Thursday, November 10, 2011

Happy Aroma.

Salam Jumaat,Barakallah:) Hi Syamimi- lucky you to be able to travel to London when you were stilled small,Aussie is a nice country,i think you gonna love it too! My dream is to go back to all those places that i had been  with my husband,i want to take Tia and Mia with us,i miss Cannes very much,give it a try if you haven't been is awesome;) Farhanna- thank you very much :), Bella- so true kan..senang ajer nak happy ni bella kan..especially bila ada baby kecik macam qaisara,bila cium,bau kepala dia terus rasa terawang dengan bahagia:), Ita- bila lah kita nak jumpa ni:) tu lah ita this year ada opportunity to travel under company to Geneva,tapi masa suntuk lah,tak sempat,boss dah kasi greenlight,leleh2 airliur ni,i dah lah kaki jalan:) Mommy CT- i dropby at your blog you are such a brave mommy,muarghhh to beautiful and courages Sarah doa for her:),Mamalisa-Congrats! you mesti bahagia tiap hari:) dulu masa pregnant i sakit 24 hrs tapi bila usap perut and si kenit tendang2 dalam perut terus rasa bahagia and sangat berbaloi untuk sakit..get good massage oil like lavender and ask hubby to massage feet ya:)take care, Hanis- memang Alhamdulillah yg tak terhingga dgn apa yg kita ada,big or small our house,happiness is in our heart,impian will add spice and colours to our life:) Haneem..wahhh nerry rajin masak ye..dia bubuh kismis banyak kot tu yg colour kismis..yg penting sedapkan..tak lah terror sangat masak ni Haneem cuma minat kasi orang makan..bawak bahagia to my heart too), Nerry- Wooooo kau dah ada rack makanan macam kat mudgee ke..nak tengok..cepatnya..aku baru time buat sira labu boleh letak kat rack tu sambil posing dgn rambut kerinting digital ya:):) Mummy AF- terimakasih sudi singgah..cantikkan kan white and cream theme kitchen..rasa tak nak keluar dari dapur..insyallah impian kita satu hari jadi kenyataan ya.

If I have inspired anybody i really syukur..many around me and in the office came up and told me that they are cooking now.. I am so happy;) I love cooking and i like to see other woman cooking too:):) It is a noble thing to do besides fun,what you need is passion,if you are passionate in doing anything it will turn out good.Furthermore there is no best way to be happy than unleashing your passion. Because i love food and cooking i have extra happiness whenever i travel.i feel happy to sit at any restaurant or road side to savour food,i feel great walking at supermarket aisle and look at groceries,i feel funtastic to go to market to buy fish and my heart burst with happiness to go inside kitchenwares it an easy way to be happy:):)

The best eating experience that i had was eating grill lobster with cheese outside Monte Carlo Casino! ( hee..hee i didnt go inside the Casino ok!)..feeling diva,rich and famous at that time.Thank You to our X big boss,whenever we travel he never kedekut,he will take us to the best place to eat,may it be in France,London or anywhere..he loves to cook and do gardening,so we have things in common,whenever i visited his FB i can feel the happy vibes there:) So cooking and gardening is one of the key to a happy heart ladies ( and gentleman too:)) Let's do it Tia and Mia...mama gonna give you tutorial on how to cook the best gulai telur itik with asam kundang now,i inherited it from uwan and now passing it to you both.Pls bear in mind it is not easy to cook telur itik,if the method is not right the egg will break,the yolk will become too hard..tak sedaplah..the kuah will also there is a secret to it;)

Last time when the road to our house was not jam i used to reach home by 6.15 , i had enough time to sit in the garden in the evening before cooking but nowadays the jam is quite bad i always reach home at 7.00 kesian you both and uwan.Yesterday was okay, we reached home quite early and we had some quality times in our garden.

Mia so busy filling in water to water the plants.

While you two busy watering the garden and uwan was eating her durian i took out the asam kundang we bought from the road side at pada yang tak kenal this is asam kundang muda..very sour..tulis ni pun siap keluar air liur.This is not a good ones..buah tak berapa cantik but good enough for cooking. Apart from cooking it with telur itik it is also nice if you cook with ikan salai,ikan sungai,daging salai or put in ikan bilis sambal:)

You then need to halve the kundang.

This is the unwash telur itik..wash it before you break it..takut taik itik masuk..heee..hee

For 5 eggs,you can use a packet of coconut milk diluted with 2 glass of water. The best way to cook the eggs and avoid breaking is to cook in a wok,uwan taught me this.

Pound 5 or 6 chillies with tumeric (kunyit) and salt until it is really fine,after that add 2 shallots (small onion) and 2 garlic..pound it reasonably.Add it into the coconut milk in the wok. Tips: dont put too much tumeric,gulai telur itik should have less yellow colour.

Break you egg in a container,you have to do it one by one.See the egg yolk,it is so orange and nice..this is the sedap type.

Before you put in the eggs ,these are the steps : let the kuah boil first,stir it and slow down the fire,after the fire is really slow and no more boiling put in the eggs one by one far apart..if the kuah is boiling it can break the egg,the most that a wok of this size can take is 5 eggs.Quickly add in your asam kundang after that.

wait until the bottom part is harden a bit like this before you flip it, i am very particular about gulai telur itik if it broken i tak nak anymore,willing to throw it away..extreme hehhh...;);)

Once the bottom is hard a bit you can flip it carefully.Taste the kuah,add in the salt if it not enough,dont add in asam keping because you asam kundang is more than enough.Dont let it cook too long,once the outer layer is harden a bit,press with your finger to ensure that the centre is still soft,quickly transfer it into a bowl as if you let it be cold in the wok,the egg will be harden and not nice anymore.

If you follow the steps,this is the result, a beautiful gulai telur itik,the egg is in a piece,the centre is still soft,the kuah is thick and creamy and the combination of asam kundang and coconut is really awesome..that i feel like cooking it again today..,..but no more telur itik;);)heee...hee

I prepared santan durian mentah for my mother,she loves to eat this with nasi panas.Just add durian into uncooked santan,add in salt,one sliced onion and mash one piece of durian so that the gravy will be thick and creamy.

Sambal tempoyak is a perfect add on to gulai telur itik.

I made daging masak kicap kering for hubby too.

This how it looks like in your sedapppppp..the egg yolk is so niceee..bagi yang suka gulai telur itik lah..tak semua orang suka;)

Like you both Tia and tak heran pun gulai telur itik said " i want sushi, both had sushi last night:) Crab stick and zucchini are your favourite.

Ok lah good nite kitchen see you tomorrow morning ya...

Morning pisang tanduk:);)

Uwan had pisang tanduk fritters this morning..yummy...

I fried macaroni and beef strips for papa and you both..uwan loves it too.Tips to fast western breakfast in the morning,always keep beef strips,sausage,canned peas,canned soup,fast cook pastas,olive oil and butter in your cupboard and can have sumptous western breakie in a mins;)

This is the last meal that this puasa lady cooked this morning..chicken soup for Tia and Mia's is a bit oily due to gomok unskinned chicken..good to scoop the oil on the top and throw it away..i always do it for soup..the best way to scoop the fat is to put in a fridge for a while..long time ago i read about Elizabeth Taylor's diet,she did that to all her soup..put in a fridge and scoop the fat once it is harden.Nanti petang ask Heni to heat it first okay..soup always nice to be eaten while it's hot.

Okay all set to go..breakfast pack for Tia and Mia..both have fried macaroni,whole dragon fruit for teacher claire to cut,vitagen and cream bread:) Lets go darlings..we dont want to be late okay;)


  1. oooo macam tu ye tanak bagi pecah telur tu...selalu kalau saye masak telur putih tu jadi berbuih2, tak cantik...

    nanti nak try care ni...thanks for sharing here...

  2. torliur den nengok gulai tolo itik dongan kundang tu... best...

  3. semua i suke.. nampak sedap.. cume telur itik.. mungkinx biasa mkn

  4. thanks for good cooking tips. mama tia mia nie sgt rajin memasak la. i rasa sgt kagum dgn u. weekdays pun sempat memasak mcm2. wknd nie i rasa semangat nak memasak for family :)..rasa nak meleleh air liur i tgk asam kundang tu..maybe boleh replace dengan belimbing buluh kan...kat rumah i byk belimbing buluh...


  5. salaam mamatiamia..asam kundang tu biasa makan kalau yang masak..not yang muda..nanti nak try..kalau masa my girl study kat pilah tu selalu singgah beli telur itik kat UB and owhh memang cerewet jugak masak telor itik esp the egg yolk part..mesti lembut2 and cair2 sikit jugak..kalau yolk tu keras dah tak special la masak lemak telur itik :-)

  6. huuuuu meleleh air liuh bila tengok gulai itik yumeee...tgok kundang lak...peeehhh

  7. nyum2.. walaupun tak berapa gemar telur itik tp masakan u nmpk sungguh mengoda.. by the way, sejak kenal & kagum dengan wanita yg rajin memasak, which is you.. i pun dah jadi rajin memasak & masuk dapur.. thanks to you yer.. dah jd idola i dah you ni.. he..he..

  8. Aslmkum mamatia mia. pagi2 kedai tutup tak dpt jln kedai2...jln blog mamatia mia, jamu mata dgn gulai telur itik yg sedap.belum pernah masak campur buah mcm belimbing buluhkan rasa masam2 sedap masuk dlm gulai.

  9. mamatiamia dear,

    i bab masak telur itik, mmg i "outsource" to my dad. cos my dad mmg superb in cooking it...hehhe..

    also in cooking masak lemak cili api, i normally add asam belimbing. my parents hse mmg ada pokok nie. so cannot say no lah to it. btw, the buah is kind of abundance at their hse. so, selalu la my dad kirim kan kat i.

    nak share the tips that my dad taught me in cooking chicken soup. same like sup tulang, i applied the tumis darat method to my chicken soup, but with a twist. i would boil the chicken first. when the fat surface on top, i will scoop it out. thereafter baru i masukkan bahanX2 yg ditumis asing, namely bawang merah, putih, bunga cengkih, bunga lawang, kulit kayu manis, fennel seed, cumin seed, and coriander seed yg di tumbuk halus + halia yg titik + 2-3 cardamom pods. i cuma add only a teaspoon of the rempah sup adabi for added flavour.

    oops panjang pulak i berceloteh kali nie.

    anyway, hv a good weekend ok dear! kisses & hugs for the adorable twins!

  10. keyboard lappy banjir dek air liurr asam kundang....

  11. azu, u ni memang inspirational. i m sure tia mia will be inspired too, reading mama's sweet stories.
    segala yang u kongsi disini, ur cooking passion, deco, travels..kebaikannya berterusan as it benefits many :)

    ps..miss u, nerry!

  12. salam akak.. sy silent reader akak.. suke sgt tgk tiamia.. so cute.. bila baca tulisan akak,, terasa kekuatan kasih syg between u,, ur husband,, ur child n uwan.. n nk sgt jadi mcm akak.. busy but still have time to cook.. bertuah tiamia dapat such a wonderful mama.. =)
