Saturday, January 14, 2012

Renovation of the white Bungalow:)

Salam Farrah, Saniah, MommyCT, Wiz,J ulie(Pencinta Petai:):), Syarida, Sususmanis, AnnHuzi, Hanis Azla, Aida 78, Anon, Mummy Miqhael, UmiYumi,  Syamimi Azmira, Koben, Gja, mekjangok, Lily, Salmi, Zeta, Mummy Akmal's@Brunei, 4 Kay E(Itaaaa:):), K.Na, Daydeck86, Marya Yusof,  Farhana shamsuddin, aishahjamrek, Dila, Ad, potpetmama, Zuzus, Nadiah, sitiebby,Anis, ibuamsyar, Anon 2:):), Charlottee Arphanee,  Filla-Kasihs,  Fiezachomel, Zie,Noorzail, Mira Marlena, AisYah, Wiz, Carmello Hajjah KH

Thank You for all comments especially yang relate their own experience during pregnant,difficulty in life etc and to those who feel like shaking my hands,sending me doas, don't worry even we do not see each other i can feel the warmnest,the sincerity..and i am so thankful for that. And terimakasih banyak2 yang bagi views,  tips in the last entry on the intended holiday,they are useful..and doakan  Tia Mia kalau ada rezki dapat pergi tempat yang best ya:) tak kira dekat atau jauh yang penting sihat dan diberkati dengan keamanan dah kebahgiaan:)

And I am so sorry if you can't open the Tia/Mia's video reciting the Al Ikhlas, it is a special one from me to all of you but i am not good at all these things,when i first uploaded it it was there for few hours..lepas tu tak ada pulak..I ll need a tutorial from my niece again it seems.I promise to upload again in the future.

Sebagai ganti i ll give you all a special preview on our new 'bungalow'..Tia and Mia helped mama to renovate it;) It is all white and i love it with all my heart;):) But we start from the very beginning first..the morning of the renovation come let see....

Before we start the handwork..i prepared breakfast for everybody .

Today's breakfast is Dome style..we had beef strips, runny eggs,cheese,toast,olive and fruit salad.

My delicious plate;);) Forget about diet first,after this we burn the calories ya..

It was a good breakfast....

While having breakfast..Tia and Mia watered their bitter gourd and angle loofa.

To my friend sham..kalau nak tengok my Hychintus..macam ni lah entah tahun bila nak tinggi lagi ni:):)

Then time manja2 kan Cottontail..Ribbon kena fungus kat telinga belum hantar injection tak boleh pegang sangat.

Lovely time.

hallooooo... i am Cottontail:):)

Bela rabbit ni actually not only for the kids but for the senior too..she loves sitting in the garden looking at  blooms and lah masa muda dulu rumahnya penuh dengan orchids,roses and all kind of tak tanam pun dia mash appreciate garden and it's today we go nursery ya Uwan.

Balik dari nursery  tadi jumpa pulasan..suka betul favourite ni;)

And terjumpa jugak orang jual telur pindang..terus beli ..sangat suka telur "busuk" ni:)

Today's lunch..simple and fast...gulai lemak cilipadi dah ada so tambah lauk beli kat restaurant dekat rumah;)sebab leaps tu nak buat renovation kan.

This one nice kalau makan dengan bubur jugak.

Alhamdulillah..semua dah kenyang..sampai terduduk depan tv;)

Ok adikkkk..lets go and join mama in her project now;)

Okay..drink dah ready..let's get started:)

After nursery we stopped at the hardware shop to get bricks and few other things to renovate our bungalow.

And we are proud to present our new white bungalow with it new north and south wings...


Hehhh..heeehhhh..ini lah bungalow Ribbon and Cottontail with it new north and south wings..cantik takkkk?

Since hobbits suka menyorok so we pun buatkan tempat menyorok actually longkang,i bought 2 pieces at RM5.00 each..balik i spray dengan cat putih..sangat cosy kan bungalow ni...*wink* wink* they gonna have housewarming soon but only carrot and celery will be served:)

Sorry for the little "disappointment" :):) anyway..ini kerja budak 2 orang ni..mama asked them to help mama transfer the cactus they bought at cameron into bigger pots..

I got many new blooms today:):) happy mode..this month my salary awal lagi dah habis..heee..hee so i am surviving on husband's wallet:):)

I did some serious gardening today...

Many red plants and blooms at nursery today since Chinese New Year is just around the corner..TiaMia went gaga tengok semua bunga2 merah..banyaklah yang di angkutnya balik:)

Cactus dah pindah ke bigger pots.

wahhh very serious discussion tu..which bungalow you gonna renovate after this?

Hmmmm.tangan sakit,kaki kebas,kuku hitam..tapi rasa bliss tengok garden with colors;) Jom masuk and take 5 before kita start dinner pulak.

This is dinner for the papa and girls..fettucine with beef strips,tomato and shaved cheddar cheese..very yummy..mama and uwan decided to go for sardines.lemak putih durian and sambal

Dinner is alfresco style tonite;);)

My good buy from hardware shop..Emergency can light it up for more than 54 hours..tahan angin,ribut smells nice and gives wonderful ambience for alfresco dining:)

Night,Night Cottontail and Ribbon..hope you like your new space..sleep tight okay.

And Tia/Mia stop jumping around..time to go in now...

Finally i would like to share Jalan2 Cari Makan food;):) Last Friday i had this briyani arab at the Food Republic New Wings was good i like it very much..just in case anybody would like to give a try.

The Spring chicken is small..smaller than nandos but everything on the plate is tasty..if you like it la:):)

I ordered a plate of Homous to go with it and i love it very very much;):) Have a nice Sunday everybody..taaa..taaaa..


  1. love love love everything abt yr posting tdy mamatiamia..cantik la white banglo tuh, all the bunga bunga, the makan makan...alhamdulillah n tq for sharing it with makes my nite n tmrw n the day after lah..hehe..kiss kiss to mia tia yah :)

  2. Salam Zu, wah cantiknya white bungalow tu rasa mcm nak join je cottontail dan ribbon duduk kat situ he he

  3. kak Azue, cantiknya laman berbunga-bunga. Teringin jugak nak bela rabbit tapi takut susah nak tinggal-tinggal kalau nak kemana-mana...

  4. suka sangat tengok garden you zue... how I wish saya punya kesempatan dan yang paling penting semangat kerajinan yg ada pada you.. I memang suka tengok rumah yang ada green2 nie.. saya kalo tengok english garden or landscape memang bulih berangan dibuatnya.. ntah lah memang dari dulu suka sangat ngan english countryside sampai bulih pasang angan2 nak tinggal kat sana tapi bila ingat keluarga esp mak bapak tak tega rasa hati.. laman rumah saya tak lah besar sangat tapi tu pun susah nak tanam apa2 entahlah mungkin saya nie kurang rajin kot walo ada pembantu.. bila tengok dan baca entry2 kat sini rasa envy pun ada.. bukan apa, zue jugak ada kerjaya sendiri, mana nak look after budak2 dan uwan lagi tapi masih punya waktu untuk semuanya.. doa2kan saya dapat jadi seperti you yer zue..

  5. Salam zu..
    Your tiamia sgt2 comel okey...
    Posting hari ni mmg best... Setiap kali I singgah sini rasa mcm I'm into ur life.. like a special guest..hehehee ;)

  6. mama tia mia..

    suka sangat tgk pokok2 bunga you yang colourful tu.. i ni x minat gardening tp my hubby suka bercucuk tanam.. dalam proses buat garden kt back yard..inspired from your garden..tggu hubby DIY meja makan ltk kt taman..boleh brfast kt luar mcm you jugak...rajin masak skrg lpas tgk you rajin masak untuk family..
    moga mama tia mia sekeluarga bahagia selalu..dan dirahmati Allah sentiasa..sorry ek klw byk ambil insparasi from you.. minta dihalalkan.. cuma nak tanya kt mana beli pokok2 bunga tu..tq

  7. Mama..byknye bunga...geram je tgk...and seluar the girls...berkenan tgk..mcm snake's skin..hehe..
    Mama..i dah buat sambal sotong petai bersantan mcm mama buat tu..ok..lelemak merdu gitew..hehe..

  8. Kak zu,
    sgt bliss tgk the blooms..aman damai sejahtera hahaha,
    Sgt heaven the dinner " fettucine with beef strip" uwan ttp dgn gulai durian,hihi..some more luv the corelle design, very comellll and in the middle of plate tu ade gmbr pot with flower kan kak?..

    Anyway niza also luve the humous..shedapppp..

  9. hi mama, hi tia mia, hi papa and the most important and lovable person in the house, hi uwan !

    ohmaigod lama nya i tak komen kat sini. I baca but my time is so limited to leave a comment.just kidding ,btw now I'm having my final exam. mamatiamia please doa for me okay? hehe

    that white bungalow is so awesome! congrats guys !

    u know what, I feel like tia & mia are growing up with us!

    love ya guys !

  10. Assalam Kak Zu... Waaahhh...seronok nya baca entry ni... Saya pun dah start membodek2 husband untuk buat "bungalow" mcm Kak Zu.. seronok nya... Tia mia memang comel yang amat.. Dan yang paling comel,baju tido pun mesti sama... =)

  11. yang belakang banglo putih tu akar pokok ke apa? ia membuatkan banglo tu nampak cozy sangat.. nyum2 utk makanan yg mengoda tu..

  12. Salam... Idraki's mum here. Yes, Idraki which is Tia and Mia's schoolmate :D. Apparently when I searched for Bunny Kids Club I found your blog!

    Amazing blog you have and so much stories, so much warmth.

    You have a wonderful home, so cozy and I love your cooking and everything else about Tia and Mia :)

  13. ribbon and cottontail must be so thankful to enter into ur beautiful home and caring family.
    we just a mere observer thru the computer screen, already loving it.

    tia mia full of energy, dah malam pun cant stop jumping around :D
    red leaves by the window, cantik! of cos all the other colourful plants too, mesti wangi aje ur taman bunga.
    so what did u use the bricks for? i dont see it near the white bungalow.

  14. ... and now i wish i have a "white bungalow" too at the frontyard!

    only that my hub doesn't approve any living thing other than human in the house :( so sad. he's the boss, so... :(

    you too have a nice weekend, kak zu!

  15. sgt comel tia n mia... cantik nyer rumah ribbon n cottontail... ank sy pun suka bela rabbit... skang kami kurung rabbit2 tu dlm sangkar, bila tgk mama tiamia buat rumah mcm tu... cantik pulak... nanti boleh la buat mcm tu jugak at least mereka boleh main2 kat taman kan. takde la terkurung jer... thanks 4 sharing...

  16. salaam mamatiamia, gulai lemak durian itu sangat nostalgia..itu favs my emak sebab dia tak makan durian masak..jadi dia makan durian muda yang masak lemak putih..sekarang nak dapat durian muda pun susah..btw dekat mana yer bole beli emergency candle tu?

  17. kreatifnyer mamatiamia buat bunglow utk rabbit tu... mmg cantik sangat2! saya first time jumpa blog u trus mcm.. wahhhhhhhhhh... bestnyer blog nih! hehe

  18. Hahaha,kak zu mesti terkejut ade lak 2nd comment..just wanna say, i luv the 'telur busuk" too..heheh..nite nite to tia mia ya

  19. sis you have such a green hand lah...pokok2 semua berbunga subur dan hijau jer...klu me ayo habis bunga2 kering kontang...siram2 juga, baja juga tp dia tak mau berbunga and berdaun subur mcm tu...nnti bley tak sis share tips mcm mana sis jaga bunga2 tu semua...teringin nak ada taman cantik2 mcm tu...huhu so far kat rumah tu ada satu btg pokok pinang jer..beli bunga2 yg lain tak mau menjadi kering jer kat pasu tu... seday :(

  20. kak zu nk tny cane nk masak beef stripe ngan runny egg tu. nmpk sgt marvelous.. hehehe

  21. kreatifnyer mamatiamia buat bunglow utk rabbit tu... mmg cantik sangat2! saya first time jumpa blog u trus mcm.. wahhhhhhhhhh... bestnyer blog nih! hehe

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