)krn banyak info dan tip2 yg baik dlm menjaga ibu.
    Saya juga sdg menjaga ibu yg sudah uzur. Bertuah ibu Pn Zue krn dpt anak mcm pn. Dari sudut hati saya terasa ingin merasa kebahagiaan yg sebegitu...

  17. Dh lama x tgk acara mkn steamboat. Igtkan dh merajuk hehe

  18. Swimming pool...hotel..vacation.....seronokkk..

  19. salam kak... saya pelawat akak yg baru.. hehe.. suka tgk blog ni... saya nak tanya la... cemana cara akak masak hotplate crunchy noodles ni...
