Sunday, February 12, 2012


Salam semua:) Thanks for the tips,doas, encouragements etc. Saya menghargai dan mencubalah semuanya,sedang mencari madu asli untuk bagi Uwan, dan setiap detik yang ingat membaca Al Fatihah buat Uwan juga..terima kasih jugak buat Ann yang berkongsi ilmu dan so happy to hear that my writing membawa makna buat Ann:):) Ambil lah ruang sebanyak manapun untuk menulis at my comment area..i appreciate it very much:) Salam Ukhwah dari sisters semua saya terima dan jawab ya.

Alhamdulillah this Sunday jalani activity macam biasa, we try to have everything as usual walaupun few extra hours need to be spent on Uwan .Now semua pun pandai membantu kalau Uwan nak minum Tia Mia sua kan air,kalau uwan nak bergerak my husband pun tahu nak buat apa.

Tak bergerak mana pun hari ni..kat luar sangat panas...Alhamdulillah, semua kain kering dengan cepat.Last night Kak Ikin came and spent night at our house to teman Uwan,cuba lah nak bual panjang dengan kak ikin last night,sambil bukak kedai selendang Yuna..tapi terangguk angguk ngantuk..heee..hee..thanks Ikin.This morning pulak Ayan datang and we celebrated her birthday,Alhamdulillah dapat lah Uwan duduk sekejap:)

As usual routine setiap hari mesti lah ikan haruan..macam2 buat,sup,singgang,gulai dengan daun pegaga buat Uwan...etc.Me and Ikan Haruan telah berkawan rapat:):)

Yesterday after taking ubat from hospital we went out for a while to look for kak yan's gift and we let Tia and Mia played sand art at the Art Centre,Sunway Giza.

Happy lah dua orang ni:):)

This morning buat breakfast for everybody plus panaskan satay semalam pakcik bawak banyak betul.

Jarang lah sentiasa ada anak2 saudara breakfast pagi2 bersama..dapat lah gossip bercerita sambil2 tu;)

Budak dua orang ni happy jumpa "Giant Chalk" semalam kat ArtCentre..macam masa kat Farmhouse dulu;)

Then we celebrated kak yan's birthday..setakat apa yang ada.

Sian Uwan..gagahkan lah jugak duduk Uwan dah boleh duduk2 sikit tapi tak lama dia masih tak berapa ada energy.

One,two,three..blow Kak Yan......

Alhamdulillah..Uwan pun dapat bersama...tengok cucu kecik,besar ni semua...

Banana Choc from us..mesti tak boleh menandingi Kak Yan yang pandai buat cake;)

Ni Kak Yan yang bawak..sinfully delicious penuh m&m and kit kat around:)

Ayan and her little cousins.;):)The two love kak yan..sebab rajin layan kan:)

Big cousins with small cousins..they are more like nieces isn't it?:)

Then buat art work with kak yan..

Dah lama mama tak der masa nak buat activity with the two..thanks kak yan..bunga mama pun ban yak yang tak berganti lagi.

Clay painting activity..baguslah beli kat art centre tu one set cuba RM9.00 only.

It was a good Sunday..Alhamdulilah;) Hope everybody pun happy today.


  1. Salam. Love your writing. Love your spirit. :)

  2. Salam Zu, Alhamdulillah tengok Uwan makin kuat. Bila tengok cucu2 mcm tu mesti dia lebih bersemangat kan.. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. yang morning breakfast mcm crispy noodles tu so tempting lah! buat sendiri ke? (:

  5. as'salamualaikum - salam ukhwa dari kakak diselatan; muga uwan sehat dan kembali seperti sedia kala, ameen.. hugsss buat sweetheart tia dan mia :) take care dear sis. you're beautiful physically and spiritually, masya Allah!

  6. Semuga Uwan semakin bertambah sihat dikelilingi kasih sayang anak cucu.

  7. Mamatiamia,
    I like the phrase 'sudah berkawan rapat dgn mr haruan'....hehehe.
    The gulai looks so tempting....take care sis !

  8. salam kak zu,

    hem...uwan nampak semakin sihat!moga Uwan bertambah sihat dari hari ke hari yer..

    p/s: last Friday sy passby area KD. refuel kat petronas tu, nmpak TMC, teringat kat akak n family..hehe


  9. Thank you for giving a space to chat here, feel like i am chatting with a very good fren :)
    meriah kan suasana rumah bila ramai berkumpul dan niatnya semata2 kerana ikatan kasih sayang dan mahu mendampingi uwan di masa beliau perlukan kekuatan kasih dari anak cucu untuk meningkatkan dan mengembalikan semangat.
    U r blessed azu, u have that strong support. i have met those who are going thru difficult period caring for aged parents, but the rest of the siblings did not lend a hand, not even financial support, emotional, sedeh kan dan of cos makes us so syukur, our difficulty is so much lighter than many others.
    and all these beautiful gestures from our family, readily wants to share and help come from none other than the loving, sincere heart. if kita ada jiran yg bukan ahli keluarga pun, hati kita yg full of love tentu sekali ingin bantu semana mampu.
    that love is the one which binds our relationship with creations. ur heart is so full of love that it overflows and nourishes those around u, ur children, mum, husband, nieces, family, plants and pets too! apa khabar Ribbon and Cottontail?

    seeing tia mia happy faces says it all. and when u give love u receive love back with doas pouring in for uwan, u and family.
    beautiful right, when love revolves around us.

    walaupun physically uwan maseh lemah tapi tentu ruhani nya berbunga2 segar dengan kehadiran anak cucu dan melihat dan mendengar kemesraan keluarga tentu hati nya rasa tenang.
    and that's what we see in her picture, ketenangan.
    azu, all ur loving sincere efforts for ur mum, is surely pleasing in HIS EYES and may HE showers even more blessings upon u and ur family and u'll be given a good happy place with ur mum and family in the hereafter.
    we are with those whom we love dearly.

    ye lah we remember kak yan's cakes are marvelously pretty and surely delicious too.

    Allah hears ur crying heart and now u have been rewarded with a smiling heart.

  10. Assalam dear ...

    apparently all as smoothly. Glad to see you happy like this, surrounded by relatives who are very good, cute kids and a more healthy Uwan.

    May the joy forever ...

    - Silent Reader -

  11. salam dear kak zue,

    alhamdulillah..uwan looks progessing well..

    kak yan tu pandai buat kek ye...mesti sedap..

    ikan haruan tu sedap la kak zue...lagi2 masak lemak dgn pegaga tu buat msm2 sket..hehhe

  12. Mrs,

    Your blog title "We tell Sweet Stories". Yes, indeed you are telling the sweet stories.Oh i wish that i'm capable to write my own sweet stories also. I kind of person that hard to "zahir" the mawaddah's feeling to my kids. FYI,I am also have twin girl, age 1 yr and 7 mth (my 3rd and 4th.

    Thank you. i'm feeling happy while reading your stories.


    Mrs Yani.

  13. Alhamdulillah..kehidupan sudah kembali seperti sedia kala..moga uwan terus sihat dan gembira di sekeliling anak2 dan cucu2

  14. looking forward to read ur entry every single day! love the way u write... keep on writing :)

  15. Salam kak zue,
    really happy uwan dh bertambah sihat,hope uwan bertambah sihat lagi..

    Sodap la haruan masak lomak dgn pegaga..kecurrr.hehehe

    Wish kak yan happy belated bday ye..

  16. Salam Zue,

    Oh, i've missed a lot of stories here on your blog. You look lovely wearing a hijab and the girls, Tia Mia is growing up wonderfully. Btw, i just delivered my twin girls last November. Looking at how you with your girls buat i rasa tak sabar for them untuk membesar and play together. Mesti sweet....:-) love your inspiration!

    Take care
