Wednesday, November 24, 2010


1. Me - This week feeling very "domestic' ,very "homely" i wish i dont have to rush to go to plain words-don't have to go office at all.I want to plant roses,petunias,ladys fingers,cucumber,brinjal,cauliflower..i rather wear my gum boots instead of stilletto..rather wear worn bermuda and old t shirt over jacket and tailored pants.I wish i have more time with TiaMia,my old mother,myself....that is the wish of everyworking mums i guess.I nak wish lagi..i nak build my dream home,go find my own tiles,cobbled stones,plank wood,terracotta..i want house with pokok2,sayur2,bunga2,batu2,burung2,kucing2....i wish,i wish,i wish..Alhamdulillah dengan apa yang ada..tapi masih boleh mengharap dan berdoa..moga wish comes true:)

2. TiaMia- Dah cakap and act macam2..sometimes i feel that is not the talk or act of 3 year 5 months old tell them one thing they will explain and answered in details - yesterday i nagged at Tia for scolding her girlfriend at school..that girl cried and i felt bad, i said " tia why did you do that?You cannot be angry at your friend for no reason,you cannot shout at her...that is not good at all...if you continue to do that you will have no friend in the end..they will feel sad and leave you" ..she replied back "'s not that i don't love her..i love her but a little bit only because she made Mia cried just now,she painted mia's i'm angry at her..therefore i love her little bit only..i love shalom and iman more!" And yesterday i came back both painted their nails with magic colour pink and bright!!!They said they saw that on to explain to them..we cannot paint our nails,if they keep doing that they cannot wear their telekung,cannot pray,we must pray with clean hand,body..they said " okay mama..this is the last time we will not do it again..promise!"..sangat pandai menjawab,if they ask you to do something and you can't do it,they will say " You can do it if you really try!"..and that is their favourite tagline now...

Hmmm dengan mood berangan ni..mama malas lah nak tulis caption at each picture below..mama snapped last nite using few modes on Canon..semua gambar nakal budak dua orang..oh ya..lupa pulak..the school said the two have been shortlisted for upcoming TV and print advertisement - Darlie Toothpaste..if we are interested can send both for casting this Saturday at ..see lah how..mama is not really into this thing..well after working so many years at TV station..sangat faham keadaannya.


  1. Salam, being a fulltime homemaker myself (housewife, domestic engineer, whtever term u r comfortable with :)for more than 13yrs, all i can say is it's very tiring but rewarding at the same time. Hope all ur wishes come true.

    Have a nice weekend...

  2. Salam MamaTiaMia, I missed many entries here. Love the hari raya dekat kampung picturess! Beautifully captured. You food memang tak pernah tak buat I terliur tau! Tia&Mia are getting smarter and smarter each day. Memang kadang2 geram tapi cute lah pulak kan, terus tak jadi nak marah kan? Mesti cute diaorang ni berceloteh. I am with Queen of the Desert on being a housewife. Tiring & indeed rewarding but one thing I truly miss about working is to have my own monthly paid salary. I miss that but I am blessed still & bersyukur dengan segala rezeki yang Allah beri selama ni. I am sure your hubby is planning only the best for you, Tia&Mia if not soon, later, but hey apa yang I cakap ni, you and your family are already living your beautiful life one could possibly ask for. Take care dear!

  3. dear both,,thank you for your superb comments:)veru true indeed:)
