Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Growing like cucumber and melon:)

Kids grow so fast- they grow like cucumber and melon:) My two little girls are going to be 6 years old next week:):) Next year they will be in Standard One!
Alhamdulillah- grow and grow girls- I will always be here to kiss and hug you, to love and cherish you- You re are always my little babies:)

So what are your wishes? Jangan tanya..kan..there will be many- let mama and papa decide while we still can:):) He he..LOL:):)


  1. Dear Tia Khadeja & Mia Ayesha

    Happy Birthday!!

    Hugh & Kisses
    From Aunty Yong ;-)

  2. Hepi besday kenits.. Kejapnye masa berlalu, dah masuk darjah satu thn depan.. Semoga jd anak2 yg solehah, berjaya dunia akhirat dan dapat berbakti dan menjaga mama dan papa kelak. Amin.. Hugs

  3. Happy 6th birthday to your lovely twins...with best wishes and doas from me always! May they grow up to be as creative and as warm hearted as their sweet mama!

  4. Happy birthday pretty gals!

    -niza noordin-

  5. Happy Birthday Cutie Pie(s) Hehe Sebab dua kan

  6. Happy birthday to Princess Mia&Tia...
    Wahhh.... jgn disuruh pilih present, pening mama nnt. heheee...

    Eizan haritu bawa ke toys r us. jenuh tawaf berapa puluh kali.. penatnya nak tunggu dia decide. hahaa..

  7. Happy birthday sweet girls!!

    Out of curiosity i want to ask, though your girls are identical twins, do their behavior & interests same or differ?

  8. happy birthday girls!
    akk, im ur silent reader.
    nyway if akk nk cari photographer for their birthday party blh contact suhaimi ikhsan - 0199548955
    fb page : snaptpixel

  9. Salam K.zu..

    Happy birthday girls.. semoga terus membesar menjadi anak soleh yang sentiasa memberi kebahagiaan pada mama and papa..

  10. Happy birthday in advance to beautiful girls. Zue, sekejap jer like my twin dah form four baru jer rasa lahirkan Hamzi & Hilman.
