Thursday, November 17, 2011

Kitchen needs facial too:):)

Salam Jumaat pada semua lovely ladies,yang tak pernah jumpa tapi i boleh  imagine very sweet  semuanya because semua cakap suka masak atau cuba nak masak atau bercita2 nak masak,nak rumah cantik,nak better, nak happy:) that is is a good start to a wonderful life:) No matter how we look,how old we are,how small or  big our house -the most important is the spirit and  passion..:) Good attitude,sincere heart bring glow to the dimmest face..tak caya go infront of a mirror put up a sad face,after that change to a fresh shirt,comb your hair and smile..the sun will smile to you too:) Tips untuk hati riang di rumah,bila nak masak atau just lepak2 pakai elok2 new pyjama/nighties and "pakaian rumah" at least sebulan sekali..good,fresh clothes make you feel good..kalau raya kan kita rasa best sebab semua berhias.Tak payah yang mahal i always buy my "pakaian rumah" which are baby Tshirt,baggy loose pants with string at either factory outlet RM55 for 3 or Tesco RM10 only:) Kat rumah kita boleh pakai rules selagi orang luar tak nampak:) Especially bila kita kerja..kalau drive asing2 tak lah hb nampak yang kita rupa Angelina Jolie pagi tu..sebab bila dia balik kita dah jadi kelawar..kihh..kihh:) Tapi kelawar sekarang banyak yang handpainted batik kan..gorgeous:):)menasihatkan diri sendiri pakai elok2 biar kita nampak macam Beyonce di dapur,Julia Roberts di toilet and Cameron Diaz di ceruk store..wahhh is it too much??seriously mesti buat macam tu:)":)Kihh...kihh  p.s Ikin when you come for my sambal sotong this Sunday check on me yaa..if i look no different than Heni give me a harsh pinch yaaa:):):)

On this beautiful day i send my salam to these gorgeous ladies :- Farhanna,MommyCT,Saniah,Mami Charice,Salmi,Aida 78,Syarida,Dila,Zira,Idida,Anis,Mrs Fedex,Anon,Hanis,Fiezachommel,Nur Raihana,Daydeck88,Yatie (NZ), Linda,Zuzuz,Kak Pinat,Mamasya,Suffia,She's Lilo,Ummisya,Cik ketumbar,Yaya,Nadiah,mummy miqhael,Sarah kalam,Mekjangok,Delila,ida shazana...p/s problem:):) feel honoured- and house yang dah jual tu semi d,split level..ada 3 floors..kat  slope rumah tu..first floor the living room saja,tu yang i buat veranda,masuk terus living room,kitchen is on the second floor:)-if i miss mentioning you personally here, i send you double salam with barakallah:):)

Entry for today is a lil bit different from kitchen  and house's  entry as lady in the kitchen needs facial too ya..but she didn't go to the fancy salon..she did it at her very own bathroom when her two Princesses was sleeping and her  Prince watched Golf channel on TV:)

Pictures are all taken by Iphone;):)

Yup i bought this red box..this is my second buying:)

SKII giving many treats in conjunction with the festive season,there's many goodies in the box..i need to replenish few items so this is a good buy:)

If you ask whether SKII is really good?Well it depends on your skin..i dont want to promote ..i am not their ambassador but would like to share a product which is working well with me.Maybe i am not a good example because before this i didn't really  care about my face..for  so many years until the last 3 months i never use any moisturiser,toner or any of the 3 steps except cleanser..after i cleanse my face that's it.Then i noticed that my face was so dry,so many fine lines..due to age lah jugak i rasa i need to be fair to my face,to myself,kerja i nak menjaga rumah,masak kerja sana i should take care of my face too,..if you feel good ..semua pun jadi better:) First 2 weeks using SKII memang  quite bad for me ada rashes,small pimples..rasa tertipu sangat lah membuang duit yang boleh beli sebiji GUCCI..tapi sebab mahal tu kan i bertahan..after 3 weeks...can see the good result..bukanlah muka jadi model macam dalam gambar tu..yang tu memang dah cantik..tapi rasa skin clear,fresh:) This facial treatment mask is very good..after dah guna 1/2 jam memang ada iras2 model SK11 kat bilboard tu..muahhaaaa:):) pengsan!

Nak tunjuk sat barang kesukaan..i suka semua benda berasaskan pearl..tak kira lah yang asli atau yesterday i added few lagi to my collection.

After buka puasa last nite i kemas2 wardrobe Tia and Mia..too many baju lama inside..packed nak bagi our neignbour also nak bawak office..some people said i should sell preloved items online...but i simply malas..biarlah diberi pada yang lain..bila lihat sicomel sebelah pakai rasa happy..walaupun neighbour bukan orang susah..tapi sebab kita memang care dengan anak each other sejak dulu..dia pun sangat happy kalau kita bagi;)

After isyak bila Tia and Mia dah tidur i pun bubuh mask..menakuttkannnnnn!!!! kan..sebab tu kena tunggu they tidur...masa ni sedap merehatkan diri atas katil selepas buka puasa dengan sardin goreng,gulai lemak labu,tumis terung dan daging goreng kunyit:) semalam balik jam..pukul 7 baru sampai..dah azan maghrib masih menumis di dapur..husband balik dia datang sua air kat mulut masa i masak:):) ponek den tak sempat snap gambar berlumba menyuap saja;)

Then..tadaaaaa..hasilnya..wahhh it's shining  and menceriutkan.:)...kihhh..kihhh seriously after bukak mask few minutes tu duduk jer lah tengok depan cermin muka yang nampak bersih:):) tapi iphone ni tak lah clear sangat dan tak dengar ceriuuttttt tu....

Tapi kalau you peronyok-peronyok muka macam ni..nampak lah jugak kedut2 tu.:):) Actually i snap banyak gambar tapi rasa so poyo nak letak sini..i cariklah yang paling kelakar i rasa ni..hopefully not poyo:);) What poyo actually? he..heee...hee...Ok lah dah habis berfacial jom turun dapur tengok kat mana Heni dah sorok semua groceries.which mostly breakfast items yang beli lunch time tadi...kalau lunch tim eoffice jer..memang tertonggeng-tonngeng menolak trolley di supermarket kan:)

Heni ni kalau yang kat luar luar tu dia memang cukup concern dan pandai mengatur..kalau kat dalam2 ni kurenggg sikittt..hmmmm berangan sungguh i bila ada rezki nanti buat rumah i buat walk in pantry lebih besar dari bilik tidur untuk letak semua barang dapurrr..bestnya, i really love Chef at Home punya pantry...semua canned,bottled food tersusun rapi..semua ada stock tak lah bila nak masak baru pi beli:) bestnyer..bestnyerrrr..i likeeeee;);) Anyway tu lah cara Heni menyusun tak per weekend nanti i edit balik;)

I bought two can of waitrose chopped tomatoes with herbs..i love diced or chopped tomatoes..they are delicious..add to your pasta,lasagna or even burritos..they are lovely..masam2..keluar air liur tulis ni;)

I bought many items for quick breakfast..pasta sauce,mozzarella,my favourite feta,cheddar,fresh yoghurt..Tia Mia suka fruit salad with yoghurt. All this items can last for many breakfast untuk simpan pasta sauce dalam bottle lama kalau dah bukak- normally kalau kita dah guna half bottle memang tak tahan lama lebih dia letak dalam fridge lama dia letak dalam freezer..nanti nak guna thaw it atau kalau terlupa nak keluarkan awal..rendam bekas dalam air suam:)That feta in olive oil makan dengan wholemeal bread begitu saja sangat lah sedap kalau suka;) kenapa lupa makan malam tadi..ishhh now dah teringat:(:(

Haaa ni dia tunjuk dekat sikit..i gila feta cheese kalau letak dalam fridge kat office..nanti i akan letak dalam piring gigit sikit2 macam makan asam..:):) perfect companion for salad:)

Since i love wholemeal bread everybody in the house also have to  eat is much better than white bread.

Tia and Mia love butter cookies, the traditional one of course lah "Kledsens" sejak berzaman dari RM5 dulu dah jadi RM18.90 tapi Kledsens sweet banyak..i ve tried few brand including "Denmark","Danish" but " Danisa" is the franchise buat kat Indonesia..tapi to me rasnya better than Kledsens:):) Satu tin ni cepat ajer habis by the girls..i pun suka:):)

Another favourite is Arnott's Pizza Flavour biscuits..ikut abang Amir lah both pun dah suka makan:)

Like any other kids the girls love anything sweet..i found this natural,fruit based gummy candy from cold storage..tasty and healthy..ada version yang panjang2 macam worms..the girls suka ni;)

Rumah ada 2 coffee lovers (papa and uwan),2 tea lovers ( me and heni) and 2 chocolate lovers..guess who Blackie minum air kosong ajer:):)So macam2 perasa ada.

This is my hb's favourite..masa student kat US dulu dia minum until now pun suka.

Olive oil- kalau nak menggoreng i guna Filipo is made for frying,baking,roasting kalau virgin olive oil kita guna untuk goreng tak ada manafaat dapat and setengah research said ada effect yang tak bagus..good fat turns to bad fat..something like that.

HB asked me to use this we guna this brand..ini pun heritage dia masa student dulu jugakk lah..

I love to keep easy and convinience when you want to use can last long too.

I bought 3 bottles of dried parsley from Mudgee,NSW last time..satu dah habis..second bottle pun tinggal half..sedap letak dalam pasta,omellete and mushroom soup.

Kalau kita menjaga ibu yang dah berumur kena sentiasa ada food or titbits atas meja..orang tua2 memang macam tu..kadang2 kita buat breakfast dia tak sempat this cake cover.stand memang sentiasa berisi..dah tu kena potong siap2 kalau tak uwan tak ambik pulak.Cake pulak tak boleh lah yang fancy..cuma plain butter,marble or banana cake ajer;)

Keep some pasta in your cabinet..boleh buat macam2..boleh goreng,soup,bolognese etc..keep lasagne sheet also for weekend special.

For quick morning..Buitoni brand is the best..very fast to prepare..the pasta will take 9 mins to boil:):) I introduced Tia and Mia not only to spaghetti or macaroni but different type pf pasta like taglaitelle, shells,spiral kalau makan kat restaurant or travel mana2 they can adjust to it..besides pasta is so much better than our mee kuning yang berubat.

This is a just need to boil in 2 mins..Angel Hair..macam spagehtti but halus..kalau makan "Spicy Seafood pasta" kat Delicious dia guna Angel Hair..huishhhh sodapnya..kalau puasa semuanya lah sedap kan:)

It is useful to keep frozen Dhory Fillet too..senang sangat nak masak ni..biar lembut..wipe it dry masuk dalam aluminium foil,tabur garam,herb,perah lemon juice,black pepper and lot of olive oil..tutup bakar dalam oven..heavennnnn:):) kalau rajin potong daun kunyit and macam2 herb lagi taruk, bila dah masak bukak masuk satu cube butter terus jadi baked fish kat Manhattan Fish Market yang tak kenyang makan tapi sedap tu:)

Nak tunjuk gadget baru kat kitchen..bought this  in Sydney..Chef at Home punya kan ..nak chop sayur or bawang very the senang..gelek kiri and kanan;) macam Nigella Lawson tuuuu:)

This morning masuk dapur nak buat collection pinggan Churchills Englad made..tulis kat belakang tu lerr... beli kat Langkawi masa mula kahwin..i love it stilled.

So for brekky this morning..i buat beef strips toast..senang ajer..cepat di masak cepat di makan oleh orang yang tak puasa:)

Sapu Buttercup Olive spread or any type of spread..letak dalam non stick pan yang panas...flip flop until yellow and gold.

Took out the bread and put in your oil needed..the beef to dah ada fat...sama jugak flip flop until golden brown.

Put the beef strips on the toast,cover with cheddar cheese,put another slice of toast on top and put back in hot pan..

Tadaaa..delicious crunchy,tasty toast for brekky:)

You can eat with your mustard or ketchup..hb favourite's mustard is " grey poupon"..sedap sangat bagi dia:)..dia dah mula promote kat anak2 dia is a coarse grain mustard..i love the yellow bottled fine  and smooth mustard.And chicken fingers tu bukan untuk Tia and Mia..sebab Tia mia suka toast ni..untuk uwan..hee..heee..uwan suka yang crispy2..dia boleh makan banyak..dont be surpise..uwan suka nugget,french fries and yang paling dia suka mushroom soup..kalau buat pagi2 uwan sudu sampai habis satu bowl:) p.s i dah change tablecloth tu pagi2..Heni sentiasa tak ingat..tergolek-golek i mengangkat the glasstop sensorang:(

Alhamdulillah by 8.00 kita dah pun masuk dalam your toast Tia/Mia..selalu kena ingat kan "not only the beef and cheese but the bread the whole mama how to open a big mouthh..yesss..that's it..good... you are a big girl now"..macam tu lah conversation dalam kereta on the way to kindy and office:)

After i sent the girls to kindy i reached office at 8.39..not bad ehhh....

Haaa..sampai office..gelap gelita..sorang pun bebudak ni tak sampai lagi..dah lah i tak pernahnya ingat nak bawak kunci..tak per lah esok dah Saturday,..yeayyyyy..have a nice weekend,love and lots of loves from mama,tia and mia:)


  1. aetouch.blogspot.comNovember 17, 2011 at 7:56 PM

    salam ..i enjoyed every single word you wrote .keep on blogging ye kak.
    btw...saya pun dreaming2 nak kitchen pantry cam chef at home tu.:))

  2. tks k.zu for reply.. hurmm ddk rmh k.zu cnfrm x kan lapar. hehehhehe.. n pnjaga ibu yg baik..sejuk prt mak k.zu dpt anak yg prihatin

  3. bestnya! i selalu nak masak breakfast pagi2 tapi punyala susah nak bangun pagiiii huhuhu...

    the sandwich looks delicious! nak try la~ thanks kak zu for the tips...

  4. Kak Zu,
    Hari ni both of us bangun lambat.Tak sempat sediakan bfast.Huhu...sedih.Just nasi lemak for Ajiq for his bekal to school.
    Mmm...the toast looks tempting and yummy....boleh cuba nanti...
    enjoy ur weekend Kak Zu.Hugs and kisses to Tia and Mia

  5. On je PC, terus check mamatiamia blog.Dah jadi ketagih.TQ for sharing.

  6. minat dengan gadget utk chop bawang & sayur tu,,,ada jual kat sini tak yg camtu? Suka tgk kelengkapan yg rapi utk masak2 kat dapur u tu.

  7. setuju dgn pun klau duduk rumah especially weekend mmg suka pakai 'baju duk rumah' yg lawa2 n seselese mungkin la....mmg feel dia lain...itu salah satu cara nak happykan diri sendiri.layan keluarga dgn terbaik la kebahagiaan ciptaan sendiri.hehe
    untuk chooper tu, selalu je nmpak nigella guna, teringin jgk nak ada kan?

  8. oh your glowing mowing.I wish my skin pun mcm you.

  9. edit susunan barang dapur ya k.zu..sound so cute to me..:-), cam kita edit doc; select all, move cursor to edit menu and pilih apa kita nak buat. Ni la penyakit org yg keje hari2 menaip k.zu, semua menda saya kaitkan dengan instruction thru keyboard and mouse. ada one time tu my sis minta kecilkan api dapur, then few minutes after that besarkan semula. Saya pergi kat dapur tu and looking for Ctrl + Z button. ^-^


  10. tiap kali masuk blog akak nie mesti lapor..kalau la saya sepandai akak bab memasak nie.kan best..tabik la kak..

  11. Pisau yg cam Nigella tu I ada satu, guna potong pizza masa i bernaiaga pizza kt pasar malam. Nak kena cari kat mana simpan...leh guna ni..

  12. wsalam kakak yg muka shining2...
    hi kak...
    ooh how i loveee feta cheese jugakk..
    suke tgk akak masak menu2 nogori...
    npk sedap je 24jam....

  13. dear kakak... u are sooooo sweet.. living with simple & sweet family, every single words yg akak tulis sgt2 la sweetnyer.. i wish to be your neighbour, bleh dtg umah chit chat selalu.. :)

    i believe ramai yg nk jadikan kakak ni idol kan?? adusslaaa.. untungnye tia mia dpt mama mcm ni..


  14. teringin juga nak ada new gadget mcm zu tu sbb klu kat dapur mmg selalu berangan jd Nigella Lawson di dapur kecik.. he..he.. breakfast yg healthy dan menarik.. nnt2 nak cuba buat jugalah.. tentu anak2 suka.. thanks yer zu bagi idea yg best ni..

  15. Assalamualaikum,

    Love every bits and pieces!

    Thanks Dear!


  16. Salam Zu, tengok kek utk uwan tu teringat dkt nenek k umi. pandai zu jaga.. org tua2 mmg dia nak mcm tu.. makan terjaga dan yg penting ada org utk teman berbual dll.. duit ringgit dah tak penting dah bg dia.

  17. Love this entry so much. Makes me wanna go groceries shopping haha. Suka giler nak groceries shopping n masak2 for family. Satisfaction that can't buy with money. Happy weekend ya :)

  18. Salam MamaTiaMia,
    You've got such lovely glowing skin :-). Memang pandai you jaga, definitely akan awet muda macam Uwan nanti, like Mum like Daughter kan.
    My pantry pun lebih kurang yr pantry jugak, bersepah sbb I pakai masuk aje barang mcm Heni, hehehe. I tak tau sape yg boleh tolong 'edit' my pantry though :-).
    psst...I love Arnott's BBQ shapes yg kotak hijau. I think they are so yummy! And the Leggo's pasta bake sauce tu memang sangat handy kan.

  19. Salam.
    Sukanya akak baca..macam2 info..bagus
    Akak sendiri jarang masak breakfast kat rumah,memanjang tak sempat. Suka tengok bahan2 dapur awak. Nanti2 bg lagi yg resepi2 yg simple2.

  20. salam zue,

    after reading your post, looks like we could be invisible sisters at heart! hahahaha coz we love the same things and our pantry almost the same ~ full of our fave stuf i.e. pasta sauces which is so handy, all kinds of pasta i.e. spirals, ribbons, linguine, angel hair, spaghetti and tagliatelle and of course lasagne. :-) and cheese.. yes, we love cheese too and fruit juices and spices.. oh I just love them.. my fave would herbs de Provonce that has lavender in it.. anyhow, baking and cooking are just my fave past time thingy.. and like you, seeing our love ones eating those home cook heartily just make you the happiest person!

  21. salam zu...wah mcm cite dlm blog zu ni...memg best..kulit zu memg dah cantik dah....tapi yg paling best daging wif cheese 2...sedapnya...
