Thursday, November 17, 2011

Shorty Entry Plus Foodie:)

Muarghhh to all 16 commentors and non commenters:):),appreciate all the lovely comments:) Will try to attend to your comments one by one when i have time.. I am terribly busy today..was shouldering a heavy bag around until i have blisters on my shoulder:(:( I was doing something important but sempat menyelit..hee..hee i bought one blouse for the special invitation:) It is quite cool actually my Group Managing Director was given an honour to present award to creative people at their Gala Night,my GMD couldn't make it and asked me to present the award on that night..quite cool ehh..i can pretend it's gonna a Grammy Award:):) So they have "kemerah-merahan theme" i got one and it costs me RM69.00 only,so proud of myself that i can buy a blouse below RM100..hmmm actually poket terbakar at SKII..butt i got RM90 vouchers from Parkson..tak rugi finally kan...butttttt i took to Parkson and spent for Tia Mia,it exceeds RM90,total cost me RM380..tak pandai lah me:)

I don't have new pictures there are from my desktop. I fulfilled one request ya..recipe for meatballs.

Tengok gambar ni kelakar budak2 ni masa kecik..macam tu makan pagi2..this was 2 1/s years time flies;)

Paling cepat,paling senang..meatballs bukan lah buat from scratch..i bought frozen ones from "Marina"..susun dalam bekas,masak spaghetti sauce atas api.masuk dice tomatoes kalau suka,tambah pepper,sugar,salt,tuang atas meatballs..bakar dalam oven..dah garing luar tu,susun cheddar cheese kat atas..biar will love it..nice to be eaten with spaghetti or bread.

Malam tadi terinagt nak buat "facelift" to wet kitchen at the back..moga ada rezki nanti..

I always appreciate good this pasta from Italiannies.

My favourite Ceaser sedapppp

This is papa,tia,mia's favourite,toast with cheese,artichoke and tomato..divine:)

Finally  can't to wait to meet my niece..weekend ni her birthday..may Allah Sbt berkati her with all kebaikan..good anak,good wife,good niece,good cucu.:) I miss everybody else..but they terribly busy..hmmmm i got to go now..i hari puasa nak masak gulai lemak labu,sardin goreng (unhealthy food tapi nak jugak:):), daging goreng kunyit..taaaaa...taaaa


  1. Sumpahan voucher. Selalu bila byr kena top up byk kan hehe. Suka lah tgk tia mia makan tak memilih. How i wish sarah appetite improve faster. She used to eat many types of food too.

  2. zu..i ni dh buat baru nk minta permission...sory ek?i cedok ur idea acknowledge readers yg bg comments kat previous post..hemm blh tak?so kat atas my post tu i sebut la sorg2 yg komen previous post..senang gitu kan..takde lah susah diaorg nk scroll our post yg lama tu..mcm yg u buat..:)
    lagi satu..i suka deco rmh u..cantik..sejuk tgk..

    and bertuah ur mum ada anak mcm u..i wish anak2 i mcm u jugak nnt dpt jg i..InsyaAllah..(emo skit..):)

  3. Love the pasta....... Hungry again hahaha

  4. toast with cheese looks so menggoda..teringat lak yang entry about the pizza and pancake that me make search for it at cold storage :-)..thanks for sharing..have a great weekend :-)

  5. ermmm sedapnya bila tgok cheese dengan meatballs..yumee...rajin lah zu ni...

  6. salam, Zu..and Saniah..

    hahahah... i pun suka idea reply komen kat new entry tu.. senang kerja..xdelah nak reply satu-satu kan.. letih sebab i pun mls nak reply satu-satu..reply sekali harung senang..& commenters boleh tunggu new entry for replies..tak payah nak cek entry lama...& readers lelain dapat baca sekali...

    i suka..i suka.. zu boleh ciluk idea ni tak..heheh..i suka meatballs tu...nt nak try buat.
