Sunday, July 24, 2011

Go Fly your kites,Lampan Jawa & Red Diamonds

Last Sauturday we went to send our Ford for service at PJ,tak siap pulak one day:( Lepas tu the girsl sibuk nak jalan,first thought of taking them to the malls..lepas  tu teringat Tia had been asking to buy kite for so long,so we asked papa to take us to Bagan Lalang,Sepang...without any preparation we went there:)

Yeayyy..Tia was so excited..dah lama nak kite,suddenly surrounded by hundred of beautiful kites..rambang mata lah dia.

Then jumpa bubbles pulak..lagi lah happy dua minah ni;)

There..dah dapat kite..Mia pilih Tinkerbells,Tia pilih Princess;)

So happy to see them enjoying themselves..suka tahap gaban lebih kurang situ..berlari tak ingat..tergolek-tergelantang atas pasir;)

See..Mia having the best time of her life here;)

Since baju dah masuk2 pasir semua..mama took both to the nearest shop and beli baju hawai ni..selipar pun baru termasuk lah,sandcastles set and towel:)

Cewahhhh gaya cik kak..

Our photo taken by Tia Khadeja.


Tia and her kite.

The two girls and their bodyguard.

beautiful kites at bagan Lalang

Ok..time to go home now;)we had a great those yang tak pernah pergi Bagan dia kecik,dah tu stood stilled macam zaman 70 an dulu..kedai pun macam tak pernah kena roboh ke apa..nama pekan terdekat pun pelek i.s Sg pelek..but we like it:);)

Sunday we went pasar tani to buy girlfriend for Ribbon..tapi tak der pulak jual bawak balik lampan jawa,gulai dgn mangga muda,kena pulak ualam2 segar...sangat sedap.

Papa buatkan tempat main utk ribbon.

Happy lah budak ni melayan ribbon di halaman.

Sunday evening..apa 3 orang ni buat tu?

He..hee..uwan and the girls tengah gentel tepung nak buat glutinous ball or uwan panggil "kolopong berair"..dua orang tu dah kena basuh tangan dengan dettol dua kali:)

Wallaaa..hasilnya cantik dan sedap ni:)..hope semua orang had a great weekend:) p.s cant wait to gentel biskut raya with Tia Mia lah;)


  1. wah, anak dara u dah pandai buat kuih.. bagusnya.. ikut talent mama yg pandai masak ni.. he..he.. dah lama benar tak ke bagan lalang.. nmpk best juga.. nnt2 boleh pergi juga..

  2. salam hanis..hee..hee anakdara kena lah tolong emaknya kan:)

  3. Hi, I hv been reading yr blog for sometimes... you are such a wonderful Mum, wife and daughter. Suka tengok recipe2 you.

  4. hi artlover,cinnamonworld of colours, thank you for visiting:) and salam ramadhan:)
