Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What Is Inside Your Heart?

Dealing with heart is not easy especially when the heart is not yours? I am not talking about the lovey dovey thing just a straight friendship or day to day relationship.Some people they give you one they expect you to give back one,some give you 10 but they expect you to give 100,so difficult to find someone who can just give without expecting something and it is a bonus if you can find someone who can sincerely like you for what you are.It seems like semua orang are driven by Agenda.."when i say you are pretty you must say it back to me too otherwise this is the last time i am going to say it to you", when i say " your car is nice you must make an effort to find out about my car,may house,my garden and please give compliments too" funny..having said that there are stilled nice people around,for that i should be thankful,a friend sent a card that reads" you are one in a million" that is touching and the girls in the office which i sometimes hardly notice what they are wearing are wonderful,you can see it in their eyes.Well,may be i should look into my heart kadang2 susah nak compliment orang..bak kata orang i ni type yang tak berapa expressive,i tak tabur pujian sepanjang masa or jalan, tak berusaha supaya orang paling sayang kita.Tak apalah to me whatever i said i meant it..I am too thankful to Allah for what i have..tak kuasa ada agenda..macam mana yer..orang suka nak di puji, di ampu..biarlah..ada sorang dua yang sayang or suka kita secara sincere..itu lah rezki:)

Okay done with the heart story..last week and monday kena dera jugak dengan gegirls kat office ni,kena pakai apron lah,kena pakai crown,selempang..ikut jer lah..they are such nice people,half i known for many years,ada yang baru..thank you so much berusaha dia orang,buat selepang ratu,siap pinjam iron kat wardrobe,tempah cup cakes tema english country rose..and the potluck so bermakna..semua orang masak and contribute..they are all yummylicious..thank you from my heart:)

Pictures are all courtesy of Fyza and Niza's cameras:)

Kena pakai selempang.without the crown but stilled cannot escape..masih ada jugak dalam gambar:)

Happy lah hati...

Ni Fyza punya kerja..bagi apron sebagi hadiah and nak tengok me pakai..sebab dia cakap nanti sure i tak pakai ke office:)Nanti saya masak saya pakai ye Fyza.

Pot Luck yang sangat best..semua orang masak,contribute sangat meriah..semua sedap.

My cuppies dia orang tempahkan "English Country Style"..thanks yer girls.

Last week jugak Tia Mia singgah office..happy lah dua orang ni ramai "teacher" yang melayan,tengok tu penuh tangan dengan toys dari meja auntie teacher moon,tia mia suka:)

Ni "teacher "Fyza..entah bila lah gegirls kecik and besar ni bergambar kat luar pun tak tau..senang lah sekarang bawak dia orang ni datang office..banyak "teacher" boleh layan:) THANKS semua orang.


  1. betul. yang penting orang sayang kita seadanya :). nyum nyum...pot luck nampak sedap.macam nampak ada lauk masak kicap. apo menu nya? sardin goreng ado ko? kejap je dah nak poso kan. tak sabar la...hihi. jom jom bukak poso samo2

  2. Maksu..dah baca. Jumaat sounds good. Nanti ikin bgtau Along.

  3. bestnya diorang sambut ur bday kat ofis eh! happy birthday! may u haf the best in life!

  4. hati yg ikhlas, tak minta balasan, tu yg kekal perhubungan :)
    thanks for the invitation, insyaAllah one day we will meet, infact a few days ago i dreamt that i visited ur sweet home n i rmbred dat i told u nt to put our pictures at ur blog :D

  5. ikin, okay set.

    Drama mama,thanks so much.

    Ann..really?wahhh..tu tanda nak jumpa tu:)..hmm okay i will not post pictures in blog but will keep in our album but must send one picture first la:)

  6. Best best best...
    Sume happy.
    Birthday girl dah dapat apron tu! Kena lah selalu masak & bawa fodd ke opis :)

    Happy for u Azu.
    Semoga berkat sentiasa...
