Thank You so much for those who have emailed me. Some ada yg sempat jawab some tak sempat. Memang sangat2 busy these few months- i just took over some new area- ada staff lama yang berhenti dan belum berganti- kena adapt fast to the new scope of works- you cant wait or sit down, take your time and learn- you have to do it now and now. Due to that i am looking for someone qualified to replace manager yang dah berhenti dulu- i really need assistant kalau tak nak pergi toilet pun tak sempat nampak nya;)But I am looking for somebody with related experience, yang ada experience dalam media,regulatory and IP- i am looking through all the resumes now and i will contact those with related experience.
So sorry yang mana berminat but without the experience yang di perlu kan- i really appreciate all the application- kalau tak balas email tu tak bermakna i tak baca- i ve read all- but there are so many emails masuk tak sempat membalas semua. Thanking everbody from the bottom of my heart- yang rasa nak kerja with me, nak belajar masak with me and nak get close to me:):) Don't worry if kita tak berkerja bersama pun I am here at "We Tell Sweet Stories" to connect with everybody- cuma lately tak sempat langsung nak update blog. Jangankan nak update blog i tak ada masa nak duduk di halaman sendiri pun- balik kejar masa masak- selesaikan budak2, Uwan- dapat masak dan attending to Uwan pun such a blessing- busy macam mana perlu ada masa untuk yang tersayang.
I have many pictures and stories- cuma tak sempat nak bercerita panjang2 here but I am sharing some pictures that closed to my heart;) My Garden- how i wish i could sit in garden and do nothing:) I buat few things kat halaman last week, tukar gate, tukar cubby house jadi cat house- really please with the result tapi tak sempat ambik gambar sepenuhya:)
My garden- I am missing you:)
I have a special place in my heart for trees and flower,garden and bushes.
My friend Pok Ya tengah tukar cubby house jadi cat house- Tia Mia dah besar and hardly nam duduk dalam cubby house- lately ni cubby house dah jadi macam garden shed- kucing pulak dah ramai tidur dalam cage so leceh- so i called Pok Ya to pasang pintu and tingkap for the cubby house.
I suka pintu yang Pok Ya buat ni- ada farm house feel:)
Tadaaaa dah siap- kejap jer..cantikkan rumah kucing yang baru.
This is a new house, please bless this house with love;) Day time our cats will roam around the garden- makan bunga, cabut bunga etc etc:);) malam tidur dalam ni:) at least hujan lebat dah tak risau nak tutup cage.
I miss sitting in my garden. I ve changed my gate- nanti ada masa i tunjuk gambar new gate okay:)
We went for shor escapde last week- tempat ni i suka sebab rumah dalam garden;)
The place is so nice- macam dalam cerita " Midsummer Murder"- English country side yang charming:)
Country girl:):)
I cooked this awesome sambal tumis udang bersantan last week- Tia Mia love it very much- sama saja macam buat sambal biasa cuma tambah santan dan masukkan udang bila kuah dah kering sikit- baru manis:)
A winner too- asparagus in oyster sauce- simple but just too awesome when you pair it with sambal udang:)
That's all for tonight- i have to go to sleep now- esok Tia Mia ada Hari Sukan at school, my maid Heni pulak nak keluar- i have to jaga uwan at home but i have bought items for my garden- esok lepas breakfast i can work in my garden;):) Dah rasa happy:)
Alhamdulillah to Allah Swt- segala perasan gembira, kasih sayang, tenaga, kekuatan, hanya dari Nya- Kesyukuran tiada henti atas segala nikmat di beri- moga sentiasa ingat tidak lupa.
Nite nite.
yeay more pics please :)
ReplyDeleteLapar ..sedapnya sambal udang dengan asparagus T_T
ReplyDeletemiss you story....
ReplyDeleteseronoknya tengokkk..
ReplyDeletecantiknyaa garden and makanan sedappnya la haii sambal udang tuuu..
miss u so much..lama hilang..miss uwann..dah lama tak dapat tengok dia n dengar khabar, selalu jenguk u takder, nak tanya khabar pun tak i pun dah start new life here at our new sanctuary...totally new life and new environment...update lagi tau bebanyak..nak tengok uwannn..
ReplyDeleteSalam zu...may i know what your emai isl. I would like to email you personally. Tks
ReplyDeletekak... bercuti kat mane ade rumah dlm garden yg cantik tu?
ReplyDeleteSalam pekenalan..saya tersesat disini mencari idea reno rumah.heheh.menarik blog ni..saya nak tahu lebih lg.psl tuan punye blog..saya Follow..klu sudi follow saya ex bos ada back groud IP..tuan blog kat company apa?
ReplyDeletelove your garden esp cat house tu..
ReplyDeleteyeap bersyukur dengan apa yang kita miliki..