Thursday, February 9, 2012

Friday Eyes

Salam again to All:):)

Thank You for all the support:) Love among muslims is really strong the bonding is,without seeing the person face to face we can feel and love that person from far.Thank You so much..very touch with all the comments:) And  if I inspire any of you..Alhamdulillah..nothing much that i could say as i am also learning and i had taken my time too.But as words of encouragement and also my doa ;InsyAllah to those wishes to do good thing (like "berhijrah" etc), take a few hours sit down,feel it in your heart,hold to the good sign, don't let it slip away..feel it deeply, do whatever you want to do because of Allah SWT and nothing Allah SWT is our Creator,anything that we see,or feel around us is could we thank HIM for the air that we inhale,eyes that can see,feet that can walk,mouth that can eat...MasyAllah, we can loose all that in a blink of an eyes if Allah SWT wishes too.If you feel that HE is so near to you, InsyAllah you will do the right thing.
 Yesterday and today i have few people hugging me with tears in their can't even talk ,she was so touched she just kissed my both cheeks and hugged me readers who called themselves Kakak/Hajjah, and those called me Kak Zu,Sis,Sister in Islam or just Zu/Azu..I wish I have the time to write the name of each of you here... All of you have a special place in my heart:);) that is really special because i have made an extra space for all of you as the space in my heart previously is fulled with Tia,Mia,Hb,Uwan and families only*wink*wink*.

Cerita sikit lah..yesterday was  a bit chaos but we can only plan be Allah SWT tentukan.As i wrote in the previous entry Tia Mia sepatutnya duduk kindy sampai petang so that Heni can focus on Uwan until my sister arrive.But yesterday after i reached office Teacher Claire called me,something came up and they can't pick the tak sekolah duduk rumah.."active" tahap maxima lah the two kat sister pulak not really well yesterday and can't make it to my house either.As I was fasting yesterday  thought of not going back during lunch..since tak ada banyak support kat rumah i rushed back  at 12.55..Alhamdulillah my sister couldn't make it but my nephew came and sat with Uwan plus layan Tia and Mia;):) Thank You Boy. I gave Uwan bubur,ubat,fruit,walked her to the sofa..Uwan kalau dengan Heni susah sikit nak makan as my nephew said " wahhh dengan maksu senang pulak dia nak makan"..actually her throat is still very sore due to the tube inserted from nose to intestine for 10 days..but the reason why she makan bila i suap is; Uwan "kesian" with me..dalam sakit2 pun dia realize i have to run here and there,arrange many,many she tak nak "susahkan" me more..she will eat walaupun berkerut-kerut..i pulak type risau banyak especially kalau dia tak she makan makan half bowl of porridge with soup,few spoons of ikan haruan stock.Today Alhamdulillah i puasa lagi bagi Uwan as in the hospital Uwan said she nak puasa kalau dapat balik rumah,i told her she tak payah puasa tak kan i will puasa for her..InsyAllah hari ni nanti tamat 2 hari berpuasa...diberi Allah SWT kekuatan pada diri ini tak pulak penat or lapar i terkejar dari office sampai rumah dalam masa satu jam bagi makan bubur,ubat,picit2,pimpin ke sofa..lari balik ke office balik.Alhamdulillah moga terus diberkati dengan kesihatan.

Dengan terkejar ke sana ke mari..i ll give some treats to the my eyes and heart:) Saja2 hiburkan mata..since wardrobe ada new items suka lah tengok picture2 di bawah.

All pictures are courtesy of private blogs/websites through GOOGLES search engine, except a few of my own collection with * marks.

Cantikkan the scarve cuma bentuk lain sikit:):)

This black one is nice too:):)

These floral scarves are gorgeous.

And i love these matching items.

Ini pun cantik kann....

Jadi lah "shopping mata":):)

(*) Ehhh ada satu model tertinggal..hehhh..hehhh..this is my niece Nur masa buat Umrah..Nur cormin mato bosar Uwan nak pinjam:);)

(*) Another two nieces Yatie and Idah :):)

(*)Kihh kihhh dua model tak boleh belah..dalam pokok sister@maklang and Ikin.Senyum manis dari keduanya.Thank You to both:);)

(*) Budak yang menunggu Uwan semalam..Mohd Aizuddin Aizry..dijaga Uwan masa baru lahir sebulan lamanya bila maklang pergi Jepun mengikut suaminya masa tu..Alhamdulillah telah menjadi anak muda yang berbudi bahasa.

Hmmm..saya terus teringat nak makan Nasi Mandy for buka puasa tapi saya dah masak seperiuk asam pedas ikan dengan terung pagi tadi..macam mana ni???..drool...drool..sedapnya lada hijau tu gigit dengan ayam....

(*) Lastly my model,my mentor..Alhamdulillah pertamanya..keduanya terus berdoa Ya Allah permudahkan lah proses pulih semula Uwan.Amin. Semalam dah dapat berjalan pakai walker hingga ke verandah....Alhamdulillah.Salam Jumaat buat semua.


  1. mix match yg sangat cantik.. skirt labuh tu sgt gorjes.. bestnya klu dapat sehelai.. Alhamdulillah, beruntung uwan ada anak cucu yang sangat membahagiakan.. semuanya sgt sedap mata memandang..

  2. moga uwan terus sihat sejahtera ..moga terus kuat semangat .

  3. Zu; semakin byk kita diuji, semakin kuat hati dan iman dpt diperkukuhkan...utk menambah tenaga Uwandengan izinNya
    mungkin bole cuba juga bagi Uwan minum madu lebah asli; sesudu besar..pagi dan petang;

  4. Doa moga uwan cepat sembuh di Pagi jumaat yang mulia ini Dan senang lah juga hati anak cucu yang menjaganya Amin

  5. salam kak zue..

    salam buat uwan..hopefully with speedy recovery...

    bertambah gojes la kalo kak zue pakai new attire yang cantik2 tu...hahaha

    nasik mandy!!! rase nak pecut keta gi beli skg jugak...

  6. allhamdulillah senang hati dengo uwan dh leh berjalan pakai walker. kuat semangat uwan with her age.

    kak zu : x sabar nk tgk kak zu dlm attire yg cantik2 tu especially yg skirt tu.

  7. Semoga uwan terus sihat.

    Zu dikelilingi orang2 yang sangat penyanyang dan caring patutlah zu juga penyanyang orangnya dan sanggup berkorban untuk menjaga uwan dengan sebaik mungkin..

  8. salam..azu..ur entri mengingatkan penghijrahan aku 10 tahun lepas..bos, staf2 dan ramai lagi ucapkan tahniah..masa tu rasa ramainya org sayang kat aku..ya lah kita ni kan brutal jugak time belajar dulu...moga2 penghijrahan kita akan berkekalan...Amin...

  9. model paling cantik tetap utk UWAN... hehehheee semoga uwan beransur pulih hendak-NYA

  10. Assalam dear ....
    Alhamdulillah..sekali lagi diberi peluang membaca tulisan u ...
    Teruskan hidup selagi kita bernafas..walau apa jua badai dan rintangan...Tuhan tahu you kuat dear...that's why DIA memberikan ujian buatmu ...

    Salam sayang ...
    - Silent Reader -

  11. alhamdulillah..moga2 uwan terus sihat..n tahniah utk akk..moga2 penghijrahan dan dugaan y akk lalui membawa seribu hikmah y manis..

  12. MamaTiaMia....

    Sampaikan salam sy pada uwan....

    Uwan, cepat sembuh ya.....sayang uwan......

  13. Salam MamaTiaMia,

    Semoga Uwan kembali sembuh seperti sedia kala.Ameen.

    By the way,citarasa MTM dengan saya hampir serupa when it comes to muslimah fashion.Perempuan dengan fashion,memang tak dapat dipisahkan tak gitu?

  14. Salam Jumaat buat Zu..

    Alhamdulillah...Uwan semakin sihat walaupun perlu jagaan dan perhatian dari Zu. Zu bertuah dikelilingi oleh orang-orang yang menyayangi Uwan dan Zu sekeluarga.

    Jangan lupa jaga kesihatan Zu juga ya..

  15. as'salamualaikum zu, salam jumaah buat zu sekeluarga. alhamdulillah uwan nampak sehat dan zu makin jelita dan tawadu, masya Allah. semuga Allah SWT mempermudahkan kehidupan dan perjalanan kita dunia dan akhira, ameen. salam ukhwa dari kakak di sg :)

  16. me memohon kepada Allah agar memberikan kekuatan dalam diri uwan dan kesembuhan seperti sediakala..ameen..

  17. salam sista..cantik la semua tu..semua bakal di borong ya..hehe

    alhamdulillah uwan makin sihat..satu tips dari ustaz allahuakbar tak ingat la nama ustaz ...x pe yang kan..sedekahkan al fatihah pada roh uwan supaya uwan cepat sembuh..x kira waktu, asal ingat sajza baca dan sedekah kan dgn niat dan doa untuk uwan cepat sembih..insyaAllah...

  18. I love the floral scarves. Tried to find it on the store in Malaysia but could't manage to get it. Hope i'll get it some days. :) Btw, alhamdulilah for your hijrah.

  19. my fvret the black one esp wih the paisley design.
    yes! uwan ur best model. and u r tia mia's best model.
    just yesterday i attended a beautiful talk titled the greatest love of all. Of course that love for a human is none other for our beloved prophet. the speaker mentioned that all of us must have a role model, either we choose the right one or the wrong one. of course our best role model is the prophet. and surely next will be our mentor, parents who took care of us with unconditional love. and azu, u has that golden opportunity to now shower that unconditional love to ur mum.
    Alhamdulillah with that unconditional love from u and ur siblings and nieces and nephews and not to forget husband, all efforts to help uwan back to strength will be felt lighter. like u said, despite ur fasting and rushing home to ofis just to feed uwan, u did not feel tired. that is HIS blessings showered upon those who love HIM and their parents.
    u know azu, i like to talk to u here, even though we have never met, i can feel u love us too, like u said, now we r all in ur heart too :)
    what u wrote is exactly what i listened to yesterday. i wana share some with u here.
    the speaker said..when u get enlightenment, dont wait, grab it! take the light! renew faith. establish that connection!
    faith refreshed!
    yes we need to take time to sit and contemplate, dont be taken up with the busy-ness of dunia. we should search our hearts and find that good feeling. As u said, "..hold to the good sign, don't let it slip away..feel it deeply." when our choices and actions are only because of Allah, we will feel that sense of peace, accepting HIS WILL. Seeing all HIS GIFTS to us we can never say enough thanks. What is our life without these gifts that we took for granted such as the abundance of air that we so crucially dependent many times we have felt syukur for that air we breathe. yes our conciousness of HIM, that is taqwa, will make us always wanting to make the right choices.
    Sorry, i take up so much space.
    I just wana share the beautiful message I received yesterday.
    I felt so touched by yesterday's lecture and today i am reading similar reflections from u.
    Alhamdulillah :)

  20. Sarah (Idraki's Mum)February 10, 2012 at 5:00 PM

    Salam, sorry to hear about Uwan Mama TiaMia. Sarah doakan Uwan sembuh cepat. With all of our blessings and doa insyaAllah I hope she'll be stronger. I hope you'll be stronger too.

    Congrats dlm penghijrahan yg terkini. You look beautiful, MasyaAllah :)

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