Thursday, July 28, 2011

My day today.

Excited actually as Ramadhan is just around the corner,looking forward to it,to raya and also our vacation.Very penat lah working from 9.00 to 6.00..well actually it is more than 9.00 - 6.00 for working moms..."work' starts as early as 6.00 or ada yang start pukul 5.00 pun.So macam counting days nak pergi bercuti:) Banyak event since June,with birthday celebrations,anniversary etc..tomorrow is going to be my birthday but kata orang dah "tua2" ni tak lah kisah sangat,dalam hati pun dah rasa tak nak mintak apa2 dari husband, pocket dia pun dah banyak bocor this few weeks,my car masuk workshop waterpump not working..kena  hampir RM3K..itu ini,itu banyak benda..anniversary pun he spent quite a lot..Dulu masa budak2 memang lah paling penting birthday ni..kalau tak dapat hadiah tu banyak benda nak di fikir..dapat senyuman,pelukan pun dah this stage giving is more meaningful than receiving actually..happy to buy things that made people smile,happy to cook to see your loved ones eating it,happy to decorate house to see everybody comfortable living in it and happy to lend ears,giving advices to those who need it.

Today Mr husband sms he said he finished his seminar early in KL and would like to take me to pulak punya lah lapar kat office today dari pagi tak breakfast.Padahal seawal pagi buat cucurbilis dan kuewy tiow suop for everybody..tapi sendiri tak makan.So masa husband sms i sedang duduk tercongok di cafe office menanti mamak tu bungkuskan daging masak merah dan sup sayur..he..hee..punya lapar order dua lauk tu..itu pun mata menerawang tengok maruku bagai.Since my husband ni sangatlah busynya kalau Monday to Friday memang tak sempat nak keluar mana punya and that is the reasonn why i pack kan dia makanan..i pun rela lah simpan food yang dah tapau dalam office and tunggu dia datang fetch dari KL..lambatlah pulak hampir nak hilang sabar rasa nak menyuap daging masak merah berasap tu ke mulut.Anway he finally arrived, as we usual he wanted to go Italiannies but me nak makan Good Evening Bangkok,sambil jalan tu nampak lah promosi Poh Kong..mata melilau jugak..hee..hee..dah makan without asking he took me to Maxis and got me this....

Dia cakap ni birthday present..i ni memang tak IT savvy or suka gadget ni me phone cukup utk call and sms..but very happy to receive this..orang dah pakai punya lama..ada ipad,ipod ke segala benda i cuma ada pots and this is my first iphone..i kena figure out camana nak download lagu,games segala bagai supaya boleh share dgn tia and mia,...see my birthday present pun kena share:)

Birthday present terbaik sebenarnya dia orang ni lah and of course yang melahirkan me..tiap hari dia orang ni menghiburkan..walaupun kadang2 i jadi singa,sebelum tidur ada yang menangis tapi bangun pagi masih cari mama..ciuman dan pelukan tak pernah lekang..Alhamdulillah.

To my emak,husband and my girls..i love you all..if you ask apa mama nak sempena my birthday..mama just nak tidur bergolek2 dalam selimut tebal dengan u all..kalau tiamia buat massage dengan jari comel tu kat belakang mama pun sangat heaven:)


  1. betul kata you..bila dah ada anak ni kita dah tak kisah sgt dgn birthday presents utk diri sendiri kan..asalkan dpt kisses dr anak dgn suami pun dah cukup tapi kalau dpt hadiah lain pun seronok la jugak hehee...happy birthday zu! :)


  2. happy birthday zu.. semoga mendapat keberkatan umur dan diberikan kesihatan yang baik.. semoga terus berbahagia di samping keluarga tersayang..

  3. Happy birthday Zue.. semoga dirahmati olehNYA selalu bersama keluarga tersayang.

    Selamat menjalankan ibadah dibulan ramadhan.

    Hug u from far.. hehehe


  4. happy birthday mama tiamia! the bestgifts are of course the lovely girls! tia mia go give her a good tiny mini massage :D

  5. dear yatie,hanis,laila,mamarissa,fonseka and ann..thank you very much you ve all made my love from us:):) tiamia massage2 sket for everybody ya:)

  6. "Happy belated b'day. May Allah bless you always

  7. "Happy belated b'day. May Allah bless you always

  8. Art lover and Nadiah..thank you very much..selamat menyambut ramadhan lover i went to yr blog last week..i really love it but can't drop comment unfortunately..will visit aggain:)
