Thursday, January 12, 2012

Good Mood:)

Alhamdulillah,thank you to every single of you,you are all special:) To those who shared their experience here you are such a caring person with good heart:) Why did I say that? because there are other women out there with the same story,upon reading yours they said " i am not alone,i should also fight!"

To those who give good words,opinion we learnt from each other,we women are all sisters,we are strong:):) I might not be a able to say thank you to each but i read all comments; reader from Brunei,silent readers,loyal friends,frequent readers Thank You again.

I think enough of my writing that makes people revisited their past..and to those complimented me with extraordinary words i take it as doa and sedekah,tak tiap hari orang berdoa untuk kita kan..itu sangat istimewa. Having said that i am just very normal,nothing extraordinary, maybe i have an advantage in writing :):) My friend today said " we iii ko dah jadi pakar motivasi ganti ustazah Bahiyah Oprah atau Martha Stewart...haaaa..haaa..." Kihh..kihhh i said mana lah ustazah bahiyahnya.. but i do want to have Martha Stewart skills:):) i am just a normal lady,ada temper,ada flaws..kadang2 suami pun merajuk with me..tapi bila buat nasi lemak sotong hilang rajuknya..and kadang2 anak2 menangis,merajuk dengan i jugak but when i wanted to live in the moon they held me tightly and showered me with hugs and kisses.And i want to stay much *wink* wink*. 

So tonight is a story of a normal woman:):) She suka berangan,antaranya setiap awal tahun berangan nak travel..brings so much energy and happiness to me bila berangan nak berjalan ni kihh..kihh.

To our family,awal2 tahun ni mula2 lah berangan family trip..semuanya bergantung pada budget..since Tia Mia nak masuk school in 2014 banyak lah kena sacrifice sikit,kita bukan jenis banyak simpanan sangat,makan gaji kan..kena menabung lah sikit2 untuk dua kenits ni:)Tapi berangan tak apa..tinggi mana pun tak kena duit.Macam biasa before decide on anything i will have my note book,choose 2 tempat paling suka,write down the ticket price,the accommodation cost,check children friendly ke tak,what to do there?food,weather etc,etc..

So i have some of my favorite pictures..they bring so much joy to look at..experience  traveling with your loved ones is priceless..but before that i found the picture below at somebody's fb.. i like this ustaz..he's so cool..what say you:)

Ha..haaa.. i like this..he got good sense of humor..he himself is a good calon..kihhh..kihhh..the other day i watched him goreng guitar..wahhh boleh than:)

Then nak share perangai Tia Mia at school today:) The two have started their bahasa malaysia class at they a bit a bored,when i went to pick them today Teacher Claire said they told her " Teacher i know what is sleeping,walking,reading,swimming in you tell me what is Alhamdulillah in English???"..heee..heee..pandai they agak soalan yang teacher claire will have difficulty to answer:) So teacher claire said " Bless you'..i told her it is "Thank You Allah"

I love this usual my dream place ni bukannya tempat shopping besar2,brand outlet or theme park..but a park..a place where you can sit down and appreciate the beauty:) This picture was taken at Royal Botanical Garden in Sydney..tak tahu bila ada rezki ke sana lagi.


It is so nice to just sit on the bench with a cup of hot chocolate..i don't need gucci,prada or lv (ehhh iya ke tuuuu..heee..heee kalau nak balik hotel nampak boutique gucci bukan patah tengkuk terpaling paling ke)

Itu my angan2 but the girls kinda made up their mind on Disneyland..aduihhh..who said that we will be going to Disneyland ni..but i baca2 lah jugak pasal Disneyland Hong Kong ni..i ve been few times to HK in the past..but masa tu ada Ocean Park ajar..HK ni problem weather lah,you cannot go after May,it will be very humid and hot..macam terbakar kulit,you ve got to go late September to February masa ni sejuk sebab winter,baru nice jalan2.Nak makan pulak kena duduk area Kowloon,kat Tsim Sha Shui especially Nathan Road banyak halal food..kat island kurang or susah..but itu masa tak tau.But sincerely apart from bergurau with the girls i like Hong Kong..cuma dgn budak2 susah sikit kot.

And kalau pergi Hong Kong mana boleh main masak2? ishh i suka masak2 ni:)

And tak dapat lah pergi tengok2 benda macam ni haaa...

Weiii kenits..kat Hong Kong tak ada nyer nak boleh buat camni tauuuu...hee..hee bilalah kedai surfing kat Bondi Beach ni nak bayar royalty model swimming suits dia orang ni:):)

Hmm nanti lah mama papa fikirkan ..sambil kira budget mana nak pergi..kalau rumah uwan ajer kat kampung okay tak..we can still see chicken,banana farm,river etc,etc..then we can shop at Econsave at the wonderful and beautiful Kuala Pilah:)

Kalau pergi jauh2 pun bukannya you all tahan nak tidur lama2 kat seat dalam flight tu..jadi macam ni haaaa...

But this girl really smart she said" mama why don't we go to both,first Disneyland then Caversham Wildlife Park in Perth?"..wahhh Tia you so good..but we only got denting2 in pocket how to do that?

Hmmm nanti lah fikirkan kita bawak makan koci duluuuu...

Bliss evening with uwan@home sweet home.

My cooking tonite:) favorite ramai orang..husband masuk dapur terus cakap "very nice smell" sambal sotong i tarok santan,dah tu sotong masuk last bila kuah dah pekat..sotong tak boleh lama,kalau masak kejap sotong lembut dan manis;) Nak cerita my husband mula2 kahwin dgn i dulu,asam pedas,sambal sotong,goreng beehun semua tak boleh makan dari bujang.Perut dia tak tahan cili..kalau beehun pulak dia cakap sebab ingredients dalam beehun tu itself buat dia sakit perut,.I buat cili mesin,cili rebus dulu,buang biji,dah tu tumis cukup2 sambal,asam pedas,my beehun goreng are his favourite:):)

Sambal sotong sangat sedap makan dengan lemak kubis ber soon:);)

Okaylah i end my entry with the first videos of Tia and Mia reciting Al Ikhlas..Moga Jumaat esok barakah buat semua.Salam.


  1. "we women are all sisters"

    so true! i love that, we women must support each other and be united!

    so sweet Tia and Mia, salam peluk cium to both of them!

  2. Salam ur entry mcm selalu...u mcm big sister la padahal i rasa i lagiii tua kan..klau i rasa down i akan masuk ' rumah ' u ni...tgk uwan tringat my mum...gitu jgak tgk hsbnd n anak2 remind me to go to them n peluk2 diaorg...mcm u n ur Allah trus mmberkati hidup kita...amin

  3. Samalah macam Mina, asik2 sebut "Saturday we go to Disneyland ok mother" macamlah disneylang tu kat sebelah rumah aje..hehe.

  4. Lovely lovely lovely pictures!

  5. Bestnyer nak g disneyland... bukan kenits je syok, mommy pun bole verangan jd princess...ahehehe

    Youuuu... sedapnya sambal tumis petai tu! nyummyyyy...terliur! kite kalu buat cili mesin sama mcm azu cume time dah garing tak buh santan... kalu buh santan lg lemak n kurang pedas ek? nak cube la nnti...

    pecinta petai ;p

  6. inspiring again...
    kak Azue, kalau pegi disneyland kena buat post day 1, day 2, day 3 tau. Biar lengkap sikit. Hehehe....

  7. Salam mamatiamia...Ya Rabb Alhamdulillah kerana jumpakan saya dengan hambamu yang sentiasa bersyukur, membuatkan saya juga ingin jadi seperti DIA..menghargai setiap apa yang ada dalam hidup saya yang sementara ini..Rahmatilah DIA dan cinta hatinya di dunia dan Akhirat..amin... insyaAllah mamatiamia..kita pun pernah sampai kat HK disneyland, tapi masa tu pi sorang je,company trip, mmg terkilan x dapat bwk anak anak juga, trip HK ingat ingat balik OK lah..Disneyland tu pun mmg fun utk bdk fren kate kt Japan and US, adults pun have fun gak or dlm kata lain sana lagi fun la kot.. yg pasti bila i baca yr planning n everything u r so my hub..detailnyer kalau nak buat apa apa ( same birthdate kan :)) ..compared to me yg bidan terjun je.. x dpt tgk la tiamia baca al ikhlas tu, nanti nanti cube love to all of u kt rumah ya :)

  8. i click video nak dengar tia mia, baca, tak dapat :(

    semalam baru 1stime i listen to ustaz's video. ye lah he ada sense of humour. bijak sampaikan mesej and keep the attention of listeners with witty jokes.

    those purple blooms look so fluffy like cottontail ;)
    clever la tia mia, boleh teach teacher pulak. Alhamdulillah.

    mula dengan berangan kemudian usaha untuk jadikan kenyataan :)

    yes if we can love others as sisters, the support will stay strong. just like tia mia, two loving strong sisters.

  9. sambal tumis and lemak putih mmg gandingan yg mantap.. teringat masa kecik2 dulu.. bila mak buat sambal tumis, ikan ke ayam or udang ke sotong, mesti dah dpt agak.. periuk yg lagi satu ni for sure lemak putih kobis.. he..he.. Alhamdulillah untuk segala kebahagiaan dan rezeki.. anak2 pun sibuk nak ke disneyland.. last year waktu upsr 5A, si kakak minta pergi USS aje.. done. bila time si adik nak minta ke disneyland plk.. he..he.. mcm reward dpt masuk U plk.. he..he.. klu ada rezeki insyaAllah dptlah mama & ayah tunaikan.. klu tidak, balik kampung pun we have so much fun dah..

  10. salam mama tianmia...memg bestkan bila sambal letak santan...lemak gitu...

  11. hmmm... dpt idea nak masak apa mlm ni..tq

  12. leh jadik ustazah version of ustazah that inspiring all sweet women out there...:))

    sotong sambal tu memang menggoda la kak zue, tambah pulak lemak kobis bersuun tu...makan bertambah2 la nampaknye...

    video tiamia tu tak dapat buka..

  13. Salam Zu, jomlah datang caversham lagi. Perth dekat aje kan hehehe

  14. Salam mamatiamia. Reading your stories really made my day. I love travel too. I pun suka pergi park, sit at the bench and embrace the great scenery instead of lenguhkn kaki in brands outlet. Tapi kalau sebagai sampingan oklah. he he he I masih under degree program but really looking forwards this holiday thingy. pergi dekat2 pun never mind as long it's a holiday. Btw, so cute lah tia mia pose for the swimming suit. Ask for loyalty fast and later can go to disneyland. hihi :) :)

  15. kak zu,

    Mungkin boleh pergi HK hujung tahun. Winter but no snow :P ..and just nice nak bawa anak2 jalan2. Nampak panas tp bila angin bertiup sejuk je rasa.

    True, tak boleh masak and rega bilik gila mahal. Tapikan..seafood di pasar di HK tu sangat heaven...and rega halal food pun bleh tahan le mahal kecuali kalau p kantin di Masjid..


  16. yoo sista!! he3x

    i luv this statement: It is so nice to just sit on the bench with a cup of hot chocolate..i don't need gucci,prada or lv (ehhh iya ke tuuuu..heee..heee kalau nak balik hotel nampak boutique gucci bukan patah tengkuk terpaling paling ke)ekekekek..

    have a good day ahead darl.. :_)

  17. sedap la kak zu,sampai tertelan2 air liur, dah lama tak buat masak lemak kubis tu, asyik masak sambal2 jer coz my hero tu mkn mesti ade sambal..

  18. sis, bawak pegi gold coast lah.. kat sana ada dreamworld, sea world, movie movld.. mawi world aje tak de.. hehehe... ada beaches etc.. i rasa OZ is better than HK, tp kalau dah kenits you nak disneyland jugak, HK lah kan.. tak pun paris? US? Mesti u lebih dari mampu nak pegi :)

    p/s- dah lama i tak komen your blog.. (your silent reader but sometimes not so senyaplah, bila nak mintak resepi hehh hehehehe..)
    Love your writing sis, very inspiring!


  19. tia and mia, both of you make auntie laugh today reading about your conversation with teacher claire :-)..take care both of you and have a wonderful weekend with mama, papa and uwan :-)

  20. seronok je baca2 ape mama slalu tulis..penuh makna..xdpt g farm..g umah uwan pon ok..i smpi rasa nak pergi umah uwan la..
    kalau raya nk singgah umah uwan boleh ke?? hihihi..

    p/s: nk try smbal petai bersantan.. :)

  21. Mummy Akmal's @ BruneiJanuary 13, 2012 at 1:02 AM

    Salam again Zue..

    Seronok kan kalo dapat pergi travelling dan holiday ngan family.. tapi tu rezki sorang2 lah.. ada lebih buleh lah pegi jauh kalo tak dalam negeri sendiri pun dah cukup.. yg penting besama2.. as my akmal's selalu cakap nanti kita pegi bila babah sama mummy dah kaya hehe.. budak2 kan dier ingat senang ajer nak dapat duit.. sampai2 rumah pun diaorang nak tukar.. kalo nak pegi disneyland, paling best kat tokyo atau paris tapi tu lah makan susah sikit esp japan.. tapi kalo tak pilih makan seronok juga makan sushi atau tempura.. tapi kan tia mia suka makan pasta.. kat sana italian food ni femes.. saya dulu masa duduk sana kalo nak makan luar slalunya mesti makan pasta.. sedap zue.. tapi taklah sesedap air tangan sendiri :) tambang rasanya tak mahal sangat kan kalo pakai air asia esp kalo tym offer.. cuma kena fikir tempat tinggal.. susah jugak kalo bawa budak2 umur mcm tia mia.. paris pun seronok.. cuma makan ala2 arab2 aja ler like kebab.. tapi piza dier best.. tempat tinggal ok lah jugak tak semahal japan.. wish saya dapat bawak fmily pegi holiday jugak tak jauh pun tak per.. dapat pegi KK (kota kinabalu) pun jdi lah asal dpt naik aeroplane kata my anak haha.. desperate lah tu..

  22. Azu..
    Lamanya tak makan kuih koci.
    kalau dlm blog u tak sah takde food kan? hehee.. Me likey :)

    Wah.. mood baik nampak... Mood travel eh? best2.. TiaMia mesti suka disneyland. boleh gi rumah mickey mouse ye....

    Miss all of u.

    Dekat je pun, tak dapat nak jumpa lagi kan?

    Enjoy ur day...

    Psssst.. CNY cuti pjg, holiday ke mana???

  23. Salam Zu,

    Anak K.Na sekolah kat kolo pilah, so minggu lepas dapat lah singgah kat e c o n s a v e pilah tu.... al hamdulillah ada improvement, dulu masa sekolah ada satu je supermarket, itu pun dah lupe namanya, rasanya Gedung Minang tu dah take over kot....

    Lots of love,

