Sunday, October 18, 2015


Thanks kawan2 yang singgah:)
Not much story- the normal,cooking,cleaning&napping;) The haze was cleared for few days but came back yesterday.
So we were at home- we had a relax weekend walaupun pagi2 kena punggah kain baju kotor ke washing machine- it was not too bad- the husband sidai baju, the wife cooks, the anak2 sepah and main and the uwan berangan atas sofa- and two cats hiburkan hati.
There's some pictures to be shared here- thanks for all the encouraging words- nak suruh Tuan Bloh update ya:)
Saturday night the hb mentioned about having ramen for dinner- but the girls insisted on Italian food- as usual we parents mengalah- yesterday i made Ramen soup noodles for breakfast- i googled the recipe but turned out to cook it my way. Boil the ramen first, ketepikan, in a pot boiled water with chicken stock (in my case i just use tulang2 left over fried chicken),some garlic, soy sauce and oyster sauce plus garlic oil. Leftover fried chicken yg i simpan dalam fridge tu i slice and masuk dalam pan tanpa minyak biar cripsy, dalam soup masukkan soft tofu, dan goreng telur separately- masuk ramen dalm bowl- tuang soup, atur slice fried chicken. telur dan potong kimchi halus2- i rasa wahhh sedap you:):)

This is our breakfast on saturday- on Friday i bought Frozen bagel from Cold Storage- nampak harga macam RM12 - but bila punch RM28- tapi jimat lah lagi dari pi makan Big Breakfast kat Dome- i beli Beed strips,cheddar cheese and i ada rolled butter inside my fridge- tanya the girls nak minum apa- semua voted for hot chocolate- the bagel was really nice- so sedap with the beef and cheese.

Penat masak seharian - dinner after maghrib we bundled uwan into wheelchair and went for dinner at The Italian Kitchen Sunway Giza- food semua sedap and we had a good dinner- uwan pun suka makan Aglio Olio rupanya:)

Selain tu berehat di rumah sajalah- belek2 garden kecik kat belakang sikit;)

An Teacher Claire bought us this cute watering can- we love it:)

Si demok ni pun suka lepak kat sini;)

And Elsa lagi lah best terus check in dalam laundry drawer tak bangun sampai petang;)
Ta taaaaaa... have  anice hazy week;):)


  1. salam,
    nak tnye nama brand frozen bagel tu boleh?
    trime kasih :)

  2. Yeah...Tuan Blog faham jiwa kami hi hi 😃

  3. Cerita Kak Zue sentiasa menarik, masakan simple but I'm sure it was tasty.. Terus terasa nk cuba.. I'm waiting for your next entry tau Kak Zue..

    Take care & send my regards to Uwan & si kembar as well..

  4. yeay, buka blog tengok blog akak dah update..lajuu je baca..rasa tak puas nak baca lagi :)

  5. sy suka decoration rumah kak zue, sentiasa tertggu next entry k.zue..keep writing kak

  6. Salam,

    My name is Norain from ZALORA Malaysia. I would like to offer you to do a collaboration with us. Feel free to drop me an email at

    Thanks :)

  7. terubat jugak rindu bila kak azu ada update. Wlpun kisah simple2, but mampu meringankan minda kita yg membaca..

    Btw, Just nk bgtau ttg makanan si gemuk/elsa. Kible warna warni tu not good for them kak. Nnt buah pinggangnya akan rosak dan them akan kena batu karang. Better beli kibles yg tidak berwarna. Sorry for that ya kak
