Sunday, January 15, 2012

RM15 project & Asam Pedas Talapia in Westham,London.

Hulooooo...aduhhhh sedapnya meniarap atas tilam sambil menaip kat lappy ni;) Hee..hee the two girls already tergolek on my left and right.We chit chat at the end of this entry ya:) 

Well today,we were camping at home from morning,papa had to finish his homework and it was really teruk until our best escapade today was a 1 hour trip to Pasar Taman Tun:) My request to go pasar seksyen 6 Shah Alam was turned down:(;( The man has to finish his homework..but Pasar TTDI is terribly expensive i finished my RM200 buying basic things for the fridge..except Ribbon&Cottontail food,balloons and bubbles for the small ladies.How i wish Cameron is near..broccolis,cauliflowers,tomatoes were so cheap is like 'gourmet food'..The malay section is expensive too..i bought daun gajus,petai,jering emas,tempoyak,terung telunjuk,bunga kantan,serai,cencaluk,pucuk pegaga ..i think that's about all and it costed me RM41.00..cekik darah betul..anyway nak makan kan..tak boleh lah marah2 next time ada masa pergi seksyen 6 .My good buy was all the pound things,i bought cilipadi,kunyit,bawang putih,merah semua dah siap blend and it costed me RM10.00..this is good and it helped me masak cepat can whip a finger licking good masak lemak cilipadi in 10 mins or less..kid you not:):) p.s we met Munirah Triplets plus one at the pasar with her cute wonderful kids:):)

Less than 10 mins finger plus cheeks,chins and elbows licking good masak lemak ketam with tomato..heee..heee..dulu ramai yang tanya macam mana nak masak ketam santan tak curdle atau pecah.Ketam ni dia kalau masak banyak buih also banyak kandungan benda macam ikan masin,sawi jeruk kalau masak bersantan tak betul cara santan memang pecah dan tak cantik.To avoid it you can either cook the ketam with the bahan tumbuk (cilipadi,kunyit,bawang) first until buih dan air kering then baru masukkan santan or duduk lah tepi periuk tu kacau..jangan biarkan mendidih tanpa kacau.Kalau betul cara gulai ketam sangat sedap epecially kalau ketam segar dan manis.So uwan makan bertambah-tambah today.

Petang nak buat project sikit..Tia kena nose bleed pulak..then Mia lapar,so we had early dinner..i prepared fish,hash brown,buttercup salad and we had some french baquet and cheese too.It was a hot day today but the two nak makan kat luar so we had to eat at the bench under the tree.

Tia can eat salad ..she will dip in mayonnaise and eat it:)

We have all kind of dippings/seasonings just choose which one you like.

Gendang gendut tali kecapi,kenyang perut suka hati:)

Pokok cili kat garden pun dah masak betul ni..boleh lah kita bagi tugasan kat uwan untuk petik.

After tea/dinner i started my little project..bukan apa pun mengganti alas rack kat wet kitchen..dulu kan munga2 pulak..i somehow like the 70s feel kat my wet kitchen..that explains the triangle shape alas;):) My old alas habislah koyak rabak dek Heni...dia cakap Tia/Mia tarik lah etc,etc..tak apalah time to ganti lesung batu ada 3 biji now  happily landing there:)

The table cloth is RM15 only, i bought from Romantika..balik i potong and beta-bega kan untuk alas rack..sedaplah tu my eyes;):)..wet kitchen kita kan..kejapkotak2,kejap munga2..asal hati senang;)

hulloooo..what are you doing? Yang ni kalau dengar i ketang ketung guna hammer and tool box dia..memang dia tak senang hati,so he came down and immediately been assigned a task by me;) Our wet kitchen tiny island/trolley kaki satu dah haus due to kena air basuh lantai selalu. I went to look for replacement at ikea..goshh it is expensive now..near RM600 for a tiny thing,the rest of our trolley still okay,cuba tak stable sebab kaki tempang sikit.  MY hb is a real corporate man..he is helpful kalau di suruh but he sometimes can't really figure out how to fix or do certain things. I somehow is quite handy since i was small selalu tengok my father buat reban ayam,kambing,bench,rack at our i am familiar with tools and i can design many things in my head;) So kaki trolley patah ni hubby susah jugak lah nak figure out how..i ada few wooden chopping board tak pakai kat kitchen sebab dah lama,so i asked him to cut the solid wood according to the trolley tu punya kaki and then lekatkan lah..he was skeptical first..tapi bila i nak buat dia cepat2 ambik alih..turned out to be dah okay and we jimat RM600 kan:):)

Setia menemani si papa;):)..kesian dua hari duduk rumah asyik kena leter suruh berkemas ajer..tiap 5 mins keluar pen,kertas..mestilah kena kemas balik;) 

Pisang emas harga emas beli kat pasar tak adalah pisang emas di bawa belayar sebab tak ada budi..dah mengata ngata kan;):)

RM7 napkin stand from Romantika D Amor..hee..he..Romantika ni tak class macam SSF,lower dari KK orang cakap..tapi i suka jugak pergi cari benda2 merepek..tadi i menung2 dah tengok tea set dia..cantik sebab teko besar..senang sikit nak hidang kat orang;)

Finally malam barulah dapat hb buatkan teh susu..tak kaw pun tak apa lah..yang penting ingatan;)

If i have time i do like to read..i like to repeat my favorite books.

I love to read traveling books from Insight Guides,i bought Lonely Planet,APA but i stilled prefer Discovery by Insight Guides.

Unlike many other women..i tak gila sangat membaca novel but i do love Kinsella..tapi "Remember Me" ni pun tak habis lagi.

and suka jugak membaca magazine kisah2 orang macam baca blog orang jugak ni..dapat tengok anak,rumah,fesyen orang semua;):)

Ada orang tanya..suka and pandai memasak sejak bila?Entah i pun tak ingat..masa kecik2 dulu tak lah masak gambar 12 tahun dulu kat West Ham,London..masa ni jalan London-Paris with my friend Yatie..London we tumpang duduk kejap kat rumah her aunt..masa ni i dah suka masak:)Tengok tu kat dapur orang i bergumbira main pisau..we went to the market and i bought a red talapia,okra,bitter gourd,soft tofu,cuttlefish,belacan and mangga muda..dasat betul pasar kat west ham ni..kalah TTDI..heee..heee...balik i masak asam pedas talapia with okra,goreng bitter gourd,sambal sotong,steam soft beancurd with soy sauce and sambal belacan with mangga muda.

Auntie Yatie tengok food banyak dia pun panggil neighbor dia an African man and his late husband to lauk pulak masa tu pedas yarabbi..but sedap lah i guess until these two europeans makan hingga tak ingat.But kesian perut this mat salleh..tak tahan..pukul 3 pagi dia tak berenti pergi jamban..hee..hee..both me and yatie masa tu tidur on waterbed kat living room...we terkekeh kekeh ketawa..hee..heee..kenangan manis:) we tinggalkan our bags kat sini dan esok paginya we naik eurostain kat waterloo station 3 a.m excited gila nak pi Paris for first time masa tu;) duit tak berapa nak ada tapi happy;);) after 4 days in Paris..we balik London pi duduk Radisson SAS sebab big boss tak boleh duduk kena panggil balik Malaysia..apa lagi bilik best halaluya kita orang kat London:)

Huishhh terus teringat London..tapi dulu2 travel selalu sejuk gilerrr:)..grrrr..grrrrr

Tapi yang paling best one day kalau ada duit pergi Disneyland Paris..masuk "Small World" terus jadi budak kecik..sangat seronok;);)

To AnnHuzi yang tanya i buat apa dengan bricks..actually i letak keliling the rabbit netting..supaya dia tak boleh sorong kepala dia untuk keluar..:) memang i buat kan area macam ni sebab kalau dalam cage kesian pulak dia dah tu very leceh nak bersihkan cage..macam ni kalau setakat nak balik kampung 1 or 2 days bawak maid pun  no problem..tinggalkan ajer extra food..settle.Also senang nak bersihkan tempat sebab kat atas tanah kan.Hanis tanya akar pokok ke kat belakang bunglo tu;):) hee..hee yeap akar pokok..suka pulak the rabbits nyorok kat belakang tu)

To Salmi yang tanya mana beli this emergency candle..i bought from a Hardware/DIY kat ground floor ikano,tak ingat pulak nama kedai tu.Tapi kat rack belakang bahagian camping,outdoor.It is priced at RM38 for two plus matches..nama jer candle tapi dalam bekas tu ada liquid and sumbu...after pakai simpan balik:)

budak ni happily lepak kat tilam atas lantai masa papa buat dah tengah malam kan..tiba2 i ingat tadi suruh Heni rebus ketupat segera,esok i nak buat lontong..but i rasa dia tak buat..sebab dengar kat bawah senyap i turun bawah kejap tadi tengok ya lah semua orang dah masuk bilik now i dah rebus the nasi impit kena tunggu masak lah pulak..nasib baik kampit kecik2 tu so not so bad:)

Chatty Corner:)

Hi susumanis,tq so much and take care:), umiyumi, he.hee..ribbon&cottontail cakap mai lah ada carrot cake panas2, Syarida- kalau buatkan tempat proper boleh tinggalkan setakat 2,3 hari tak apa;), Mummy Akmal- seronoknya kalau dapat tinggal kat tanah inggeris ya mummy,tapi sama lah here,pernah terfikir mengenangkan my mum yg dah tua ni pun tak sampai  hati biarlah ada opportunity pun.Tapi tak apa kita create environment macam kat sana kat home sweet home kita pun dah cukup..insyallah kalau kita passionate mesti tak rasa penat;)) Marya Yusof- thank you,indeed you are a special guest ,i don't have many people from Peru visiting me and first time tengok the black corn..thank to you:), ibuamsyr- of course ibuamsyr, yg baik untuk di kongsi,halal an toyibban:),moga cepat2 siap meja tu:), Zeta- happy to hear dah buat sambal sotong bersantan..sedapkan..udang atau ikan bills pun sedap jugak zeta, legging Tiamia tu seluar ZARA masa sale..lama dulu,dah buruk buatlah seluar tidur:), Nyza- tia mia selain spaghetti they love fettucine..yeap that's the right corelle..sedapkan humous,rasa makan ice cream, suffiakmal- akak doakan moga semua yang terbaik buat akmal,enjoy your time there,walaupun struggle but that is one of the best time in life,trust me..nanti dah berjaya semua yang pahit pun jadi kenangan manis,take care,study smart ya;), Carmello- salam perkenalan and thank you; Hanis - yeap hanis akar lah tu,  Sarah- hiiii mommy idraki- hee..hee you found my blog..alamak terus malu..blush:):)thank you so much,you have a wonderful smart little guy there,i like him since day one;);Ann Huzi - hope you had a wonderful weekend Ann and happiness is yours truly forever;):) Farah - It's okay farah..let him fall in love with the animal first:) Liney, salam perkenalan..yeap they are more happy dapat lompat2;), Salam Salmi,yeap gulai durian muda tu org N9 zaman2 dulu ajar yang tahu kan:), Hotmama- thank you,thank you:), nyza again..hee..hee-tolo busuk pun sodap kan:)

Okay lah nasi impit dah masak..dah siap atur atas rack..esok boleh buat kuah lodeh..nite,nite sweet dreams:)


  1. Kak zue,
    bile tgk mag Hello! tu baru tau yg Dr. SMS dh ade baby.hehehe..akak,tapau lontong sket klu ade lebih,hehee just joking..

  2. Aslmkum mamatiamia.sedapnya masak lemak ketam tu.kebetulan kat rumahpun masak lemak juga hari ni tp lemak udang.bagus tia suka mkn salad.hero2 akak semua tak suka sayur...pujuk2pun tak nak.geram nengok cili merah tu...rasa nak petik jugak...hi..

  3. Salam mamatiamia,
    You like sophie kinsella??
    So, do I dear... ngeh ngeh ngeh...kite serupa ;)
    Better you abiskan remember me... hehehe... suka sgt ur house :):)

  4. salam mamatiamia, i tgk gambar u kat london 12 years ago cam sama dgn gamba proof mkn ulam byk byk mmg awet muda sbb yr hidangan selalu ada ulam especially cik nyer mr hub buatkan air the even x kaw, really t tots tat counts romantic small small g2, cili padi tu cantik dan best sgt namapak, tiamia x nak pulak petik cili padi ya, takut pedas ya.. n i pun baca
    sophie kinsella jugee... n peh i nk cari those travelling books jugak la..i polo mamatiamia..hehe

  5. selamat makan lontong pagi ni.. selalu mcm tu bila teringat nak makan mmg selalu tak boleh nak tangguh2 kan.. smlm utk lunch teringat gambar ur sambal udang petai and sambal sotong petai.. terasa nak makan both sambal petai, so i campur kan udang and sotong sekali.. he..he.. bertambah2 makan..

  6. Salam kak,
    tengok ketam tue, teringin nak makan. sedapnya. bgus nya tiamia suka mkn salad. nk train anak2 mkn apa yg kita mkn jgk la,sng ckit kn.

  7. Salam Azu, sedap2 betul tgk Azu masak.. Nak tanya cheese yg makan dgn French Bread tu jenis apa..brand apa..?

  8. salam kak zu..dari dulu hgga sekarang nh saya baca blog akak...xboring...akak nh rajin la..dh nk tido pun smpat lagi rebus nasi impit..i like u..:)..

  9. Dear Zu,

    Gambar lama tu tak jauh beza pon dgn gambar sekarang...still sama slim nye. Zu, semalam i pon pon one whole day kat rumah. Homework anak nak di pantau, buku2 tuition nak dibalut. Anak i ni boy, so agak kurang berdikari bab wrapping buku ni nak kena ditolong jugak though dah sekolah darjah 3...then sepanjang hari mmg lah mengemas, mengelap,ironing...(kena buat semua lag A-Z since mmg i ni takde maid)...Lucky, husband prepared breakfast and lunch so dptlah i berkepak siapkan kerja2 lain..mcm u, i pon sgt suka dgn kerja2 rumah ni, mcm theraphy jugak to me. Boleh leka jadinye though badan penat..

  10. masak lemak ketam, yang menggoda tekak...hahah

    kak zue, romantika mmg la tak sehebat SSF or KK homedeco..tapi nita suke pegi sane, sbb brg2nye tak de la mahal macam both kedai...barang murah kalo pandai nak letak2 & kemas, sume jadi cantik..tak kisah pun kalo org ckp barang tu murah..:)) yg penting umah kite sedap mate kite pandang..more than just enaf...

    the banglo, sgt sweet la...

  11. 10years ago mama still look like a teenager and very like ikin. lama tak jenguk ikin. muga she sihat dan happy macam maksunya.
    cantiknya pokok cili. senangnya boleh petik tak payah beli.
    pisang emas sedap! tak tanam pokok pisang ke mama ;)

  12. Zu,

    Sekarang ni I prefer do marketing di Pasar segar depan rumah kita - tepi Vichudda restaurant.
    Seafood and ayam dia memang fresh sangat and i found ada 2-3items barang kering dia cheapers than Giant or Cold Storage.Murahnya dalam 50-80cents.Vege pun banyak pilihan.
    Tapi kalau you nak beli ulaman kampung I advise pergi satu gerai dekat sekolah Sek 6 closed to Surau.Memang banyak sayur2 kg dia jual kat situ.
    I sudah sebulan tak pergi Pasar Taman Tun sebab susah nak dapat parking and mahal tapi tak dapat dinafikan ikan2 di Pasar Taman Tun memang fresh2.

  13. hmmm.... sedap nyer gulai ketam... weekend ni harus cari ketam ni... hehe... thanks 4 the tips sbb kuah lemak ketam yg sy buat selalu berketul2 mcm letak telur... huhuhu

  14. Adusss...drooling tgk ketam masak fav tu. I buat campur dgn nenas selalunya.
    Pasar section 6 pun mahal juga...I pun spent almost Rm200 for one week supplies (inc fruits). Tapi takde all things blended gitu, except cili kering. Nasib baik ada grocery store near my place yg jual blended cili padi /serai/ lengkuas/halia/bawang semua tu..kalau tak terbantut juga acara masak express i :)

  15. owhh.. masak lomak kotam is my favvy!! patut arr tgk blog nih ada masak lomak.. org negori rupanye.. ok... kito satu negori.. hehe

  16. Kita suka ketam juga....

    Azu, muka u tak berubah pun... Sama je dari dulu sampai sekarang... Tambah muda sejak pakai SK2 kan? hehee..

    Pasar Tmn Tun mmg mahal pun... Tp byk pilihan...

  17. Hi Kak,

    I'm your silent reader yg stay kat KD. Akak, I nak suggest the best and smallest ever pasar tani kat Kota Damansara. W/pon kecik tp banyak barang n akak kena g awal around 7.30 dah ramai..Pasar tani tu kat uptown di kota..indoor somemore..saja nak share info hehehehe..

  18. Hai Kak Zu.. Waahh...semua yang Kak Zu masak semuanya berselera di mata saya... Lagi berselera dapat makan kat halaman rumah kan.. Yelah..muka Kak Zu takda berubah pun.. Maintain nampak muda.. Memang Kak Zu dari zaman muda suka travel yer... May Allah bless you and family..=)Happy reading your blog...

  19. salam kak zue..
    hari-hari baca blog kak zue tapi xsempat nak tinggal komen.. tapi waktu lunch ni tgk masak lemak ketam terus terliur..gulp!! haha..
    btw saya pon suka baca Kinsella. tgh kumpul collection Kinsella tu sikit2. Novelist lain pon kumpul gak. on day nanti bila ada ruma sendiri teringin nak buat ruangan rehat untuk bacaan.

  20. cantiknya pokok cili....cili pon dh kemerahan....sungguh menggiurkan...hahahaha....tingat kartun monyet dan sang kancil pulak....

    cantiknya banglo tia mia....comel jer...achik suka sgt tgk....tingat mak lang tia mia kat alam damai punya gak....

  21. hi zue.. i sukaaaa pulasan and manggis too.. selain derian dll he3x...hmmm mana pulak i nak carik pulasan ni.. tapi skrg ni mcm tengah musim kan.. kena pegi pasar malam la gamaknya..

    hv a gud day ahead babe :-)

  22. i suka tgk ur garden. baru berangan nk buat garden kecik-kecik. the flowers tu masya'allah cantik2 nye.

  23. Hi r u??ithanks for your reply..:).ingatkam biskl,Yupe,kalau anak sorang mampula ..mahal sgt frees die,tgh cari2 kindy... Eh btw,dulu kite nak tanya tapi tak tertanya,ur land for future house kat Kayangan heights ke?if its yes,we r gonna be neighbours.:),we live at teratai villas behind the mosque .:):) ...Take care Kak..keep on writing in this beautiful blog!love it!

