Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Flying carpet,soft hands and blooming loves.

Wahhh I am so happy to receive response on the 'flying carpet':);) kalau yang minat corak tribal ni memang rasa sangat cantik:) I always prefer Tribal design compared to classic,romantic or modern. Mata kalau pandang jer yang tribal ni terus rasa cantik sangat.

I pun ada satu kat rumah- -memang ada jenis yang wool dia keras- macam yang i beli ni- hand tuffed sebab tu senget2 sikit but i like it;):) dulu beli dah lama sangat kat Lot 10 masa nak raya, ada jual tengah tu,dia nak habiskan stock very cheap actually dia nak let go RM680 i gasak bargain lagi until my niece cakap ' maksu dah lah kesian tengok mamat ni dah"..kih kih finally i got it for RM550, very good price and much bigger than sejadah lah;) Cuma wool dia memang keras- tapi after about 8 years dah lembut- trick dia letak tempat yang selalu kena pijak lembut lah dia. Ada 2 types yang lembut and licin pun ada and semestinya mahal- dah urut2 hari tu memang soft- yang wool mcm mine ni kalau basuh colour keluar sikit yang lembut tu basuh tak keluar colour.

Jenis ni jugak tak 'makan kotor" i letak depan fridge near tempat lepak uwan, jatuh lah kicap ke, chocolate cake ker- rupanya tetap macam tu;);) Actually tribal carpet ni makan lama makin berharga, if you go to rumah2 ladang(farm house) banyak yang really antique dan sangat cantik.

And this is the 'flying carpet" for my mouse;) he he ini lah corak classic- i bought from a Turkish stall in  Melbourne, Australia. Setengah orang suka corak ni tapi saya masih cinta kan Tribal design;):)

Today's story: i bought the girls two bouquets- just a cheap one from the famous Floristika Bangsar- but it means so much to them:) happy tahap gaban bahasa kasarnya:)

Why did i buy them bouquet? It is a little encouragement from a mama to her daughters:) They ve done quite well in their first test;)

Tia has above 90 for most of her papers;) while Mia is slightly below Tia  because she is a  bit over confident:) But to me both have done their best- good effort and mama is very proud of you;):)

May both of you be blessed dunia dan akhirat.

Now try to finish your Iqraq fast okay- mama and papa will be very very happy if you can move to Quran soon:)

The two were allowed to place the flower anywhere they like- and they picked this spot;)

Hari ni cuma nak share tips untuk wanita2 yang suka masak,tangan jadi kering,kuku kuning kunyit atau hitam dek dakwat sotong. Ini bukan iklan berbayar atau pun free:) just sharing a product which is good and effective on me. A non expensive Nivea for body and hand cream- after dah ada anak ni di tambah uwan yang makin uzur i hardly pay attention to myself, pagi siap pakai apa patut sebab dah penat masak bagai and zoom pergi kerja. Weekend hari tu kan membersihkan banyak ikan,sotong, hari tu duduk pandang tangan sangat kering,nampak sangat teruk,kuku pun kuning2 really lah macam tak berbela.Lunch time ajak my bff pi mall, tengok macam2 akhirnya beli ni kat Watson.I letak yang body losyen tu kat kaki instead of badan sebab cuaca kita ni panas tak lah tahan nak letak kat badan, bila bubuh kat office yang sejuk gilerr boleh lah bubuh macam se lepuk banyak macam tu.

The result is quite amazing! Instant smoothness and no wrinkles- i am quite impress:) Tapi abaikan lah jari2 yang berkuku really pendek,tak ada semi ni,tukang masak kena lah berkuku really pendek:);)

Taruk 2 x dah rasa beza- same goes with tumit kaki and jari2 kaki.

Kunyit dan dakwat sotong hilang- hingga menciutkan!

Yeahhh i am one happy customer:);)

Jom tidur:);) Night Night all especially owners of the flying carpets;)



  1. thank you sis sebab share info..yg ni saya lebih percaya sebab bukan iklan berbayar..hihi
    lepas ni confirm terjah watson nak cari losyen ni sebab kulit saya pun kering juge

    anyway salam kenal sis =)

  2. weii aku lebih teruja tengok bling2 yg menciut tu... kena buat special entry tu.. btw tahniah tiamia.. sgt gumbira, must share tips

  3. ok,lepas ni nak p beli lah.hihi

  4. Cantik gelang Azu... k.na jatuh cinta tgk....

  5. wow..nak cari juga la losyen tu..huhu

  6. Congratulations wiwin tiamia...keep it up..;)

  7. nice ring! itu yang nampak dulu hehe.

    congrats to the twins.. and mummy too.

  8. Minta izin share kat fb kata2 dari Dr Nouman Khan dlm entry u yg terdahulu. Saya silent reader blog ni dah lama. Tahniah tia mia tahniah juga mama papa nya.

  9. me tooo !!
    asek membasuh memasak mengemas , ayooooo ujung2 jari pecah2 .. sedihhh plakk ..

  10. Good Job MamaTiaMia..
    Kat sini bab carpet boleh bikin Gilers.. Murah and mcm2 ada...

  11. Tahniah buat Tia dan Mia... Semoga terus cemerlang dalam pelajaran.. Tersenyum sorang2 bila baca caption akak pasal losyen tu.. Kena cari juga lah... Gelang akak cantik!!
