Sunday, November 13, 2011

Mac&Me,Asam Boi&Puteri Mandi:)

Salam Semua..thank you for good comments and inspirational words:) A bit busy today but will leave some pictures on our activity on Saturday&Sunday..we had a good weekend: a bit of jalan2,spending,a lot of cooking and makan2 at home:)

Wahh listening to ipod..we were on a quest to find mama a new laptop:) We went to Mac city:)

Many cool and good gadgets here..come with good price of course.

Me finally brought back MacBook Air..hhee..heee..happy but need sometimes to adapt..dah lah buta IT:)

Many of cool things inside..impress:) Tia and Mia really enjoy special effect from photobooth..boleh buat macam2..antaranya...Alien Face!

After Mac city we had our lunch at Teppanyaki..

The next stop was Tutti Fruitti..yummm..yummm

Sharing is caring..four of us share one cup:)

RM18.90 cup..that can feed 4 okay lah:)

Enough jalan2..see what's happening inside the house..come greet TiaMia's cat..Madam Blackie..bukan main lagi tidur atas sofa ..mata terpejam celik:)

Our breakfast on Saturday i cooked nasik lemak with super sedap sambal was a repeat order:)

Sunday..i gantung my ladle and we had breakfast at our favourite place with uwan..Homst..a Chinese muslim restaurant..this is the girls fav.

See how they eat..satu pinggan besar bahagi dua and they can finish all.

balik rumah as promised i buat ais krim malaysia for everybody..asamboi sangat sedap:) made milo and ribena flavour as well:) Told the girls that was how we ate ice cream in the old days..

Beli bunga baru for our little garden dah lama tak replenish..heni pun sibuk membantu.

Ni pilihan tia and mia..nak yg pink ajer..

Ni lagi they pilih..snowy plant..they said looks like snow.

I bought many perennials.

Some roses too..with special baja it can last and keep producing flowers for at least 4 - 6 months.

Man on a mission..was asked by me to give the old garden furnitures a new paint..

The two enjoying ais krim malaysia..

This one sempat bergaya sebelum bukak baju menolong:)

Yeahh tu dia anak and pappy no shirt,no shirt!!! buat kerja..

Good job by papa and the girls:) Thank You;)

Jimat duit tak payah beli furniture baru;)

Kepenatan..kesian.. i will cook special dishes for lunch okay;)

I salai daging..our neighbour gave daging kurban..buat masak lemak cilipadi..

Daging salai yang manis.

Nak tunjuk the girls berkemas..not bad ehh..after i finished cooking naik atas it was really bersepah..i asked them to kemas..this the yaaa both:)

Dah kemas they asked to me to come and see.Mia said " mama see no more mess"

Petang hujan..buat soem activity for the girls..puteri mandi.i tied their hair,asked them to wash hand and let them gentel2..uwan tukang tengok ajer dah sambil menikmati nescafe...cucu dah boleh buat.

I added some was really sedap..cicah roti pun sedap..everybody loves it;)

Selamat makan:) Happy monday everybody:)


  1. sukanya bc blog akak.hlg stress..hehhe

  2. wah.... cantiknyer halaman akak...meriah nyer munge2x...

  3. warghh so super sedap.. n really miss ice cream m'sia.. n rindu puteri mandi..ade durian lagi tu..

  4. bunga2 baru yg cantik.. sambal sotong tu mmg nampak super gojes.. hi..hi..

  5. sambal sotong tu nampak really sedaapp!!
    cantik garden akak.. bunga2 pon kembang cantik je :)

  6. suka baca blog ni.. suka sgt..
    macam baca cerita di oversea..
    suka juga kalau boleh tunjukkan sekeliling rumah.. suka dengan cara hias.. suka semua.. inspirasi ni..

  7. Mamatiamia dear,

    Looks like someone got a new gadget 'wink-wink. Nnti jgn lupa activate the iCloud. Senang nnti kalau nak snyc photos, apps & etc btwn iphone & macbook. lagi senang if ur hse ada unifi. Laju jer synching process nnti.
    Ur sambal looks soo drooling la dear :-)

  8. Bookmark Gulai telur itik. Show to my hubby, konfem betul! I tak penah tgk arwah mil buat so now dah blh cuba.

  9. auww i'm lovin your blog.. best sangat.. hehe... suka tgk tia mia, suka tgk u masak, suka tgk your sweet garden.. suka tgk your pic yang ai suka semua lah ;)

  10. Salam,
    Bila masuk sini, ada je cerita menarik. Bila nampak Bay window tu suka sangat. Kebetulan in my latest entry memang teringin nak ada bay window. Suka tengok Uwan makan putri mandi. Ada lagi 2 ketul durian, nak buat jugaklah esok. Tengok tu muncung2 mulut Tia/Mia nak makan...cute sangat. Bagus betul la twin ni, dah pandai mengemas, boleh tolong di dapur...

  11. salaam mamatiamia, kalau gi window shopping, memang perasan snow plant tu..cantik..tapi tak berani nak beli sebab takut nanti 2/3 hari kat umah jer dah mati..menjeles tau ngan munge2 tuuuu..pos kat sini lah baja en aziz tu..erkss en aziz kan..lupe dah nama dia :-)

  12. telan air liur saya, kak tengok gulai telo itik b4 smbil taip smbil telan2 air liur tau.....

  13. suka vlog ni.tuan punya blog cantik,rumah cantik,happy family,pandai masak...kalau baca blog ni senyum sorang2.sukala.

  14. mcm2 cite zu tayang kan...aiskrim malaysia lah...nasi lemak lah n best mama tiamia dapat laptop baru boleh update blog setiap masa kan....belum buat lagi bbur puteri mandi uwannya resepi ari 2...

  15. suka tgk blog u...kebahagiaan di dalamnya mengalir kepada org yang membaca..hehehe.....satu contoh rumah itu syurgaku.
