Sunday, February 13, 2011

Woot ! Woot ! We ve got new baby and love in da house!!

Salam ada problem sikit la..visited a few blogger friends who left comments here but can't open their comment box so i can't say hi to these lovely people : Mira(Double X),Zeta,Hanis I am saying hai here and will visit yr blogs again;)

How is Monday everyone? Lots of Love? Those celebrating Valentines are very happy today*wink*wink*..hopefully we can be happy and celebrate love everyday.My husband called me from far this morning,very early baru bukak mata,he said " Today is Valentines Day dear,hari tu masa khutbah Jumaat ustaz cakap..bla..blaaa..blaaa.."..Haa..haaa so why call pa?..Saja jer..kalau nak bagi diamond ke apa..i tetap redha..he..hee.Whatever yang penting niat dan knowledge..baru tak terpesong dalam keadaan apa pun..secretly..i tetap suka kalau dapat bunga*wink*wink*.Tak celebrate atau tak boleh celebrate Valentines pun kita boleh lah duduk berfikir zaman2 manis dulu;) When you unfold all the sweet memories,you appreciate things more,sometimes love come easy to you sometimes not..once you have it in your hand try to make the best  of it:):) but,but,but don't be "hamba cinta"..i ve got a friend who is unfortunate,her partner suka ambik kesempatan but she can't live without a man/love to her biarlah derita asal dia tak hilang di mata..that is so yourself more..if he loves you he wont take advantage or hurt you..a real man is a  man with dignity who will protect,provide and cherish you:) If he can't respect you it is time to let him is to precious to sit down and weep if you have those yang tak ada choice,terikat and perlu go through the painful sitauation please be strong..there always light at the end of the tunnel..insyAllah.

Today I ve got few lovey dovey pictures i wanna share;)

 New babehhh in the da house..anak Pat,Pat tu kucing orang datang rumah..we welcome her..sebab Pat berbudi she brings new love to our house..cute kan..

 She got blue eyes,Tia Mia panggil "Americano" sempena dia org suka tengok YouTube "PapaAmericano" by Jim Carey tu..

 Moga cano selamat in our house..tak terpenyek dek TiaMia..

 Sayang sangat both kat cano ni..bagi handbag,bacakan storybooks bagai..

 Sunday lunch..roast chicken for everybody..i cooked half bird..takut one whole chicken too much pulak..sedap tau..Tiamia sgt suka;)

 We went to Pasar Tani on Sunday so i bought sayur kampung for uwan,i cooked labu lemak,sayur asam rebus terung telunjuk dgn ikan masin jenahak..all the ulams and cencaluk.

 The beautiful and yummy cake i bought from a friend at office:) cantik kan..

 Saturday we went to workshop and had wonderful lunch at Sri Damansara Club,on the way back we drove in to MC D and the two girls had these yummy ice creams.

 The supersweet pineapple, a produce from my hb's company..Tia Mia love it very much:)

 We bought wonderful blooms from nursery to replace the dead perennial..but it was raining yesterday..will try to put in a proper place tonite.

 Ini pilihan Tia and Mia..they are gorgeous;)

 My hb as usual works very hard..gantt chart,swot anylysis non stop....kesian i have to cook good food everyday supaya perut dia gembira and otak pun lapang.

 Malam minggu papa kerja keras di laptop,wifey and the kids had wonderful time relaxing on the of the best moment in life...

Tambah indah bila boleh baca magazine and berangan dapur idaman and bila tunjuk kat Mr Hb..di celah ke sibukan membuat swot analysis tu he said "of course,of course dear'..walaupun tak tau lah nak dapat bila tapi jawapan tu dah cukup menggembirakan,lovee,loveeee


  1. Hello and salam to u

    Tiba2 terasa macam diri ni famous pula setelah ternampak nama I di atas..anyway thank u for your visit to my blog..merapu banyak aje blog saya tu..
    Memang blog saya ada problem sikit kebelakangan ni.Saya sendiri tak tau kenapa.Kadang2 kena refresh banyak kali.And sometimes kena logout dan login balik.

    Wow, your twins sure enjoy their ice cream treat so much!High 5 sebab saya pun minat interior deco.Seronok kan baca-baca sambil berangan nak deco yang mana satu...

    Have a great day!

  2. hai u...

    wah hubby dah bagi harapan utk dapur idaman, confirm dptlah nnt tu.. wife dia pun rajin & pandai masak.. so mmg berbaloilah klu dapat dapur yg super cantik mcm tu..

  3. I love the flowers, love the blue eyes kitty, but most of all I love your food :-) sedap..

  4. I love the flowers, love the blue eyes kitty, but most of all I love your food :-) sedap..

  5. hi Mira..tu lah tak tau blog you ke atau blog..nak tinggal comment tak worries blog is a place for us to merapu and say whatever we wanna say;)memang best berangan iD kan:)

  6. hanis..harapan.harapan..moga jadi kenyataan;);)

  7. Queen,salam..the blue bloom gorgeous kan..TiaMia picked it:)memang i non stop masak for the past few weeks..hmmm takut nak tengok weight scale ni:)

  8. buat suspens je tajuk tu.. ingtkan tia mia nk dpt adik ;) almaklum la lama tk singgah sini.. mcm2 cerita ada.. syukur.. am happy to know tht everythng is great n wonderful around u n yur loved ones.. semoga kekal dan bertmbah lagi bahagia.. err.. nxt time selit2 sikit resepi kalau sempat ye.. ayam bakar, baked dory etc.. sungguh menggiurkan.. dan bunga2 cantek tu buat hati makin suka.. :)

  9. salam syanashwa..ha..haa..saja buat suspen..insyallah nanti saya letak resepi:)

  10. salam maulidur rasul lilo:)thank you))
