Monday, February 13, 2012

"No style Style" *wink*wink*

Assalamualaikum semua:) Thank You pada yang singgah.

This morning i was praying hard as at 11.30 am today my brother and sister will send Uwan to first check up after surgery.If we look at the cut outside Uwan's tummy, it is healing very well and we pray that  the inside wound is healing good too. Uwan is still weak..makan so slow and kurang, everything is back to A again, got to encourage her to eat,drink without coughing etc..kena buat dengan sabar and penuh ke insafan..the hardship is not the only thing in going through this but lesson and keinsafan come side by eye opener to appreciate every single thing that Allah SWT has given to you.The plus point in Uwan..she has semangat nak sembuh dan sabar dalam menempuh sakit..not a single word of mengeluh from her mouth she said " mesti sentiasa sabar dalam menempuh kesakitan". So my doa for my emak today..May Allah SWT bless emak with all kebaikan dan dipermudahkan semuanya.Before going to office today i have laid down uwan's clothing to hospital on the  bed just like preparing Tia Mia to school..I put her jubah,inner,tudung and  cardigan..told Heni to pack her porridge and air zam zam in the bag too..moga di permudahkan semua.

Few friend has asked me since i am wearing tudung now style macam mana? :););) Well the answer is i have no style as my time is very limited in the morning and the first meaningful day of wearing it; i took whatever i have in my wardrobe as at that time my eyes was fulled with tears, nothing matters to me except doas and "berhijrah" because of HIM alone,nothing fact the first tudung i wore at hospital was Uwan's one which i bought for her longtime ago. Then  i bought a few from a Shop  called "Najjah" owned by Farah Adeeba a presenter at TV9, why i like it? The shop is so near to my house:):) suka sebab itu ajer yang sempat..hee..hee but  i like their  shawl actually..very easy to wear, no need to telek2 in the morning,wear the inner,lilit ke tepi kepala and letak few needles ..done.I have tight scedule in the morning..if i don't follow the time table it will slack here and there.The day starts with feeding Uwan with ubat,which is a big challenge too,prepare breakfast,school pack for Tia Mia,lauk for Uwan,lauk for Tia Mia and i need to spend about 20 mins with Uwan to feed her as feeding need encouragement and strategy, i have to massage either her hand , feet or neck, tell her story about kampung..and one spoon will go inside her mouth and i have to repeat the process of massaging and telling story until a bowl of porridge is finish. Tak apalah that's the same process she had to go through when i was small as i know i was a picky eater too, feeding me including of putting me on the swing,under the tree etc;);)

Found 3 packs of these on my office table sweet..Thank You Aiza:);)

"No style Style":):) my niece Nur said i look like budak college..:):) tak apalah jadi budak college balik pun..I am learning everyday anyway;)

I like Najjah's shawl and brooch or anything for me..needles are good enough..pagi2 ni elok lah sikit terletak tudung ni..dah petang dah dua kali bukak kat office..main lilit ajer lah sebelum balik:):)

Yesterday;s shawl..before going back,after 2 kali bukak cermin in my lilit tepi balik..cukup lekat sudah;):)

The shawl..the t shirt material.

And to my busyuk masyam..mama loves you too very much..bed is the only place we can have golek2, hugs,kiss kiss now..InsyAllah sayang..Uwan will sembuh soon with our love and doa and mama will spend more time with you just like before ya.

Love my nomok2 very very much.Salam sayang buat semua;)


  1. As salam sis.. you nampak sweet and lebih muda dgn bertudung.. alhamdulillah... :)
    Your story about uwan really inspire me to take care of my mom.. after my dad passed away last year I have to take all the responsibilities to jaga my mom and my brother, dengan kita kerja lagi, nak jadi supir hantar adik ke sekolah, sometimes my mom ada med checkup lagi...and alhamdulillah diberikan kekuatan dengn membaca apa yang u share disini... Thanks so much...

  2. cotton knit tu mmg senang pakai kak zue...lilit-lilitkan je dah terletak kat kepala..

    najjah dekat ngan giant kan kak zue?..selalu lalu situ tapi tak penah masuk pun...

    lagi satu kak zue try pegi alhumaira contemporary dekat atas kedai ayam penyet ojo lali...nearby subaidah jugak...sane pun byk tudung2 cantik...

  3. wooo..cun nyer kak zue!..sejuk mata cik abg memandang!...i like!..

  4. tak style2 pun dah sgt cantik sgt..

  5. Assalamualaikum...
    Suka tgk u..pg2 kelam kabut msh ada ms mnguntum senyum pd we smile to u too...sedekah kan
    InsyaAllah berkat doa semua org..u will have gud result tody..doa kami semua for ur mom...sampaikan salam i ...pada ur mom.. :)....
    Lawa shawl...*wink* :)

  6. wahh..dah lama xjumpa pin yg cenggitu la mama..dulu slalu je dok pinjam pin my mom masa kecik2 dulu..hihi..
    Semoga Uwan will get better..kita doa sama2 ye Mama..

  7. mak su like college girl! compliments! yes azu u r blessed with youthful look. jeles ;)
    semua adalah kurniaanNYA, jeles tapi tak dengki :)
    syukur u dapat kemudahan, kedai tudung pun dekat rumah, cantik2 pulak tu. i nak buy shawls like urs for my daughter. i m too old looking to use such.
    true. every hardship is to teach sabar and syukur. this is what my teacher taught us. only with these two, we will succeed. Alhamdulillah uwan is demonstrating sabar and syukur in this test and so are u.
    your strategy to lovingly and patiently feed uwan is a good demonstration. i m sure with every suap, it takes sabar and u feel syukur u can do ur best to feed her and syukur when she takes the feed even how difficult and painful it is. her kampung , a source of comfort and memories of good times. makes us so syukur for what they have done for us when we were children.
    so nice, u had a swing under a tree!

  8. awak nampak sweet la bila bertudung! pheewittt budak college hehehehe :-)

  9. pheewittttt cun lah bertudung....skrg style mmg main belit2 jer la azu...mcm org nk turun ke sawah pon ada...hahaha skrg byk tutorial hijab kat youtube oleh budak2 remaja...trend hana tajima la yuna la skrg tu agak style style mcm azu ni ok jer...mmg cantik...sesuai dgn muka ----> budak college... :D

  10. Salam Zu,

    I agreed with others you look younger and pretty with hijab.I love this style and suit you well compare masa I bumped with you at Village Grocer.

    Zu,dekat rumah I ada air gamat.Bagus untuk sembuhkan luka2 didalam after operations.If you want for Uwan let me know ya.I can send to your house and also together with air zam-zam.Just let me know ya.

    Take care Zu.

  11. Luv read ur blog. Encourage myself to redo blogging soon.
    Dr iezan. Muar.

  12. as'salamualaikum dear, am worry about uwan and my du'a may Allah SWT hasten uwan recovery, ameen. you are more beautiful now, masya Allah and hopefully your 'hijrah' will inspire other's out there, insya Allah. love you for the sake of Allah SWT,

    hugs... kisses specially for adorable tia and mia! :)

    your sister in spura

  13. sweet sgt bila akak bertudung :)love to read all ur post...

  14. sista..u r so sweet like a candy bar..hub mesti pandang x jemu jemu kan...hehehe..doa utk uwan semoga terus terus sihat walafiat, amin ya Rabb, tiamia, keep making yr mama's smiling k..:))

  15. Salam Zu..

    Akak nengok Zu bertambah manis bila berhijab...sejuk mata memandang.

    Take care dear!!

  16. salam...cantik la kak zu...sweet..:)

  17. Indeed.. U macam budak kolej... Nak jugak tinggal komen :p

  18. cantiknya kak zu..t bolehla sopink2 kat butik naura yerk..

  19. alhamdulilah....makin cntik dan ayu kak zu bila bertudung.....keep it up sis!

  20. Azu, pandai u pakai shawl.
    Very sweet on u...

    Insya-Allah cepat sembuh...


  21. nanti dah lama2 kak zu mesti pakar lilit2 la ;)
