Thursday, November 25, 2010

Bed Of Roses.

Thank You Queen Of The Desert and Fasha for good comments and inputs:)Indeed a Bed of Roses is very much in your mind and heart,if you feel good with whatever you have now,no matter how hard it is your life is still a bed of roses:) Actually,bukanlah mengeluh sebab kena bekerja 9 to 6..just sebab tak pernah lagi rasa tak bekerja sepenuhnya..rasa so seronok if have more time to do things which you cannot do.Hari ni bercerita lagi dgn good friend,pasal "wish" and "if"..kalau lah dah cukup duit utk semua,saving yang penuh utk diri sendiri,anak2,tiada lagi commitment..nak lah ada small business..or "business for pleasure" lah actually..tak payah datang pagi,suruh orang jaga,datang bila perlu..macam small boutique cafe,or flower shop..then both of us gelak,berangan lah..ada kawan cakap "with yr husband salary i think cukup utk u tak kerja" lah kalau from the beginning commitment and life style set based on sorang bekerja,now i have my own commitments,bought things and live our life based on two will be very difficult to adjust..cuma kalau tiba2 terpijak bag berisi USD 3 Mil..then..bye,bye office..i ll open small chocolate shop at a posh mall..haaaa..haaa. Memang ada pros and cons berkerja atau tak bekerja..sebagai manusia..kita always nak rasa benda yang kita tak rasa lagi..maybe i rasa seronok bila sesekali cuti panjang..pagi hantar tiamia ke club,sementara nak ambik both pukul 1,i went to mall,sit at Starbuck or Kopitiam,hirup coffee or wantan soup..after that masuk saloon,cuci rambut,habis ada masa lagi..masuk kedai buku,get few magazines,masuk kedai baju get few things lagi..then baru ambik tiamia..balik rumah,maid ada,so semua dah in order,masuk bilik dgn tiamia..sessi jerit menjerit for a while then bila both tidur i have ample time for myself lagi.Maybe the routine gonna be boring kalau everyday sama,unless ada serious business to take care of..kalau asyik menghabis duit di saloon and shopping kalau laki tak kaya mana mesti dia menjerit jugak one pun bila i told my husband that our lawyer said PKNS has retrieved our misplaced file (ye sebelum ni risau bila PKNS cakap dia misplaced the file sebab they nak pindah office) and land transaction can be completed soon..he said " haaaa..start saving now dear...nak buat rumah pulak"..after few mins i fikir.."wahhh aku ni boros ke..bila dia cakap camtu"..itu sebab kita bekerja dia cakap camtu..tak kisah..what if tak bekerja jadi sensitive lah semua.The fact is i memang tak pandai simpan duit,husband never complaint..walaupun dia pay banyak benda and kadang2 joint account dia pun kita attack..jadi nampaknya kenalah bekerja sampai pencen..dan jangan lah sesekali mengeluh..Syukur ke hadrat Illahi dengan semua yang ada..tapi kalau jadi uwan pun sangat seronok sampai sekarang ada duit pencen best jugak..tapi dah tua duit pun tak tahu nak guna sangat..100,200 dah more than enough for her..kesian dia dah lupa ni..kita cakap "mak pencen mak banyak RM....dalam bank"..dia cakap "ehhh mano ado,banyak sangat tu.."i pulak too late nak kerja gomen..nak berpencen..Alhamdulillah di doa kan kawan2 semua pun bahagia dengan hidup masing2,tercapai cita2 yang di hajatkan...InsyAllah. ..( you ll find you way..kata Maher zain..hee..heee) and Thank You Allah (kata Maher Zain lagi)

Seluar RM6 beli orang jual kat office hari ni..sangat sedap pakai jugak pun boleh buat kat office jer..hee..hee..

Tuan punya blog ..insaf dan muhasabah diri lah..ada jugak masa untuk semua bila plan haaa..bila kenits dah tidur kita pun berinternet..snap gambar sana sini....chaos pagi esok bila nak get ready food,kenits pergi sekolah episode lain lah pulak..malam ni we just nikmati..oklah nak pi tidur dah...bed tak der lah full with roses sebab tiamia dah jadi "monkey jumping on the bed" tadi..but dalam hati banyak roses..nite,nite semua:)


  1. Hi MamaTiaMia, ha ha, I love this posting, reminds me of that song, "If I was a rich man".
    Hey, love that polka dot slack you wearing. You look real nice.

    For some reason or other I have always loved polka dots women wearing, or my own shirts.
    Right now I have 2, a blue and a red.

    Reading about having money, yes...I guess that's the dreams of many.
    But it was funny in my case....
    When a bachelor, I had reached the stars before 30.
    Also being one of a handful flying around in a corporate jet on business.

    Had a beautiful bungalow home, an Alfa Romeo, an MGB and a Mercedes, a pretty matured maid and a Doberman guard dog....

    And? Even though I was financially very comfortable, no commitments, I worked 7 day weeks, (East Coast worked on weekends!) and hotels my 2nd home.

    I never took leave, but now and then the odd couple of days fishing, or ahemm, chasing a sarong.
    Never once took sick leave, never wore designer clothes, owned 3 neckties bought from pasar malams.

    I guess I enjoyed working and the thrills of closing multi-million deals...and life in the fast lane, followed by moonlight and roses.
    But doing business on my own, no way....ha ha.
    You have a nice day, keep a song in your heart...Lee.

  2. Uncle Lee..lucky you.flying high before you hit 30..hmmm still chasing sarong..notty..notty:)

  3. Salam mamatiamia, hampir 10 tahun me and my husband menjalankan perniagaan sendiri. Before this, makan gaji jugak. Bila company offer VSS, then both of us pun amik, Hubby with the intention to start biss, but me with the intention to stay at home. Tapinya dah keje dengan dia sampai sekarang. katanya he needs an assistant coz dia in the field of engineering and i am in the field of business so we compliments each other. Kalau kerja nie committment kita tu limited, tapi kalau biss kita kena handle semua perkara. No doubt kita ada flexibility untuk masa dengan anak2 dan boleh jer keluar opis suka hati..hehehe..tapi itulah..bukan senang nak memastikan syarikat kita bertahan untuk selama yg, nak sustain dalam keadaan gawat..apa pun me sangat bersyukur dengan apa yang ada sekarang ;-). May all your dreams comes true..Aminnn

  4. Hi Mama, longer chasing, but admiring...ha ha, only thing here no sarongs, besides Winter is here and temp now quite chilly at -3'c.
    Semua da cover up, ha ha.
    Got to nanti till June 2011.
    Goodnight from Canada. Lee.

  5. salam salmi..oh both of you bukak business together ya..that's nice..hmm i know it's not easy to maintain husband dulu ada jugak business..tak letak 100% there..after all the investment akhirnya tutup ajer..thanks for sharing..kena bersyukur dgn yg ada:)

  6. hi uncle lee..opps sorry just more chasing:):) he..hee gud for you:)

  7. Hi Mama,
    I br dpt chance catching up with few of your entries. Its normal to feel down once in a while. After all we are just human. Bottom line, do what you like. Make sure you have the passion and not merely just mkn gaji.

    We have a family business. My dad wanted me to join him, but until now, i tak pernah involve pun. I told him I want to be on my own and i want to earn my own money.

    Workload i mmg banyak. Indeed, most of the time, I hv no choice but to bring back the work. I believe bila kita buat kerja dgn ikhlas, Allah akan tunjukkan jalan. Like what my mom always, unlike human, Allah nie suka bila umat nyer minta pertolongan kat dia.
