Saturday, January 24, 2015

The things I like.


It was a very busy weeks- Hardly have time for myself- It was a honeymoon time in December when the girls were on school holiday:) Now that school has started everything has to be adjusted-welcome back waking up at 5.00 a.m:) 

Lucky these two are 'senior' already- standard two is so Alhamdulillah- nothing to worry much- they know the school,classroom,teachers and surrounding well- they seem happy- Alhamdulillah to the max.

Yang bertanya pasal the bench- okay akak gonna answer it here:) And yes Filla- samalah kita- so suka tengok tablecloth bila pi mana2 kan:) dapat beli seronok rasanya:)

The bench is not a sitting bench actually- we bought it from Ikea priced at RM329- it was a TV bench- untuk letak TV:):)- Kita orang beli sebab sitting bench dari Ikea tak tahan dan tak wide enough- dulu beli dah rosak patah etc- so we saw this TV bench it is sturdy, wide and white- fulfilled all the criteria that we are looking for:) Thinking outside the box- we bought this TV bench- balik hb pasang and we have a nice bench in the kitchen.

And ada ruang ni- boleh letak magazine and simpan barang in the drawers- i letak some pencil colours and pencil inside- senang Tia Mia melukis while waiting for the meal to be cooked.

TV bench turns into a sitting bench!

My sister has a new cat house- it is very nice isn't it:) She has extended her kitchen as she is going to terima daughter and son in law this year In Sha Allah;) How time flies- my niece and nephew are going to get married soon!

She pindah kan kucing2 dia yang 10 ekor before this duduk dalam big cage at the wet kitchen here- she call it a cat motel:) kalau i ada ruang besar pun mesti lah nak buat macam ni jugak:) She gave her big cat cage to me:)

I brought back the old boring cage and tried my best to make it nice and cosy for Elsa and Co.

OrangeBox, Rundle,Celestia and Cahaya:)

I am so happy that i can transfer the cat from the wet kitchen to here- i tak suka they duduk kat bel;akang at actually- bersih macam mana pun bila ada angin mesti ada bau sesekali- sini beringin,luas, no smell- the girls pun happy:) Susah lah jugak memula nak adjust tempat grill tu mula2- my hb bising jugak how to put that big ugly cage kat depan rumah??? He said this is tempat mula2 org datang- cage tu besar buruk! he he- just sabar dear i ll make it nice and cosy okay:)

We still have our space and old home sweet home okay- and the cats at the front bring so much happiness;)

Now i can put back the table at the back- a small corner for the girls to play lego while i am cooking.

Table for the girls.

Then buat make over for this old ikea table lamp jugak.

Tia bought a tub of foam stickers from Adelaide - so we pakai ni buat deco.

It looks nice bila pasang lampu:)

" New" table lamp:)

I promised my girls to teach them how to make awesome hotdogs using the microwave only.

Bahan2 senang saja- hotdog buns- hotdog,leftover bolognese sauce, butter and olive oil.

Slit the hotdogs, buh sauce, and olive oil- kalau tak letak oil- nanti hotdogs dry dan berkedut- put in the microwave for 2- 3 mins or untul nampak merekah and masak.

Slit the bread buh butter and masukkan hotdogs- lagi sedap dari A&W okay:)

Yang di masak sepanjang minggu:

Simple but delicious mee suah.

Omellete with veges for breakfast

Brownies for the girls.


Bawak bekal to school also.

Yang ni i bawak container ke Ikea dan pack balik.

Afforadable RM19.00 ribs from Ikea compared to RM80 from Tony Romas.

Hari ni ikut my selera;)

heaven makan kangkung belacan.

He he ni uwan pagi2- dia bangun awal- selalu i bagi dia cake atau biskut dulu after hotbath- bila budak2 dah pi school pukul 7.00 dgn their papa- baru bawak breakfast betul2 naik tingkat atas bagi uwan-dah tua2 macam ni lah kita- after hotbath pun masih sejuk and so kesian- sebab mata jaga awal- kalau orang tak bagi makan awal mesti lapar- dalam berlari-lari masak,siap bekal budak2 etc, mesti bagi dia something to makan dulu. Uwan is such a wonderful mother- no complaint- after mandi makan she is so happy and nyanyi2;):)

Ni anak uwan- dia berazam nak tukar reading glasses dia bulan ni- nak carik yg happening sikit design nyer but so susah yang sesuai:(

Happy weekend all:) 

ps : Macbook ni jahat dia selalu tukar my spelling but i am too tired to check:(



  1. u are so inspiring kak and the brownies look so yummy. if u dont mind, can u share the recipe. 😃

  2. AsSalam Kak Zu.. Cantik reading glass sis, looks stylo he he he..

    Tak lengkap pagi Isnin saya kalau x baca blog sis sambil pekena coffee. Lps tu baru boleh start kerja sambil menyanyi2 ^_~

  3. umah cantik..makanan sedap... love u kakak..

  4. All the foods look yummy...i loved when you wrote about Uwan...

  5. Hi Kak Zue :)
    tulah, filla pon tak leh tgk tablecloth, terus nak nak nak..dok perati je tablecloth kak zue semua lawa2...satu yang filla suka about kak zue, kak zue banyak idea untuk cantikkan rumah dgn cara kak zue, kreatif tak semestinya mahal.. itu pun persamaan kita mungkin.. sebab rasa tak berbaloi membazir barang mahal-mahal.. sebab tu byk kat rumah semua diy je, tp husband lah yang reti.. kita reti mengarah je hahahahahha.. cuma bab buat kek je tak dapat nak tiru kak zue, kita mampu telan ailio je tgk haha.. tak retiiiii!!!!! tengok resepi pon fail jugak. huhu..

  6. tenang jalan2 kat blog akak ni...ermmm...brownies tu sgt2 menawan day nak try bt utk anak2 dara kat umah ni...

  7. comey anak uwan =) takpe lah spelling salah sikit pun kak, we enjoy reading it and tak perasan pun errornya

    brownies tu nampak chewy..kalau sempat, share la resipi. sebab kebanyakan resipi yg jumpa tak menjadi.

  8. kakzu neh so comel n cool la !!!

  9. itulah all in if ada orang tua dirumah kita pun mesti nak juga siapkan diorang kan yg mana patut..

    your hotdog tu simple and looks sedap..

  10. Assalam Kak Zu...I missed ur story... lamanya menyepi. :-)

  11. trus lapar tengok gambar makanan sedap2 belaka tu..

  12. opps... I mean I miss reading your stories. :-)

  13. As salam, so good to hear that you are doing fine sbb lama sgt tak de i guess "no news is good news" :-). My salam to Uwan and the twins.

  14. Kak zu, masak omelette pun nampak sedap giller tu mcm mana tu.huhuhu.

  15. kak zu, nti pls share tips camane nak buat anak suka makan sayur dan buah. tengok tia mia senang je girl is picky eater.pening kepala mamanya nak bagi makan apa...

  16. Sentiasa amazed dgn Pn. Zu. Sibuk macam mana pun tetap boleh masak makanan yg menyelerakan. Last time masak ikut resepi telur itik tu, lepas ada anak terus stop. Wonder la bila boleh teruskan minat memasak.

  17. What a lovely blog post. Suka sangat tengok Kak Zu punya personal touch on things at your home making it cosy and so comfortable for everyone. Thank you so much for sharing ^ ^

  18. rasa tak puas tgk deco rmh kak zue... dari luar sampai ke belakang dapur.. sgt2 cantik...

  19. assalamaulaikum kak zue.. hari2 saya bace cerita kak zue.. i hope, i wish, i pray.. everyday hopefully saya boleh jadi mcm kak zue dlm menjaga mama saya.. dulu saya jaga uwan and mama.. now after uwan pass away saya jaga mama pulak.. pray for me kak zue..
