Monday, December 5, 2011

I smell Coffee!

Baraqah Tuesday everybody!

My replies: Mrs Fedex- some people tak pernah dengar pun,my mom actually called it buah Lanjut:), Aida78-durian susu tu colour putih but they are really creamy and sweet;), potpetma- ye ke,nanti i try okay,ada 2 biji lagi dlm fridge, Annhuzi- yeap TiaMia the kampung girls and theyare  really proud about it;), Mixed-family in da house- dropby at your blog,i like it,hopefully you can make it to your kampung:),Twins Mom- Congrats and Alhamdulillah we have twins in the house!handfulls but seronok kan..and seronok to feed them too..jom kita masak2;), Kak Shamsida- nanti tunjuk gulai masak lomak kak sham tu ya, mekjangok- wahh rumah dekat pantai lagi seronok tu..i love house by the beach,non stop holiday mood then:), Mamalisa- tu lah banyak kampung dah maju sekarang kan..whatever or wherever it is,"kampung" is on our heart, Zuzus- Ye lah,Pahang rasanya macam sama kan,pernah pergi rumah my niece punya PIL kat situ, Aishahjamrek- yang ni version masam2 manis tu,i love the smell, Mummy Miqhael- yeap not so bad the mee with kangkung,my PIL semua duduk sini dah:) dulu2 pernah pergi,so banyak benda kat pasar khadijah kan,Salmi- Selamat berpuasa Salmi,ikan bilis sambal sentiasa buka selera kan,Dila- yeap kalau balik kampung nothing but kuning,kuning ajer lauk semua nya;):) kenalah balance DiLa,town is where we get our ilmu,rezki,keeping up with development while kampung is our root,we need to have solid root in order to survive in this concrete jungle!, Kak Pinat-ishhh kak pinat ni orang bandar lerrr..siput sedut sungai tu colour hitam kuning.licin dan bersih sebab dia duduk dalam air mengalir,while siput yang selalu jual kat kedai2 makan KL ni,berketak-ketak,dalam di lendir sikit ada hijau2..saya tak suka;), Rosma- thanks so much:) i have yet to see with my own eyes but the lady owner told me the last time i visited her that they are going to move to somewhere near KP bus station- the mee hailam sedap kan,i pernah berdiri kat dapur dia tengok how they cook!, Naura- asam binjai tu senang ajer,hiris,bubuh air suam sikit,gram,cili tumbuk and bawang hiris,tenyeh2 siap utk di makan;),yeap Naura dont push ourselves too much yer,make a wise step:), Nyza- buah rambai muda tu masam,so gulai tu macam ganti asam lah,kalau keringkan lagi sedap:), Yatie - kat sana boleh dapat bahan2 ker? kalau nenek masak sedap2 kan, Yanizz- salam to you too,teluk kemang too crowded we hardly go there,ni sebelah Selesa kat tempat yang ada bridge and the bridge to connected to a small island,petang2 banyak org mancing situ:)Hi Min- so orang kedah pun pandai makan binjai lah jugak ye- kulit rambai tu ramai org tak tau makan,anyway akak loves laksa kedah so muchhhh:):) Fatimah- wink wink:)

Hmmm ramai orang tak tau buah kampung and masakan kampung too:):) Yesterday few girls in my office's lift asked me about Binjai..haa..haa..i have made binjai popular:):) Well i myself tak lah pandai sangat buah2 and food kampung ni but i love to read and find out,i read many things about food and recipe,even in a story book i can pick out a recipe! When i was in my teenage my Acik who worked at DBP used to bring many books home,once i read "Lepaskan Kembali Aku ke Laut"- a strory about people in Malaya at the brink of Merdeka,at that time you can bring RM3 to pasar to buy things for cooking,so i read about this girl with her RM3 she went to pasar and bought one kelapa,kangkung and ikan bilis.She cooked goreng kangkung and rendang ikan bilis,i can imagined that the rendang ikan bilis is very sedap,as the writer described  " bila santan kelapa dengan serai dah kering,ikan bilis pun garing dan kuning,berminyak-minyak,aroma rendang ikan bilis yang wangi menusuk masuk ke hidung semua orang" I rasa nasi panas berasap dengan daun pandan dia atasnya,rendang kangkung yang hijau2,crunchy dan rendang ikan bilis garing dan wangi berserai mesti sangat sedap! Me a bit extreme kan:):)

Normally when i have a cooking book i will read from front cover to end,i love to read the preamble that describes what is Star Anise,Cardamon,Fenugreek,etc,etc there are many types of pepper,salt,and even onion.I read how people made pasta,kimchi,century eggs and the history behind it.Dengan membaca,mendengar,busybody etc etc tu dapat lah sedikit ilmu:) As i told Rosma above,i once stand at KP Mee Hailam's kitchen..Mee Hailam ni tu my tekak is very sedap,susah orang melayu nak buat mee hailam sedap,i cuba agak2 masa makan tak berapa boleh nak figure out the secret,so buat muka tak malu i berdiri kat dapur i nampak dia ada satu periuk besar air rebusan tulang,jadi beef stock,mee pulak dia guna bukan yang kuning jenis mudah hancur tu but the light yellow yang kenyal..special order selalunya di pasar,so bila dah tumis tu dia masukkan beef stock ni satu senduk besar plus sedikit tepung jagung,the secret is in the beef stock and the way they cook it:)

Macam tu jugak minat2 benda yang lain,i will google,carik the that Tia Mia love to ask question i will tell long story to them! They asked not only how to make chocolate but how to make car,bricks,false teeth (uwan's one wink wink),crane and swimming pool!

Reading is the best way to take you anywhere that you want,now that you have the search engine such as google, you can  browse kitchen in Paris,farmhouse in London,lake in Zurich while terbaring on bed,isn't it wonderful?

Apa pun my emak said "niatkan mencari ilmu", we are encouraged to seek knowledge, i told my maid that it is makruh to makan dalam pinggan yang retak dan sumbing,not only that i am particular nak cantik2 saja,she kan suka buat my pinggan mangkuk jadi chips..Hygienic,makan secara yang elok teratur tu semua di tuntut dan di galakkan.Enough ramblings :):)

Yesterday i bought 3 types of ground coffee from M&S for Man of The House:)

Tersenyum-senyum dia balik tengok Lazy weekend,Colombian and The Luxury Italian,after this we will know which one is the best:) I am now still waiting for the froth maker to complete our little "Coffee Beans"'s Corner.

My buka puasa appetizer:):)

Another classic lauk i belajar from uwan, terung bakar with belacan dan asam limau..sanagt membuka selera.

I bought a blouse for Teacher Claire for Christmas, I told Tia Mia,only Christians celebrate it, we are not celebrating but they can give present to their teacher as an appreciation for teaching and being kind to them.Banyak tanya the two now, Mama" we are islam right? We cannot eat pork right? Allah gives us so many things? Why we cannot see Allah but Allah can see us?" Hope Teacher Claire will like it.

Nicely packed talcum powder for Teacher Claire's daughters who are always nice to Tia and Mia.

And Red Currant Pastry for Uncle Nick,Teacher's Claire husband who will run to McDonald,KFC or mamak shop at anytime when children at the kindy asked him to go;):) So glad to find  people from different race and religion with golden can see and feel it.Alhamdulillah.

While looking for the recycle gift bags in the wardrobe I found the coaster tiles which i bought before this from Australia.

Even they are coasters but my intention when i bought it is to place at the backwall of my oven area when we have rezeki to build our own house.

I love hen/roaster's pictures,they give instant country feel:)

I have few metal wall plaques too.. when we have our reban ayam at the backyard may be we can put  somewhere day:):)

Haahhh..i found this nice handmade kitchen gloves which i bought from Frankfurt..mahal and nice tak lah di pakai-pakai.

When i renovated my house at the Golf Course last time,i had French Kitchen theme in mind..i asked a dear blogger friend to buy few items and material from French shop in UK,she bought and shipped it to i have these lovely lavender picture items plus more than 10 yards of material.

Now i am not sure whether to use the material at the present house with some make over or shall i wait for my dream house..which tak tau bila lah nak terbina nya:)

Talking about dream..this little girl ended her dream fast this morning,she was an early riser..bangun at 5.30am.

For the first time in 4 years we took them for early breakfast after Subuh at Mamak shop:) Tak pernah pergi mamak subuh2:) I asked "what do you want to eat?" Both said "Soft boil must be soft, i want to break it in a bowl" then they pun tanya how to make soft boiled eggs? how to make the hard ones pulak..etc..etc..

Untuk menggembirakan hati suami and anak2 i pun tak puasa today..Alhamdulillah dapat sehari i had crispy tosay at Subaidah today.

3 soft boiled eggs for the girls.

My dream starts here..our land,still bare,not far from the present house:) It is nice and day i hope my dream will come true;)

I hope to make a big outdoor oven at the backyard..moga terpujuk hati yang sedih melepaskan  oven yang dulu:):)Hmm cantik jugak kalau gambar ayam tu i stick to the oven wall:):) He..he berangan dulu..bukan kena duit pun:)

I hope the girls and Teacher Claire have a great day today:)

Teacher Claire told me dia nak bawak the kids to outing somewhere..hmm risau jugak tak pernah melepas kan anak2 pergi without us..maybe i should volunteer to assist Teacher Claire..hee..heee kepochi mother kan:):) Taa...taaaa...


  1. wahhh..bestnyer kak zue hav own land...atleast dpt gak tgk english house kat malaysia nie nnt ya!!...kak zue, i know u r greats n protect mum..but lets be tia & mia hav their own outing wit friends, coz bagi diaorang feel that u giv ur trust that the girls can take care among them self. mesti the girls happy & learn to be independent....but kalau kak zue nak ikut jugak..emm, just jd spy kat belakang pokok..heheheh..

  2. i pun suka sangat coffee..but tea is better right..neway, happy sangat tengok twin enjoy their kindy..anak i pun suka pergi kindy..hopefully bcoz of friends and lovely teachers too.. :)

  3. sy pun suka memasak untuk suami n twins..rasa seronok sgt bila makanan yg kita masak,diaorg makan sampai tinggal pinggan ja..

  4. kak zue,
    sy pun selalu g subaidah kt sek.6 tu..hehehe
    i luv the soft boiled egg too..

  5. Zue, I'm a dreamer too :-) everything must start with a dream, work hard and turn it into reality. InsyaAllah one day.

  6. hai sis,
    klu kat kg saya johor derang panggil binjai tu buah kemang...ada 2 types manis dan masam..klu masam tu org selalu buat mkn ngan sambal belacan klu yg manis tu sedap mkn mcm tu jer...klu dah sejuk lai sedap mkn..
    blkg rumah saya kat kg ada pokok tu tinggi besar and pokok binjai tu jenis yg nak tgu berbuah tu mkn tahun lah...huhu

  7. hahah terkejut tengok outdoor oven yang gedabak tu . ni nak panggang ape2 pun sonang yo..campak an dalam oben beso tu..

    Teacher Claire mesti sonot dapat present best2 dari tia mia...

  8. ermmm.. also imagine everything yg kak zue tulis.. haha..
    nice kan.. rumah kampung, papan..
    ada reban ayam, those pokok2..
    ada pangkin kat luar..
    somemore oven yg menarik sgt tuh..
    how i wish, one day.. dapat miliki tanah dan buat rumah sendiri juga kan..
    but di sini, mahal nak pengsan..
    tapi kan mimpi tak kena duit.. haha..
    so, keep dreaming.. one day maybe.. hiahaha..

  9. First time jumpa blog ni and terus khatamkan sampai habes all the entries.3 hari dok mengadap lappy. baca satu satu entry sampai kawan cakap, tak habes lagi ke? okay, serius sangat sangat jatuh cinta dengan ini blog. suka cara kak zue didik/besarkan tia mia. one day kalau i dah kawen, i cuba nak praktikkan benda yang sama to my kids. since kenal tia/mia from this blog, i terus excited nak twins jugak. and paling suka kak zue really expert in cooking. u inspiring me :)

  10. kak zu.. my ambition when i was a kid was to become a lawyer.. after SPM i was offered to do A level n prep for oversea, but, my dad insist 4 me to become a lawyer. maybe my dad didn't know that having law cert, not only becoming a lawyer, but can be like you. nvmd, a pass is a pass.. i am happy for what i am now :) *fiza*

  11. suka you sebut pasal makan makan ye..? nak tanya ni apasal you tak gemuk gemuk ? :)

    dapat banyak info pasal buah2 kampung i ni nama je dari kampung..buah2 dan masakan kampung kurang kenal...rugi rugi..
    thanks zu..

  12. kak zu sorry, typing error "insist me not to become a lawyer" -fiza-

  13. Nicely packed talcum powder for Teacher Claire's daughters very sweet, beli kat mana?
    and the material where u put this pack gift, very nice. i like! is it ur sofa upholstery? beli kat mana?
    blouse teacher claire pun sweet, i can look for it at mark and spencer!
    tia and mia really blessed to get teacher claire and family's kindness.
    and ur coasters are beautiful.
    we are also waiting for ur dream home to be built.

  14. OMG k zu tergoda i tgk outdoor oven tu..i pon mcm u jgk suka sesangat french home, kitchen etc...sungguh cantik..phew...klu ada rezeki ke dpn mmg angan2 nk country home sebijik..ohh terus berangan..:)takpa kita berangan x kena duit kan..hahha..

  15. suka you sebut pasal makan makan ye..? nak tanya ni apasal you tak gemuk gemuk ? :) dapat banyak info pasal buah2 kampung i ni nama je dari kampung..buah2 dan masakan kampung kurang kenal...rugi rugi.. thanks zu..
