Thursday, February 16, 2012

Short Story:)

Salam Sisters:)

I have a bad cough today..kuhhh kahhhh..kuhhh kahhh :(:( I hardly dapat demam but very prone to cough:( Anyway, despite my busy sechedule i still have "funny/light entertainment" flashed infront of my eyes or drummed into my ears hee..heee..

Before that i just want to inform that Uwan is getting better,she can sit garu2 badan on the sofa infront of TV,she can lie down on her own after that,no more complaint of piercing pain in the tummy..but she is very difficult nak makan ubat lah,bak kata orang N9 "coleh/cenekel" botul.Makan pun belum ada selera..just imagine pagi tadi nak habis bubur semangkuk i had to refresh her with Nabi Noh, Musa,Yusof and Yunus's stories..she likes to listen to time must get Tia and Mia around also so that they can to it listen too.My emak told me about the Nabi's stories when i was small..boleh ingat until now satu effective kalau cerita kat budak2..kalau lelap mata i boleh imagine masa Nabi Musa kena hanyut dalam bakul nak hindarkan dari Firaun:)

Okay lah the lighter side today or more to merepek-repek stories..hee...hee i do need to tell merepek-repek story once a while yo soothing:):) I met one girl and we had a small conversation,she was asking me about my "new look" etc etc..then some how the conversation changed to her personal issues..she said she likes somebody who is really handsome but tak pandai academically..she has a degree..the boy just a school leaver..but soooo hawtttt...*wink* wink* she said:) Hmmm susah nak cakap..depends on you lah macam mana you menilai and apa yang you nak..kadang2 orang ni tak ada high academic qualification due to poverty,tak ada peluang..but they have smart brain..this type if they still want to learn or to improve themself by all mean support them.Ada yang academic qualification tinggi pun kalau perangai tak semenggah pun tak kemana jugak..i met many of these type..they have look,money,status..but is that all that you want?

In a relatioship you need to "click", have "connection" with your partner baru boleh bertahan..because all the lovey dovey thingy ni after so many years of marriage will become normal..mula2 kawin yeap memang banyak "cover"2 apa pun tak apa..but after sometimes it will just be two normal person living together and spending their days and nights next to each do you survive? Must have this "click",this "connection" because you bukan nak menatap muka yang jelita or handsome tu lagi dengan air liur  meleleh-leleh sebab kalau dah kahwin lama air liur basi yang meleleh..but you need a "friend/partner" to talk to,do things together,build and achieve dream together. That is why you need  to have the same "wave length", if you have it, you ll find that talking about TV program over a cuppa of coffee will be very soothing,seating on a sofa looking at old album is a bliss and walking in a park with kids is heaven...So soalan dia nak kena handsome ke? Well handsome tu is just a bonus..siapa tak nak handsome kan *wink wink* but cari lah yang boleh membimbing dan menjadi penghulu di dunia dan akhirat..kalau kita yang nak bimbing dia..bukan tak boleh..tapi kena lah berusaha kuat dan saya tengok ramai pun wanita di luar sana dah berjaya membimbing saudara baru ni semua..malahan ada yang lebih baik dari yang lah lahir sebagai orang islam:) Tapi saya macam tak menjawab soalan the girl kan..hee..heee..soalan nya " dia handsome tapi tak pandai!" hee..heee..terpulang lah pada you daro..kalau tahan belek muka handsome tu tiap2 hari tapi bila you tanya " what do you think about our economy today?" and dia jawab " i suka  mata you..ayuu..telinga you comel...hidung you bundar......hmm apa dia? you nak pergi Econsave? boleh sweetheart!" Berbahagia lah:)

All picture are courtesy of googles :  Hmmmm macam ni kahhh handsome nya agaknya mamat tu? Ada kawan i gila betul dengan Mr Imran ni..hee..heee i pun masa dulu2 pun samo....

Kelakar baca post my friend kat FB dia pasal this guy..tergolek-golek minat...Imran..Imran she said..:):)

Well let them drool over the things that they want to drool..tapi i masuk M&S kejap hari tu I drool tengok banyak stock baru M&S yang cantik2..huuuu i like this crinkled tiered long skirt:):) Tak sempat nak tengok apa sangat..actually pi menyambar gift untuk "cucu angkat" Uwan,si fisioterapis tu..he is a really nice guy..buat Uwan macam nenek dia we just want to give him something to appreciate his sincerity:)

Semalam i membelek Longchamp new collection online...drool over ni pulak..drool ajer a bit "nada" this month and few months to come:)

This one is gorgeous too...hmmmmm drool lagi....

Budak2 kenits kena tinggal kindy sampai petang today,..kesian..miss you mulat2;);)


  1. untonglah "cucu angkat" uwan dapat keluaga angkat best... ehehheee

  2. salam sista..handsome tapi x pandai..mmm..susah gak tu kan..tapi ce cuba ikut apa Rasulullah saw bg panduan nk cari suami/isteri..rupa paras, harta, keturunan, takwa...tapi kalau pilih takwa selamat dunia akhirat so check la tang takwa tuh..kl de plus handsome..jalan saja...hahaha

  3. zu; happy to hear tat uwan is getting better..dapek tak bagi uwan madu lebah asli tu??well, for me kalau harapkan handsome di wajah itu sahaja yang kekal tapi handsome di hati hanya sementara dan utk masa memikat aje, xder maknanya juga....

  4. Alhamdulillah.
    Uwan semakin sihat. Tentu uwan bahagia mendengar cerita nabi2 yang dulu dia ceritakan pada u. nampak sangat kesannya. kemahiran uwan bercerita terkesan pada hati u dan u dapat ingat semua dan sekarang u mewarisi kemahiran itu dan menggunakannya pula untuk membahagiakan uwan.
    and yes tia and mia now join in picking up these beautiful stories and the skills of telling sweet stories.
    pembetuln sikit azu, bayi didalam bakul adalah Nabi Musa :)

    About the handsome guy..we need to remind ourselves that external appearances do not last. anything can happen and that appearance can in a flash be gone. surely age is one factor.
    So go for things that last. character, moral, kindness, wisdom are more lasting. those are what we need to see us through life's journey.
    let our heart with a sound mind be the judge not the eyes which only see superficially if we have no wisdom. dan mata ini juga akan cepat muak. dah selalu tengok dah tak ada keistimewaannya. dan mahu ke kita jika kita dinilai dengan hanya pada luaran dan sekiranya itu kayu ukurnya, tentu bila luaran itu sudah pudar atau taste kita dah muak atau tukar, akan hilang lah tarikannya.
    my advice, an important factor is that we can communicate. like u said click. many problems arise becos fail to communicate. it is happiness when we communicate well. just like happiness when we communicate even just thru this comment space :)
    haha panjang lebar i nak story my view. i know u know all these. saja2 nak tompang cakap, maklum la kita tak punya blog ;)
    take care!

  5. pernah terbaca yang komunikasi sgt penting dalam setiap hubungan.. bila semakin tua kita lebih perlukan teman utk berkomunikasi.. jadinya memilih seseorang yang kita seronok dan boleh berkomunikasi dengannya adalah lebih perlu.. tak kisahlah kalau pilihan itu handsome tp x pandai akedemik pun.. lgpun bukan kepandaian akedemik saja ukuran utk menilai seseorang itu bijak atau sebaliknya.. mungkin dia tak bijak dalam pelajaran.. tp bijak dlm kemahiran lain.. setiap org itukan di anugerahkan dgn berlainan kepandaian..

    kak zu, sejak kak zu letak gambar2 skirt labuh yg cantik2 tu saya jadi ikut berkenan pulak.. beberapa hari ni dok usha skirt labuh bertingkat aje..

  6. true, kak zu! nak cari partner mesti cari yang ada 'connection'. i believe that too.

    and as for myself, alhamdulillah... i think i've found a good man... for me ;)
