Sunday, September 28, 2014

Candy Apples.


Thank You for dropping by and i hope everybody had a good weekend:) Kejap kan..but enough to spend sometimes with family.

Saturday my girls had a replacement class- not an actual class because they went to school in old clothes to paint a giant Malaysian Flag- i am glad that they had so much fun. While they were at school i made them Candy Apples:) They love Candy Apples very much- last time bila travel and pergi mana2 local fair kalau jumpa mesti lah beli- actually bukan dio orang ajer suka- the mommy also loves it.

It's difficult to get Candy Apple here- so made them myself. The ingredients are very simple - the making part is little bit tricky as you need to make sure that the temperature is rised up to 350 degrees -then only you can off the fire and dip your apples in it. It very useful if you have the baking thermometer but if you dont have it like me- you can test the temperature  by dropping a little bit of the boiling sugar into the cold water- if it crytallised then its ready.

How to make it?- You need some apples of course- i used green apples as i like the sourness against the  sweet crunchy candy. Wash and dry the apple well otherwise the candy won't stick to the apples. 

I didnt take picture masa buat- but basically what you need to do is to place a cup of sugar into pot with half cup of water, add 3- 4 spoonfull of corn syrup, edible colouring and let me boil until 350 degrees or becomes crytallised when you drop into cold water. Once its really thick and ready switch the fire and dip your Apples carefully until it. If the sugar didn't reach 350 degrees it will not hardened and crunchy but will only be chewy and sticky- so the correct temperature is crucial.

I buat the sugar dip tak banyak pulak so cukup2 untuk 3 bijik apples ajer.

Once hardened- wahhh so cantik and nice! You need to place the apples on parchment/baking paper otherwise it will stick on the plate etc.

You can do any colours that you like.

But to me the bloody red is the best!

This is the last year's picture of Tia Mia at the small town in Torquay, Victoria.

I wrapped the apples nicely and brought them to school masa ambik dia orang- Wahhhh so happy the girls sampai nak tergolek- golek- that's the satisfaction of making it:). Since the Apple Candy is big- they can eat 1/4 of it, wrap in baking sheet and keep in the fridge- so last weekend 2 hari lah Candy Apples tu tahan and tak payah beli candy or chocolate.

Still on something red:)- Saturday we went to Tony Romas E Curve for Ribs- after that we jalan2 Le Tresor Saturday Market at Curve and jumpa these beautiful tomatoes- it was grown in Green House in Malacca- ni type yang gebu dan sesuai buat sos pasta- semalam i buat bolognese sauce- it guess it was so sedap Tia Mia sampai tak cukup makan.

Sunday night Kak Ikin came and lepak2- she bought nice cake and new pencil pouch for the girls- we had good dinner with kak Ikin- i cooked kambas  goreng belacan, sardine goreng cili api and ayam goreng osyter sauce with broccoli. Semua sedap selera makan.

Sunday was Heni's off day- so i bundled up everybody in the car and brought them to pasar besar TTDI to get some fresh stock.

Wahh so happy dapat sayur kampung ni- Terung telunjuk is uwan's favourite.

I buat tumis air terung telunjuk- just tumbuk garlic with ikan bilis and cili kering, tumis dalam sedikit minyak sampai naik bau- masuk sedikit air dan mendidih masuk terung dan garam- sangat sedap- bertambah uwan makan.

And the tumis air terung goes well with Steamed Siakap:):) I bought big siakap from TTDI- it was really fresh- berkongsi tip untuk steam siakap- kalau ikan too big and tak muat nak masuk dalam your steamer- tak payah potong dua kalau nak cantik- just place your fish dalam big bowl- macam bowl nasi tambah- ikan bengkok sikit tapi muat masuk steamer instead of big plate. Dah masak baru pindah kan dalam plate. My own recipe of siakap steam yang my family suka- lumur ikan dengan garam- slice ginger banyak- ketuk bawnag putih tak payah buang kulit dalam 4,5 dan ketuk2 black pepper. Ikan yang dah di bubuh garam place in a bowl or plate- put some of ginger, garlic and black pepper in,on and under the fish, add some water in the bowl with a pinch of salt, drizzle 1 or 2 spoon of olive oil- steam sampai masak- i cuma add cili after dah angkat takut pedas for the children.

We had Green Tea ice cream for dessert- i love green Tea and the girls pun sama mengikut suka jugak.

Yummmm…I love it.

Tengah malam hari tu craving maggie laksa asam:):) Nak pergi masak kat wet kitchen takut si Elsa the cat jaga dalam cage dia- kalau dia jaga mulut really bising nak keluar- so i masak air- rendam dan masak lagi dalam microwave- dah tu buh sesudu sambal ayam penyet- perghhhh sodapnyerrrr- walaupun simple.

This is the expensive dessert that  i had last week while waiting for meeting to start at the Coffee House of Intercontinental Hotel. Jln Ampang. Nampak weird looking kan but that is mango with cream in pastry box- yang atas tu soft chocolate- the soft chocolate tu sooooo lah sedap:):)

This is another food that i love last week- steamboat with bff with lots of chillies:):)

Asyik makan ajer kan- First Zulhijjah Alhamdulillah dapat puasa- baru puasa sehari check kurus tak?

Kih Kih..ada kah saya dah kurus?

Samo sajo- mana nak turun macam dulu2 kalau asyik makan- Ni dress beli dari Colombo- Raya Haji ni mode berjimat just pakai apa yang ada- Tia Mia ada jubah dari Mekah dulu Kak Ikin belikan belum pakai, the papa pulak my sister masa raya ada bagi jubah pun belum pakai- so tak payahe beli apa2- uwan pun Kaftan banyak lagi:):) Balik this time pun dah prepare order serunding etc dari sini- sebab cuma 2 hari cuti nak relax2 ajer balik kampung.

Hari ni puasa ke 2- pagi tadi dah masak seperiuk sup daging tetel- renihkan kat atas api kecik suruh heni biarkan sampai lembut betul- nanti Uwan, the girls boleh makan- semua pun suka soup panas- sebab nak biarkan sampai empuk tadi 4 bijik kentang dibiarkan bulat sebijik-sebijik tanpa di potong- lagi pun sangat sedap kentang yang sebijik2 dalam soup lembut dan dalam nya manis- balik nanti tinggal buat sambal kicap sahaja:)

Balik kampung nanti nak carik limau jeruk kalau ada di pasar- keluar air liur dah..sedapnyaaaa:):)

Itu saja minggu ni- selamat berpuasa pada yang berpuasa dan yang membuat persiapan Raya haji mari kita recycle ajer semua benda- jangan ke shopping mall mesti nak beli something..he he,,:):)

I end this week post with some old pictures of Tia Mia in Paris:):) Tengok gambar shopping boleh tapi tak boleh buat actual shooping okeh:)

In Annick Goutal shop.

Beli skirt kembang2 yang kat sini lagi berpuluh kali murah:)

Happy Week everybody!


  1. Hai kak zu.. I really love read your blog.. Banyak benda2 positif yang boleh saya dapat dari blog kak zu..=) semalam pun my mom ajar buat ikan siakap steam..=)

  2. wah..menariknya candy apple tu..macamana the kids makan ya? gigit sampai isi ke? hahaa..i tak pernah makan so tak boleh nak imagine macamana the kids bite the hardened sugar coating..btw, i love green tea icecream too!!!

  3. the candy apples look yummy...the little tomatos pun sodap...aci x switch apples candy to tomato candy...mesti sedap jgk...hehehhe

  4. adoiii ahkak share about sayur2 kampung dah terliur..

    selamat berpuasa also ya..

  5. Comel la kakak... macam remaja je.. hihi

  6. sayur kampung tu WIN ..
    aduhaiii asek lupe je nk jengah pasar besar TTDI ...

  7. kak zu,saya nak share sket...kalau masak gune noxxa pressure cooker lagi cepat & senang....mcm2 blh buat, stir fry, steam mcm2 blh...saya tak jual tapi baru beli...masya allah...senang sungguh guna...sgt sesuai utk working mom mcm kita...


  8. I'm having a sugar rush just reading this entry! :D

    Read my blog here :)

  9. Assalam kak,saya suka baca blog akak. sebabnya remind me kat kampung saya. Kg.Baru Rompin sana tu,selalu je pergi Pilah tu. Tergerak hati nak komen sebabnya nampak jeruk limau tu,haritu balik raya baru tahu jeruk tu. mak buat. Hihihihihi.
