Tuesday, February 15, 2011

New Gadget,Foodie& Teringat-ingat"

 Ha..haaa like what you see? terlampau ehh...where are they going? Not fancy dress party ya..but kindy..hmmm:):) One funny 18 SX conversation by both last nite : I was having bad stomachache and 3 of them including papa was busy rubbing oil to my feet,neck and tummy.Mia asked " are you going to die? you too young to die mama?"..Tia said " Noooo..she's not going to die,drink,drink first mama..who did this to you mama?".I lied and told her slowly "papaaa.".Tia looked at papa and said "bad,bad..it is okay Doctor will check now".Instead of saying "breath in, breath out",She said " take your breast out,take your breast out!!!!"..Aiyaaa Doctor mana ajar niii??

 And... i got a new kitchen gadget..wahhh very happy.. i always want griller that can toast long bread like panini,pocket bread etc..the normal sandwich maker is too small to my liking, you can't put much filling inside and it will shape yr bread into triangle. Now i can have the beautiful toast without cutting the long bread:)

 Very affordable too..the Professional griller/toaster for panini etc cost you Rm1700..while this one is below RM500..

 and..a day cannot past without blogging about food..hee..hee.. i cooked laksa lemak for Monday morning.

 Grilled Salmon strips and bones..papa and the girls's favourite..crispy and lemak..sangat sedap..

 Then we had lunch at The Italiannies again:) the usual toast with artichoke formaggio..yummyy;)

 Kids eat for free..Magharita Pizza for Tia Mia..

 My all time favourite..Aglio Olia Spaghetti with shrimp,olive,tomato and artichoke..

 Last Friday..the new owner to our house at MG&CR called she said she has moved in this month..alaaaa terus teringat kat the house..tempat jatuh lagi di kenang...

 Dulu Tia Mia selalu ikut mama papa pergi bersihkan..it is a lovely house..i put my heart and soul into it..it has the best inside..

 My white picket fences..cantikkan...

 And teringat my outdoor oven..bersusah carik material sendiri..new owner please jaga ya..

The house has sweet memories..walaupun we tak sempat move in..cuma tempat bertandang masa Tia Mia buat birthday kat club situ..hopefully our decision to stay at the current place  is right and soon we can build our dream home here...more green grass and blue sky ..:):)


  1. Tia&Mia tu dah pandai nak bergaya2..ye..comel..
    Bestla mama dpt griller/toaster baru..bertambah semangat la nak msk mcm2 nnt :)
    Mmg cantik rumah u tu..nmpk sweet dan tenang je tmptnya..i wish i'll have one like that..

  2. Your girls are sooo hilarious and adorable too!Nasib baik tak ada siapa dengar..:D
    That gadget looks cool.More bread recipes after this I suppose?
    Cantiklah rumah you,nampak macam country homes pun ada..you tinggal dekat mana ya?

  3. zeta..mula2 berkobar lah nak buat toast;)Insyallah one day you ll dream will come true.take care;)

  4. Mira, the girls alwasy hilarious;)yeap mula2 menag berkobar;) used to be my owner,now sold already..next to bukit jelutong;)

  5. hikss.. love to see the gegirls with the barbie and tiara :-)..oopps Ken takde ke?..*wink*..nice food and nice house esp the outdoor oven dengan besi pengadang yang cantik :-)

  6. breast out breast out??? hahahhaha! kelakar la budak2 ni. hiks. hmmm soon i'm sure u'll get ur dream home plak...ameen!


  7. salmi..kent kena hambat ngan mama *wink*..besi pengadang tu i beli dari SSF,untuk tingkap actually but i cat putih and buat pencangkuk kat situ;)

  8. serius jeles dengan kerajinan u memasak.. harap2 perasaan jeles ni dapt bertukar jd pemangkin untuk i jd gitu juga..he..he.. comellah tia mia.. betul2 macam princess. suka sangat ur white picket fences tu.. dulu selalu berangan nak pagar mcm tu.. tp sbb rumah takde kawasan.. tgk pagar org ajelah nampaknya..

  9. MamaTiaMia,
    i love they way u decorate ur old hse. it has a lot of charms and love. esp the outdoor oven and the way u make the little terrain from teh original small staircase at the side garden. creative betul!

  10. so bijak tia mia cakap! :D
    untung owner baru dapat rumah u yg dihias cantik, unik.

  11. hi maya...i love the old house too:)many nooks and corners kena ubah to have the comfy warm look,hopefully the new owner jaga lah rumah tu;)

  12. hi ann..how's thing there? hope semua org sihat..yap tiamai cakap tak berenti lah..full with imaginations beyond my thinking sometimes.The new owner baru masuk lah Ann..dia ada 3 kids hopefully they are happy there;)

  13. thanx for ur full detailed recipe !! wil surely try it out !!

  14. Salam kenal MamaTiaMia :)

    Tahniah ye coz ur blog masuk dalam mag InTrend Mac 2011!

    Cepat beli :)

    BTW ur twins comels nya...teringin nak twins gak nie :D

    I follow u too!

  15. salam kenal intan.. ye ke? nanti saya carik kat kedai;)thanks for letting me know..sure,mari lah follow tengok our gelagat;)
