Monday, April 21, 2014

Powder Area.

Semalam dapat sensitive tooth, after dah jumpa Doctor supposed to berehat- tapi kalau balik rumah mana nak rehatkan. Hari tu dah buat 'make over' untuk study area Tia Mia- hari ni dah fikir2 lagi- My house kat atas memang ' frozen in time/kekal" sejak zaman Tia Mia babies- masih banyak boxes for toys and books lah- susun atur masih macam ada budak kecik- dah banyak di buang dan di bagi orang tapi masih lagi macam2 ada- ye lah tahap membeli masa ada anak twins memang quite damaging- semua buku,toys,baju etc double yang nampak mesti nak di beli.Terasa macam baru ajer dia orang lahir tapi dah 7 tahun dah! Alhamdulillah:)

Attention was always given to the lower ground- kitchen,living room,garden- while the upper floor is neglected- terasa nak buat tapi nak do it in a  big scale- jadi lambat lah cerita duitnya;):). One of the area that desparately needs attention is the powder area- atau dulu the Developer masa jual bubuh lah nama macam gah "powder room' kita ingat pun wahhhh macam hotel lah ni ada 'powder room" but it is just an area outside the bathroom to put your make up/dressing table- tapi boleh jadi nice if you buat proper built in cabinet there. Again as you know rumah Melayu/Malaysia memang a bit difficult nak "kemas' at this section- firstly you have your "tempat sidai sejadah,towel,baju tidur etc" there, then you also have your laundry basket- then on your dressing table you have endless things-pastu pulak i  keep on buying lotion,hairclips,brush,shampoo- nak buang ni tak boleh,nak buang tu elok lagi- lastly tempat tu jadi 'disaster' sampai malas nak fikir nak kemas. Before this- i bought the 4 tiers plastic container and placed it on the dressing table- semua benda like jewelleries, clips,pins semua campak dalam tu- and  it looks so ugly. Semalam i bawak naik plastic sampah hitam- buang semua benda yang memang tak guna, laundry basket i letak bawah vanity top/sink kat dry area dalam washroom.

Hari tu dah berjaya buat make over dengan budget RM120.00 this time nak kemas2 dengan budget around that figure too:) We bought one tall washroom cabinet priced at RM135 from Ikea- Oh ye yang tanya mana beli study table Tia Mia tu- i bought that from Giant:) Giant ada study table yang quite nice for kids:):) Ada harga RM59.90,79.90 and 99.00- i bought the 59.90x2:);)

Yup memang kerja i suka membuat ini semua- it is not the pricey high class punya make over where you call interior designer to come, install new marble, high end furnitures etc- this is just my passion- with high demand in work i need to release my stress- doing the thing you like really take you far and above- you feel good- and that's all that matters:) Lagi pun i ada 2 penyokong- "wahhh mama you have transformed our house! i really like it mama" and the 2 came and hugged me:):) That's happiness, the world might shake, the people outside might be heartless but your happiness is forever yours:):)

This is the powder area yang dah di kemaskan- gambar sebelum ni malas cari - ada orang buat built in cabinet here- it can be a walk in cabinet and surely nice - but masa masuk dulu tak lah cukup duit nak buat semua benda- yang penting masa tu "dapur, dapur, garden,garden":);)

That's the RM135 washroom tall cabinet from Ikea - many years ago after i got married we bought our bedroom set from Country Homes- this time i tried to mix the modern white cabinet with the Chestnut Country Homes dressing cabinet- to balance it i put my old white framed mirror next to it. With the cream arm chair and the off white wallpaper it looks quite okay to me. In the future i will consider adding another same tall white cabinet on the other side of the dressing table and also a wall cabinet in the middle to give a good balance. Dulu after dah pasang wallpaper semua baru lah nak tambah wiring itu ini- so ada lah tracking yang buruk di dinding.

To give a cosy feeling i laid a floor runner here- Tia Mia love it- dia orang pandai apperciate kemas2 ni sekarang;):).

So..if you can't wait for somebody to finish her/his 'business' in the toilet you can wait here:) Sambil kepit2 kaki- Tia always want to do do her 'business' in our master bedroom- she is very particular about toilet- basah tak nak masuk, squatting pun tak nak, kalau our tingkat punya toilet yang floor kerap basah sebab Heni frequently use dia pun tak suka- mula2 rasa ' aiyaaa so leceh lah this budak Tia" then baru ingat siapa yang dia ikut??? He,he ME lah, masa kecik kalau pergi rumah orang 3 hari tidur 3 hari tak berak! Kalau desperately nak guna siap lelap mata- now dah tua2 ni macam2 rupa toilet lah masuk- especially our public toilet kan- mana lah bersih:(;(

The unexpensive tall cabinet is quite useful i can put all my things here. Satu tingkat for HER's, one for HIS's and one for BUDAK KECIK's:);)

Good to my eyes for now- can refine it some more during the weekend- i am thinking of getting one chest to keep all the blankets inside.Yang best bila buat kemas2 ni bila keluar lunch mata mula ajer melilau nak cari barang2 kecik- nampak I WannaGoHome,Laura Ashley,Ikea..meleleh-leleh air liur:)

This is how the area look like as I enter the room-ini lah ruang sebelum ke bilik mandi/tandas- dan pintu sebelah armchair tu adalah pintu ke tandas- walaupun limited tapi ruang penting untuk memulakan hari baru dan mengakhiri sebelum berehat tidur:):)Pintu bilik pun masih original belum lah bertukar-tukar after 10 years:)

Ini projek mengemas terbaru- masih memikir-mikir:):)

Masa jumpa Dentist di Sri Hartamas dengan tak boleh minum panas atau sejuk- ngilu dan takut tapi nampak these pots kat kedai Korea sempat lagi menyambar- nanti dah baik ngilu boleh masak spicy udon dalam ni:)
Salam pada semua yang meninggalkan komen- yang dekat yang jauh di UK,yang dah nak balik Malaysia dari bumi Arab- yang sama kampung,sama negeri dan yang menghulurkan perkenalan- hari tu tak ingat dah komen ke belum- jumpa sorang pembaca di Ikano masa membelek-belek barang:) Happy nya dia and  sampai ber air- air mata- I am happy too- Thank You and Alhamdulillah:)


  1. sya la org yg plg syok bila tgk akak update..senyum sambil baca =)

    salam perkenalan akak

  2. Kak zu heheh kita ada nama hampir sama, nama saya Zulaiha :) turns 23 today tapi since umur 21 dah baca blog akak :) saya engineering student tapi suka betul tengok akak kemas rumah and manage semua, especially macammana akak jaga uwan. Kadang jumpa kekuatan bila baca blog akak masa jaga arwah mak sakit dulu =) and how u always inspire us readers untuk sentiasa berkasih sayang. Keep writing kak! :D

  3. AsSalamualaikum,

    Salam perkenalan,

    So very nice & sweet..I'm one of your silent reader. I've recently created a blog to share my passionate in home deco n family stories.

    Jemputla jika berkelapangan.

  4. Salam kak Zu, saya la tu yg Kak Zu jumpa..Berbunga-bunga hati saya, bak lagu Misha Omar. Kalah jumpa retis...heheh

  5. Nice nice nice, mahal mjurah bukan ukuran, yang penting kena ngan citarasa and cozy. Saya pun kalau ke some places for days, selama tu la tak leh membuang hehehe.

  6. Nice sesangat powder area zu tu...walaupun ruang tu kecil namun zu bijak mengatur perabot nyer...I punyer powder area dh pasang walldrobe...jd dh takde space laaa....♡♡♡♡

  7. salam. hi akk. im ur silent reader since tia mia kecik lagi. maybe like 3,4 years ago. hehe.
    thanks for writing. suka baca cerita akak.
    akk, if ada toys, books and baju tia mia yang dh tak guna akk nak let go boleh ke email me?
    i have one baby girl umur 2 tahun.
    thank u.

  8. salam zu. i walau not english theme type sgt tapi bila u update abt ur house surely nak tgk gak. heheh!!!agree with u psl toilet tu. my kids pun xpandai yg squat. klau g rumah org especially kat kg segan gak kot org ckp amboi ekk nya but they use to, nak bt camna. huhu
