Monday, August 2, 2010

I Can Smell It...:)

Good Morning:)

Apa nama ka Milo ni kat Kopitiam..a picture taken in PD..well it is too sweet and thick to my liking:)I only like sweet people:)

Okay,start your engine and lets drive to work..

Ishh..park your car carefully and open the door properly girl...

Straight to work..give me one romantic song pleaseee...

Hmmm..very serious ya:)

uhhhh i like that song.."I will follow you,follow you where ever you may go..there isn't an ocean too deep,a mountain so high that can keep me away.. I love you, I love you and where you go i follow,i follow, you always be my true love,my true love from now until forever,forever..I will follow you....."
On another note..hmmmm rindu kan kampung sangatttttt..puasa coming next Wednesday.. me rindu kampung so muchhhhhh...uwan lagi rinduuuuu:)

Rindu kampung uwan yang damai..anak2 dara yang pemalu..iye keeeee pemalu?

Miss the scene..the gotong royong..can't wait to go back:)

Morning Mist,tousle hair..yummylicious smell...

Jom,Jom Balikkkkkkk....


  1. Jom balik kampung!!!
    bestnya.. esp dah nak masuk musim raya ni...

    Kiutnye 2 kenit tu main piano.. hahaa.. siap berhimpit2 duduk kat kerusi tu.
    Padahal byk space lagi.. hehee..

    Sangat2 comel!

  2. ye lah ita..duduk berhimpit2..saja suka and satu lagi sebab nak bagi teacher duduk sama:)

  3. tak lama lagi pandai main piano :)
    drive pun dah pandai tu :)
    best la tia mia ada kampong :)
    nanti kita tompang tengok semangat raya kampong :)

  4. yeyyy auntie ann dah pandai cakap "tompang" tu..this raya gonna bit short ann as we gonna go holiday after that, if we have long and well planned raya in the future and if happens you are in malaysia we would love to invite you to join us:)
