Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Count your blessings.

There's no such thing as a perfect day or life:) But everyday is a special day if we count our blessings- so much that Allah Swt has given us. Look back and count, it is countless- that is enough to make us feel happy and peaceful inside:) In sha allah:)

Monday, i bought gulai from my office cafe; gulai pucuk paku and sambal udang- somehow balik rumah terasa nak makan the simplest, asam sardin with belimbing buluh and ciliapi hijau- It took a minute to prepare but truly satisfying until the last drop:)

Sahur View; this is one of the blessing- the presence of these two in our house brings so much happiness- the girls bangun2 sahur nampak ni terus senyum:) Manja these  two always gesel2 kaki- until my husband said " jangan lah gigit kaki papa" - ha ha he's "a papa" to Felly and Stevie;)

Stevie the Stripey;):)

Yesterday was thinking hard what to cook- sometimes same old nasi putih boring pulak.Since i took oneday off  yesterday to settle few things before Heni going back for raya this Saturday I decided to make Nasi Kerabu Biru. A friend asked this morning cara nak buat nasi kerabu- I am sharing it here- it is my way-simple aje-semua orang da cara dia sendiri,after belajar with MIL cara buat kuah sambal santan masak dulu, i adjusted here and there to my liking:) Dalam fridge ada lagi sebuku daging salai- i hiris nipis2,rebus hingga kering dan lembut dengan sedikit garam.Kalau tak rebus daging salai ni keras- dah rebus ni sangat sedap lembut sahaja di makan.

Kuah sambal santan masak ikut my cara- blend 2 labu bawang besar,5 bawang putih,serai dan lengkuas, masak santan dengan bahan2 blend tadi,sesudu cilikering kisar dan isi ikan bakar ( but i tak guna isi ikan bakar- i ringkaskan dengan guna 2 sudu besar penumis "Mee Udang" brand "Tean"- so dalam tu dah ada cili tak payah bubuh cili) masak sampai pecah santan- lama proses dia,dah tu tepercik-percik seluruh tangan- bubuh garam ikut rasa.Dah pecah santan angkat. Semalam i tak buat kelapa rendang kering,lupa nak beli kelapa- kalau nak complete boleh lah rendang kelapa tanpa minyak dengan isi ikan bakar hingga kuning dan wangi.

Selain daging bakar,lauknya ikan kembung putih kecik celup tepung- kalau tak rajin macam myself i just guna tepung goreng "Hollyfarm" basuh ikan toskan,gaul garam sikit, gaul kering dengan tepung,celup dalam air balik dan coat sekali lagi and goreng. Sangat sedap dan crunchy brand Hollyfarm ni - rasa original tanpa artifical flavour macam kebanyakan tepung goreng yang lain.

I fried some keropok since my hb loves it.

Ulam yang i guna semalam- timun, kacang panjang,daun kesum,daun selum,kacang botol,bunga kantan rendam dalam air garam (utk elak jadi hitam)- tapi lupa nak keluarkan taugeh dalam fridge plus kobis;);)

I buatkan juga sambal mentah untuk bagi umphh- cuma tumbuk cilipadi merah dengan garam dan perah asam limau/lemon.

Nasi biru pulak since tak ada bunga telang, i guna warna biru dari Star brand dalam koyak2 kan sehelai daun kunyit campur masa memasak untuk bau yang wangi- Memang sangat wangi- bukak ajer periuk asap bercampur bau daun kunyit menerpa hidung;) Dah lah siap hidangan- apa pun buatkan jugak uwan gulai telur itik asam belimbing semalam- dia kalau tak ada kuah tak "chi" bak kata orang N9:)
Hari ni nak berkongsi recipe "Potato Au Gratin" pada yang bertanya- ini pun my style jugak- ringkas dan cepat;)
This is the picture from google- looks yummy isn't it- it is the most easiet to cook but very yummy:) 
While this is my version- This version is without the salmon and i used "yellow potato/indian potato" instead of russet- yellow potato is hard - you have to bake long as it is use mostly in asian dishes like curry  etc- "white potato/russet " will be soft fast and very fluffy too- but i prefer the yellow potato;);)

This is the version i cooked last week- this one ada salmon and i boiled the potato half baked sebab hari dah petang and nak cepat- this version has cheddar cheese on top.
Whatever version, below is the easiet way of baking potato gratin as it has 3 or 4 ingredients only:)
Apart from potato you need fresh milk.

Cooking cream- i used Emborg brand.
Mc cormick seasoning Garlic&herb.
Method: Peel your potato, slice thinly, if you want to add salmon, you can dice your salmon into small pieces. In a separate bowl mix  1 cup of milk (depends berapa banyak you guna potato) or more, add 2 big spoon of the Mc cormick garlic and herb, can add a teaspoon of black pepper if you like and pinch of salt. In a baking dish,grease the base with a lot of butter, line the cut potato,add the salmon (if you are using salmon and pour few spoon of the milk&cream mixed, repeat proses until potato and mixed finish- you can add cheddar cheese on top if you like- without the cheese it will be just nice as it is already creamy.Cover your baking dish with aluminium foil and bake in 170 - 190 degree heated oven until the top turns into nice brown.
But if you can find this "Partner" in either Village Grocer,Cold Storage ( so far i can only find it in Sunway Giza VG but now most of the time it is out of stock)- your work will be easier..well not really actually as you still have to add milk and cooking cream to it:);)
So, selamat mencuba ye:)
What to cook for buka puasa today? I already i have things in my mind- dah siap suruh Heni rebuskan tulang fresh di rumah- balik nanti tambah bahan2 sup ajer di dalamnya dan sambal cilipadi kicap, i bought terung panjang yang gemuk2 dan cantik tadi nak buat "Lawa terung", orang N9 panggil macam ni- tempat lain rasanya "terung bakar bersantan"- kalau kena gaya sangat lah sedap- guarantee! tambah goreng garing ikan bilis dengan petai- dah cukup lah 'partner2" bagi lauk tu- pemanis pulak dah beli pisang buat pengat pisang, ada mangga muda, sengkuang,nenas dan jambu boleh lah buat rojak buah jugak:)
Happy Cooking and Tarawikh all!


  1. Salam mama tia mia,
    Selamat menyambut ramadhan. I pun suka guna that scalloped potato mix by mc cormick. Memang sedap kan!

  2. Oh nasi kerabu biru...last week dahlah kecewa coz nasi kerabu yang dibeli manis( fieza ada story kat my blog).Teringinnya.....Nanti nak carilah nasi kerabu kat bazar, but i'm sure it cannot beat yours, Kak Zu!

    Selamat Berbuka dan bertarawikh!

  3. walaikumsalam LG- yer sangat sedap i suka sangat tapi susah lah nak carik kat supermarket sini- so kalau tak ada i guna lah mc cormick garlic&herb seasoning tu;) selamat ramadhan di perantauan LG:)

  4. Selamat berbuka to fieza too- ye ke- nanti akak melawat;) take care:)

  5. oo..macam tu rupanya nak buat nasi kerabu...selamat berbuka sis!

  6. aduh nasi kerabu tu my fav tapi sebab only me yang suka in the house, tak belajar la buat sendiri..nampak Azu buat macam simple jer, nanti kalau ada kawan nak join makan with me, boleh i buat our menu will be lamb chop saja and subuh esok nampak gaya kena masak nasi for sahur ..kuih pulak cuma buat che mek molek sebab ada keledek purple tu masa balik kg last few week belum guna...ur dessert today is my all time fav..pengat pisanggg...dah banyak hari i cari pisang nak buat pengat tapi kat my place ni susahnyaaaa nak dapat..

  7. Salam MamaTiaMia,

    bestnya lauk pauk tu..
    esp nasi blue (bahasa anak yong panggil nasi kerabu)
    selamat berpuasa.

  8. Thanks for resepi Potato Gratin tu...sangat senang rupe nyer resepi dia. Ok nnt i cuba buat..Nasi kerabu tu pun nmpk sedap..ok, terus kan memasak..n post lg gmbr2 yg colourful yer...♥♡♥

  9. balik dr keje pun sempat jugak siap 2, 3 jenis lauk. memang cepat & pantas :-)

    P/S: kalau dah set awal2 nak masak apa memang cepat jadinya, tapi yg buat lambat tu bila terkial-kial duk pikir nak masak apa. Kalau saya camtu lah haha!

  10. Salam Zu...lamanya tak tulis komen dlm blog you ni :))))) Ramadhan Mubarak to you and your punya masakan buat i terliur2 dok kat depan pc ni hehehe...

    your cats are so adorable! i pun suka kucing, and we have 3 cats at home, semua nya manja2 macam kucing2 you, since adopting them kita org mmg jadi their parents and my son is their brother :))))


  11. Assalamualaikum Zu, selamat berpuasa to u & your family :-)

    nak tanya to make lawa terung? if u have time, can share kat sini?

    InsyAllah weekend ni boleh try Potato Au Gratin. thanks! pls sampaikan salam to uwan.

    haniz noordin

  12. Salam Kak Zu,

    Meleleh air liur lagi tgk sardin dan belimbing tu...mesti sedapkan mkn dgn nasi panas2... :)

  13. k. niedaz- ha ha camtu ler nak buat nasi kerabu;)

    hi ida- bukan semua suka nasi kerabu kan but i like it very much:)

    Yong selamat berpuasa dan memasak too:)

    Hi Dura Zul dah buat ke Potato gratin?

    Lady Lavender- memang lah kena cepat2 masa so fast berjalan, nanti nak capai itu ini dah nak maghbrib kan:)

  14. Salam Yatieeeee- lamanya tak dengar cerita:) how's puasa in NZ? balik raya tak? iya lah my kucing so manja maid cuti bila i nak pi kerja melalak2 takut kena tinggal;)

  15. Hani noordin- senang ajer nak buat lawa terung tu- first siap kan santan mentah pekat yang dibih sedikit garam, bakar terung atas api hingga lembut, buang kulit dan potong2,masuk dalam pinggan,curah santan, potong bawang merah dan cili tabur atas terung, tumbuk udang kering dan tabur jugak, lastly perah sedikit asam limau, sangat sedap:)

    Salam atun- memang lah sodap:)

  16. Salam Mama Tia Mia, perkara wajib di office , bukak blog ni ;) btw my daughter suka minum fm greenfields but the nearest i could find is in TLC Puchong.. i leave in TTDI.. anywhere that I could get this besides TLC Puchong? tq

  17. salam mamaTia Mia , perkara wajib di office, bukak blog ni ;) btw my daughter suke minum fm greenfields but the nearest i could get is in TLC Puchong and i leave in TTDI, anywhere that i could get this besides TLC Puchong.. jenuh nk drive n buat stock ;( TQ
