Sunday, December 4, 2011

Pekan Ahad or Sunday Market or Portobello Market:):)

Assalamualaikum buat semua di hari yang Barakah ini.Alhamdulillah we had a beautiful weekend:) Lets jawab all the comments first before we talk about our kampung getaway during the weekend:)

Hi Mayonniz- alhamdulillah,berkongsi pengalaman yang tak seberapa tu saja:) Zeta- why mood ke laut,hopefully today dah dapat mood yang indah2 saja, Fonseka- thanks for the doa,same goes to you ya, Azwa- Salam buat Azwa di Penang jugak,thanks sudi baca our cerita,Insyallah dont stop doa to Allah,follow your niat with usaha and act..moga diberkati Allah your good niat:) Suffia- salam buat you di Doha,i tak pernah tengok barefoot contessa tu,tak ada kat channel ASTRO rasanya but it sound great,i dropby at you blog,so teruja to see your beautiful garden,your DIY and your little one:), Zaida- haaahaaa,sekampung kito yo..akak dah balik pun pungut durian and many2 more:), Nyza- thanks, insyallah nyza pun akan jadi siteri yang comel and baik one day:), arinieva- wahh so happy dengar you dah buat lasagna, Nur Raihana- sama2 and together we learn form each othermi am still learning too, Mrs Fedex - so true kan,they ni manja macam2 budak2,which kinda of nice sometimes and geram jugak once i  a while, Aishah jamrek - sama2:), Hanis - heehh..heeeh cubit2 tu berkesan jugak Hanis;), Naura- alaa kesian pulak akak dengar,my advice Naura kalau kita mampu kita boleh ambik pembantu,walaupun life is much peace full without them but be fair to ourselves too, dont push too much,kalau badan penat minda pun tak berapa nak happy..having said that it's going to be a big change in your life bila ada maid,but doa,get a good one,insyallah you ll be more relax and can spend more time with family:) but if you cant manage it of course running you own family without outsider intervention is the best, Salmi- tu lah kan orang lelaki bila they gets older tambah sensitive,kadang2 dia lupa kita pun tambah sensitive jugak as you said kena give and take:) i like chef wan too..tapi ada dia merepak lebih yang tak tahan;) Mamalisa-Thanks so much,sama2 kita improve ourselves, Kak Shamsida- tu lah kadang2 kita letih merajuk ajer lah kak,buang masa meronyok2 muka kan:) Mekjangok- Kita pun kadang2 letih kan..hopefully kita dapat buat yang seadanya, Zuzus- you take care too:), Saniah- Alhamdulillah dah 21 tahun bersama,moga terus di berkati dengan yang indah2 saja Saniah- Fiza- thanks a lot, Kak Pinat- tiamia kuat makan jugak:), Aida78- kadang2 tiamia kena share jugak, Mummy Miqhael- tak der lah bangun awal sangat biasa saja,around 6.00 dah settle semua kat atas turun 6.30 masih sempat buat banyak benda,planning kena betul:), Yatiyahya- thanks ya;), IbuNurin- thanks,saya pun mengingatkan diri sendiri jugak, Liza-thanks, Zira- sama2 ya, Cik yan- thanks, Idida- haa,haa tak sompek lah den nak masuk bertanding pulak haa..main masak2 kek dapur snediri ajo lah, Mommy CT- ye ke..tu lah tak boleh leka gulai telur ni they get harden very fast,keras sikit jer tutup api and pindahkan dalam pinggan;) N- tak ingat nama brand,tapi yang guna sprouts tu,banyak bijirin,any good wholemeal bread will do too:), Anon- griller tu akak beli di Parkson brand "Princess"-very useful kalau nak buat toast,nice brown on the both side, kalau tak silap around RM300+++ kot.

Before we bebel2 about our pictures just wanna show some great photos i reproduced from Hello Magazines- yeap i love reading gossip magazines once in a while:) NewIdea,Australian Women Weekly among my favourite.

I like these two very much and i love watching the original Vampire again and again too:):) They are gorgeous aren't they- now both are couple,they have confirmed this in Hello..i like the way he described her- he said " she is a woman with her own thinking,a goal getter,she wants people to listen to her idea".

I love her great eyes,nose and mouth:);)

Lady India said her mother " is like the air i breathe" true,our mother is our pillar of strength..our air and lifes:)

I like this picture too..very sweet:):)

Yang ni tak boleh lawan..anak,twins semua dah besar dah..tapi perut tetap kerempeng..may not be our perfect role model..but her determination and spirit surely can inspire us;)

Well that's some pictures about people that goes to Portobello Market now let see photos from people that goes to Pekan Ahad or glamournya "Sunday Market" Cewahhh..actually nothing great nak tunjuk pun but i like Tia Mia to grow loving our kampung, get to know our traditional foods,fruits,veges,lifes..there is something about kampung that keeps you feets firmly on the ground. Of course the first thing is always religious value that you have in you but learning about your roots ,Isyallah will add some value in you too.To me it brings peace and lovely made me feel happy.

Saturday i cooked lunch,packed it and off we go to second brother came back from Haj last Wednesday and Uwan cannot wait to see her son.

As i was worried about jam etc and having Uwan travelling with us we stopped for our lunch by the beach.Nanti dah lambat nak order food semua kesian the junior and the senior pulak.

Papa took us to a lovely spot in PD..less crowd..we can see many Yachts from here.

It was a nice and quick picnic..uwan makan bertambah-tambah:)

Before we continue our journey to Paktih's house in Rembau the girls had their ice cream and uwan too:)

Alhamdulillah we reached Paktih' house,Paktih so happy to see Uwan,he gave Uwan a big hug:) and we had many serving of Air Zam2 and the sweet treats.

After borak2 with Paktih we went back kampung Uwan..pakcik has yet to reach kampung with heni as he was stucked in a jam..lucky we took off early..we reached kampung and greeted with these thorny sweet thing at the tangga..terima kasih Kak Ambit..sukaaaa;)

Mia asked me to cook her a Brocolli soup, so we stopped at KP Econsafe to get few things for cooking..rumah Uwan has all the basic cooking things like oil,salt,nescafe,etc,etc but we need to buy benda2 fresh.Tia Mia sedap selera makan kat kampung bertambah-tambah:)

I didn't cook much since we stilled have lauk from our lunch, this kambas goreng ikan bilis i learned from my arwah brother dulu..he can cook tasty meals.. hmm miss him alot:( Alfatihah for my Arwah Embong and Father.

I made sambal bilis with chilli padi Acik loves this...and kenalah letak dalam pinggan traditional ni:)

It was so nice to watch VCD in the dark at Uwan's kampung,cold night with thick blanket..sweet dream.

See macam ni lah seronoknya tidur..ayam berkokok pun tak sedar.

Seronoknya morning view from Uwan's kampung house in the morning..nampak ayam berlari-lari..kabus yang tebal..bunyi burung...:)

Uwa a bit extreme..early morning dah bukak ni..happy uwan balik kampung.Durian susu,walaupun putih tapi sangat nikmat lemak berkrim;);

My HB hardly ask sepecific menu for breakfast,he always say " apa2 yang senanglah" but this time he said he wants to eat "mee goreng bash with kangkung"..hmm tak pernah pulak goreng mee with kangkung except mee udang,bandung atau yang berkuah2 yang lain. But i cooked lah jugak..not goes well with the basah2 noodles;)

So we had mee goreng basah with kangkung for breakfast;)

Then these two made early morning tour around the kampung.

Checking the new bridge...dah nak pilihan raya kampung dapatlah new bridge;)

The kopi susu sungai;);)

Happy faces..sambil meronda sambil kena suap mee.

Okay lets go back and change..nak go Pekan Ahad now..mama i have many many things in mind;)

Before that dessert rambutan dulu.;)

The Pekan Ahad..i like,many many things...lesson menganal sayur,buah kampung pun bermula buat Tia and Mia.

Rambai muda,kundang,jering

Buah Binjai or Lanjut Uwan happy to see this..lamanya tak makan..sangat sedap buat air asam...bagi yang tak kenal..dia macam mangga tapi lagi wangi,texture smooth,masam2 manis.

Buah Asam Gelugor.

I wanted to buy siput sedut sungai but they didn't have it..just this siput sedut yang banyak kat KL..i tak suka.

Tapai pulut dalam daun keladi..sangat classic dan sedap.

Kueh bakar dalam daun pisang pakai arang pun sangat sedap.

After memborong sayur kampung we balik..tengok Kak Ambit dah hantar rambutan gading..happy nya.

I bought rambai muda and terung telunjuk nak masak few kampung dishes.

This is how i eat the binjai buat air asam,hiris nipis,bubuh air masak sikit,garam,bawang,tenyeh2..alololooo sangat sedap.

Tempoyak segar with kampung cili pun sangat mengujakan.

Gorgeous petaiiii:)

My first killer dish gulai ikan lampan cilipadi with kulit rambai muda..sangat sedap walaupun banyak tulang.

This is husband's favourite, gulai cendawan kukur (kulat susu) with terung telunjuk dan ikan bilis.

Hidangan kampung dah siap.....

Sedap dan nikmat tak boleh cerita..taa..taaa..moga di permudahkan puasa today..nanti balik nak buat asam binjai tu lagi lah..leleh2 dah ni:)


  1. asam binjai? 1st time dengar..
    tak tau the taste but can feel the leleh2 air liur.. haha..

  2. i like cendawan kukur or kulat..baru balik kg ari 2 merasa bestnya x terkata...tapi doyan susu x penah jumpa lah....rasa mcm ne...banyaknya lauk kampung rindu semuanya.

  3. Zu; i really cant stand it when looking at the binjai..orang melaka panggil kemang juga..buat sambal tumis ikan bilis dan hiris2 kan binjai bersama pun sodap; cubalah...

  4. tia mia the kampung girls! i am so fortunate to 'bump' into u and get to see and learn lotsa stuffs in a kampung.

  5. silent reader for a while....entry ini buat i rindu kt kampung di kelantan

  6. salam,kak..kak mmg pandai masak..sblm ni, silent reader, tgn ni x blh nak thn nak taip,sbb tgk masakan kakak sedap2.. actually,i got twins also.. they already 2y8m..

  7. salam Zu...kak sham tak nak komen pasal lain...tapi pasal makanan tu...nampak sedap sangat...terliur rasanya tengok masak lomak tu...weekend ni nak try buatler hehe

  8. tiap kali tgk kg akak mmg best jer..teringin nak hirup udara segar...dgr bunyi cengkerik..mesti sunyi jer kan? kg saya takder la mcm tu...lagipun umah kat kg dekat ngan pantai laut cina selatan...

  9. so lovely ur kampung, teringat plak kat kampung sendiri walaupun kg sendiri dah maju sikit :)

    bestnya lauk-lauk tu semua walaupun I x pernah makan hehehe the looks really temptingkan?

  10. kak, suasana kg sy di Phg pun mcm kg uwan...klau balik kg suami di Labu N9, mmg begini jugak yg sedap2 tu...waa...teringat kg..walau baru je balik last week.heheh

  11. asam binjai sangat masam kan? but i like.. :)

  12. sambal ikan bilis cili padi tu mmg sedap makan dgn nasi panas-panas..tak yah lauk lain dah... :)

    mee goreng dengan kangkung tu mmg sedap...suami kak zue org klantan kan? org2 klantan mmg msk meehun / mee bersayurkan kangkung..rase die pon not bad..sedap jugak kan...

    semua lauk2 kampong yang kak zue masak memang buat nita terliur..adushh!! menggoda betul..'

    kak zue, tak bawa tia mia balik kelantan ke?

  13. owhhh my, all foods looks so yummeh esp bila tengah2 puasa nie :-)..selamat berpuasa..cendawan kukur memang sedap masak lemak or goreng dengan cili plus ikan bilis, sambal ikan bilis tu memang my fav :-)..

  14. bagus kak zue trains tia n mia, the twins can adopt life in town n village also!good!kak zue..lauk tu semua adalah kegemaran mama saya..1 hari 3 lauk masak lemak ya!hahah..same like my mum...nie yg xsabar balik kp nie!..

  15. hehehe..kecuali cendawan kukur,petai dan jering tu....bahan yg lain baru ni akak tau.Thanks mama Tia Mia tunjuk gambar ni semua.

    Asam gelugur tu mcm tu rupa asal dia yer..apa beza siput sedut sungai dgn yg org selalu jual tu..?

    Ehh ..byk lak tanyo..nampak benar akak ni tak berapa nak bijak..ekekeke

  16. Hi, have been reading your blog for a while. Discovered through a link in Kasih Aleeya's page (Fillanie). I like your stories. Very open and honest, yet humble. Keep on writing!

    ps: have you found out where the KP Mee Hailam stall moved to?

  17. tak pernah dengar lah asam binjai tu..sedapnyer,..leleh air liur.t akk bg resepi k.

    yer la kak.naura kena fikirkan jugak untuk ambil maid.mmg letih kak bila kena buat akk =)

  18. kak zue,
    kecurrr tgk asam binjai tu,meleleh air liur den.hehehehe

    sambal ikan bilis tumbuk dgn ikan bilis tu mak niza selalu buat time takde itu la yg paling heaven..

    kak zue,
    buah rambai muda tu,rasa die masam eh?

  19. zuuu...sodap boto nampak lauk pauk tu semua hehhee...teringat kat arwah nenek i yg suka masak lauk pauk kampung macam ni..mmmmmm yummmm...


  20. Salam Kak Zu, terliur sungguh tgk menu2x akak. Masakan kg sungguh menyelerakan.... Meleleh air liur dgn air asam buah binjai, kat kg dulu ada pokok binjai tinggi2. Tp skrg semua dh diganti dgn kws perumahan. sedihnya.. Akak, kat mn tempat akak lepak kat pd tue best nyer...bole tgk yatch lg. Selalu ke pd just lepak kat pantai teluk kemang ja.. x menarik dah skrg more thing nak tanya masak rambai muda tue guna kulit sajer, isinya x ada ker?

  21. Salam kak Zu,sungguh terliuq (org kedah kata) tgk menu asam binjai tu..klu kt kedah buat sambai belacan letak buah binjai..aduhh..even sy org kg jugak,ni fisrt time tgk msk lemak letak kulit buah rambai..kt kedah xdak mcm tu..mkn buah rambai yg msk ja...anyway good info n really2 best baca blog akak ni...:)

  22. I pun terleleh nengok menu lauk kampung tu..menyelerakan...

  23. yup..sya fr kedah.. sambal belacan letak buah binjai. mkn lak dgn ikan pekasam.. mmg heaven!!!x sabaq nk blk kg.. pg pasar tani cari buah binjai.. hrp2 ada la..
